玉米的用途有哪些第一篇:college presures
College Pressures 3rd Draft
College Pressures
In China, nior high school students who are desperate for their tickets to the colleges are all burdened with great pressures becau everyone around them emphasizes again and again that their future will suck unless they can successfully fight against thousands of competitors and be admitted into the key universities.Also, they are told that once they get into universities successfully, they can get rid of all the worries and do whatever they like.H
owever, all the college students know the reality is to the contrary.According to a survey conducted by a famous consultant company, definitely, it cannot be denied that college life is wonderful and fantastic.But this does not mean university students have no pressures at all.On the contrary, pressures heavier than tho in high school have come along with them since the moment when they begin their college life.They may first become frustrated by the gap between their expectations on the college life and the real life there and condly may feel confud by the ways to build a strong network which is said to benefit them a lot in their future life.Last but not least, the pressures caud by failing to handling extracurricular activities and study have also resulted in many physical and psychological problems among college students.When they first came to university as a freshman, their expectations on the
College Pressures 3rd Draft
college life may conflict with the reality in the college.The teaching styles in the universities might be almost the same as tho in the nior high schools, which frustrate
林业技术s a lot students.Also, examination is always the sole way to asss a student and therefore their colleagues are all trying to get good grades just like in high schools.The pressures caud by the vere competition in the colleges still torture a large group of college students.What’s more, the lack of awareness and abilities to build a strong network lays great pressures on university students.Now in college, life is more complicated and they have to deal with more people, which means they have to pay more attention to communicate with others and even flatter them in order to achieve some certain thing.Last but not least, the balance between social activities and study forces students to work hard, otherwi they will get nothing from both of them.There is a common ca that some students have been promoted to be the head of some important departments in the student union.At the same time, their families urge them to study harder instead of getting involved in so many activities and also expect them to get good grades.All the result in students’ busy life during which they always have no personal leisure time and feel tired from time to time.All in all, all the goals they are trying to fulfill in the college are for the preparation for a promising job and a bright future.And this is why
most college students are under great pressures every day.That is to say ambiguous future is the key factor contributing to unbearable pressures on nearly all the college students.
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