GSM GSM 05.08
T ECHNICAL July 1996
S PECIFICATION Version 5.1.0
Source: ETSI TC-SMG Reference: TS/SMG-020508QR ICS:33.060.50
Key words:Digital cellular telecommunications system, Global System for Mobile communications (GSM)
Digital cellular telecommunications system (Pha 2+);
Radio subsystem link control
(GSM 05.08)
European Telecommunications Standards Institute
ETSI Secretariat
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© European Telecommunications Standards Institute 1996. All rights rerved.
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GSM 05.08 Version 5.1.0: July 1996幼儿线描画
Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation and publication of this document, errors in content, typographical or otherwi, may occur. If you have comments concerning its accuracy, plea write to "ETSI Editing and Committee Support Dept." at the address shown on the title page.
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GSM 05.08 Version 5.1.0: July 1996
Foreword (5)
1Scope (7)
1.1Normative references (7)
1.2Abbreviations (8)
2General (8)
3Handover (9)
3.1Overall process (9)
3.2MS measurement procedure (9)
3.3BSS measurement procedure (9)
3.4Strategy (9)
4RF power control (10)
4.1Overall process (10)
4.2MS implementation (10)
4.3MS power control range (10)
4.4BSS implementation (10)
4.5BSS power control range (10)
4.6Strategy (10)
4.7Timing (11)
4.8Dedicated channels ud for a voice group call or voice broadcast (11)
5Radio link failure (11)
5.1Criterion (11)
5.2MS procedure (11)
5.3BSS procedure (12)
6Idle mode tasks (12)
6.1Introduction (12)
6.2Measurements for normal cell lection (13)
6.3Measurements for stored list cell lection (13)
6.4Criteria for cell lection and relection (14)
高速免费通行6.5Downlink signalling failure (15)
6.6Measurements for Cell Relection (15)
6.6.1Monitoring of received level and BCCH data (15)
6.6.2Path loss criteria and timings for cell re-lection (16)
6.7Relea of TCH and SDCCH (17)
6.7.1Normal ca (17)
6.7.2Call re-establishment (17)
6.8Abnormal cas and emergency calls (18)
7Network pre-requisites (18)
7.1BCCH carriers (18)
7.2Identification of surrounding BSS for handover measurements (18)
8Radio link measurements (19)
8.1Signal strength (20)
8.1.1General (20)
8.1.2Physical parameter (20)
8.1.3Statistical parameters (21)
8.1.4Range of parameter (21)假说
8.2Signal quality (21)
8.2.1General (21)
8.2.2Physical parameter (21)
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GSM 05.08 Version 5.1.0: July 1996
8.2.3Statistical parameters (22)
8.2.4Range of parameter (22)
8.3Aspects of discontinuous transmission (DTX) (23)
8.4Measurement reporting (24)
8.5Absolute MS-BTS distance (27)
8.5.1General (27)
8.5.2Physical parameter (27)
9Control parameters (28)
面积单位之间的进率Annex A (informative):Definition of a basic GSM or DCS 1800 handover and RF power control
algorithm (31)
A.1Scope (31)
A.2Functional requirement (31)
A.3BSS pre-processing and threshold comparisons (31)
A.3.1Measurement averaging process (32)
A.3.2Threshold comparison process (33)
A.3.2.1RF power control process (33)
A.3.2.2Handover Process (34)
A.4BSS decision algorithm (35)
A.4.1Internal intracell handover according to radio criteria: (Interference problems) (35)
A.4.2Internal handover according to other criteria (36)
A.4.3General considerations (36)
A.5Channel allocation (36)
A.6Handover decision algorithm in the MSC (36)
山东省的大学排名History (39)
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GSM 05.08 Version 5.1.0: July 1996 Foreword
This Global System for Mobile communications Technical Specification (GTS) has been produced by the Special Mobile Group (SMG) Technical Committee (TC) of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).
This GTS specifies the Radio sub-system link control implemented in the Mobile Station (MS), Ba Station System (BSS) and Mobile Switching Centre (MSC) of the digital mobile cellular and personal communication systems operating in the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz band (GSM 900 and DCS 1800).
This GTS is a TC-SMG approved GSM technical specification version 5, which contains GSM Pha 2+ enhancements/features to the version 4 GSM technical specification. The ETS from which this Pha 2+ GTS has evolved is Pha 2 GSM ETS 300 578 edition 7 (GSM 05.08 version 4.17.0).
GTS are produced by TC-SMG to enable the GSM Pha 2+ specifications to become publicly available, prior to submission for the formal ETSI standards approval procedure to become European Telecommunications Standards (ETS). This ensures the earliest possible access to GSM
花样馒头图片Pha 2+ specifications for all Manufacturers, Network operators and implementors of the Global System for Mobile communications.
The contents of this GTS are subject to continuing work within TC-SMG and may change following formal TC-SMG approval. Should TC-SMG modify the contents of this GTS it will then be republished by ETSI with an identifying change of relea date and an increa in version number as follows:
y the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the specification;
散尾葵好养吗x the cond digit is incremented for all other types of changes, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections, updates, etc.
The specification from which this GTS has been derived was originally bad on CEPT documentation, hence the prentation of this GTS may not be entirely in accordance with the ETSI
Reference is made within this GTS to GSM-TSs (note).
NOTE:TC-SMG has produced documents which give the technical specifications for the implementation of the digital cellular telecommunications system. Historically, the
documents have been identified as GSM Technical Specifications (GSM-TSs). The
TSs may have subquently become I-ETSs (Pha 1), or ETSs/ETSI Technical
Reports (ETRs) (Pha 2). TC-SMG has also produced ETSI GSM TSs which give the
technical specifications for the implementation of Pha 2+ enhancements of the
digital cellular telecommunications system. The GSM Technical
Specifications may be referred to as GTSs.