1. Give the results to the following operations(10 points)
0xABCD ^ 0x0F0F =______;
0xA15C | 0×9753 =_____;
0xB5 & 0×13 =_____;
2. Assume sizeof(int)=4,give the results to the following calculations(10 points) Int uwData[50];
Typedef struct
Char *pData[50];
} MemStru;
3. Assume the CPU is little endian, what’s the result of cOut?(10 points)
int i ;
char unData[100];
short cOut;
cOut =*(short *)((int *)unData +1);系统测试的目的
then ,cOut =___;
1) int * samples 2) const int *samples samples
3) int * const samples
4) const int *const samples
5)volatile const int *const samples
蔡霖5. count the number of “1” in a word(32 bits)(10 points)
Unsigned char countones(unsigned int data)
6. The following codes calculate the dot product of A and B and save the result to Res. Plea point out the possible problems of the codes(10 points)
int DotProduct(const short *A,int sizeA,const short *B int sizeB, const short *Res)
int I;/* loop counters*/
for(i=0;i<sizea;i++)< bdsfid="97" p=""></sizea;i++)<>
*Res = (*A++) * (*B++);
7. Implement the “strcpy” by yourlf. It copies the source string:strSrc to destination:strD
est.(10 points)
Char *strcpy(char *strDest, const char *strSrc)
8. A piece of DSP program want to do the following tasks(10 points):
1) U funcA() to process 1M bytes data A and genrate 2M bytes data B.
2) U funcB() to process 1M bytes data A and genrate 3M bytes data C.
3) Move the data B genrated in 1) external memory.
Assume that Task1 needs 50ns and Task2 needs 60ns. QDMA is ud in Task3 and the time needed for QDMA configuation and startup is 0.1ns. Data moving for 2M bytes needs 40ns.
In order to finish the above tasks, whats the minimum time needed for this DSP
9.Ugly numbers are numbers who only prime factors are 2,3or 5.The quence 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,12,15,…shows the first 11ugly numbers. By convention,1 is included.
Write a time efficient program to find and print the 1500’th ugly number.(20 points)
1. Answer to one of below questions:
a. Briefly describe the V-model and lterative development model. What’re the benefits and shortages of them?
b. What’s the purpo of software testing? Simply describe testing phas from software engineering point of view?
2. What is the output of following program_____
int main(void)
char food[] =”Yummy”;
char *ptr;
ptr = food +strlen(food);
return 0;
3. What is IP over ATM? In which situation it can be ud?
4. What kind of test ca should be test automated?Plea list at least 3 and give some reason.
5. Plea design test cas for online meeting room booking system. Plea write down the ca title and simplely decription.
6. Digital Library.
We hire you as a consultant to help us design a digital library in which books are scanned, stored digitally and made available to urs of the World Wide Web.The library will contain ten million books; we will assume that each book contains 400 white pages containing black text.The text on each page covers 6 “x6” (36square inches) and we will r
eprent the text area using 300 dots per inch(dpi) vertically and horizontally.We will reprent 1 “dot” with 1 bit and will not u any data compression techniques. We assume that 1000 urs access the library simultaneously and that they request a new page once per
minute.The bandwidth of the channel connecting the library to the outside world is