Employee n Form
Date of Hire:
Date of n:
Type of n: □ Voluntary n
Employee ID:
Contract Valid Until:
Expected Last Day of Work:
张信哲过火歌词Product Service Department
n □ n □ Dismissal □ Other Reason for n (Plea specify):
Firstly。I would like to express my gratitude for the opportunity to learn so much in this company and for the good nships with my colleagues。I truly wish to stay here。but due to personal reasons。I have decided to resign。I hope that my request for n will be approved by my rs.
ns from the resigning employee to the company:
Department Manager's Signature: Date:
Approve Request □ Other Comments
Deputy Department Manager's Signature: Date:
Not Interviewed □ Interviewed。Key Points as Follows:
歇一歇Administrative Management Department
Approve Request Department Manager's Signature: Date:
Other Comments
凤凰男什么意思啊Selected Template
Approve Request □ Other Comments
如何做个聪明的女人General Manager/Manager's Signature: Date:
1.nary employees must submit their n n 3 days in advance。and regular employees must submit their n n 30 days in advance。After approval。the n must be submitted to the Comprehensive Department in a timely manner。otherwi it will be treated as an urgent n.
2.After this approval form is completed。it should be submitted to the Administrative Department for safekeeping.
面面厮觑>迂组词Employee Handover Form
To all relevant departments:
Plea follow the following quence to handle the n handover res for this employee。and sign in the corresponding n to confirm the n of the handover.
Employee ID:
Official Last Day of Work: Date:
No need for handover
First specify the handover work (including specific work content。work documents。work progress)。plea proceed with the handover immediately.
Attached "Work Handover Form" _______ pages。□ Not attached "Work Handover Form"
Person in Charge of Handover (Signature)/Date: Receiver (Signature)/Date:
Department Manager: Date:
Warehou Tool Handover: (Delete this paragraph as it is plete and does not provide clear ns)