average do 平均剂量 minimal (minimum) do 最小有效量 蒙氏教学
daily do 日剂量(一日量) multiple do 多剂量 老鼠嫁女儿
divided do 分次剂量 overdo (overdo) 过量
fatal (lethal) do 致死量 single do 一次剂量台式电脑开不了机
indicated do 有效蛴量 standard do 标准(合适)剂量
initial (beginning, starting) do 首次量 suggested (recommended) do 推荐剂量
maintenance do 维持量 therapeutic do 治疗剂量
maximum do 最大剂量(极量) usual (normal) do 常用剂量
2、、常用的剂量单位表示法 十字对联
g=gram 克 l=liter (litre) 升
mg=milligram 毫克 ml=milliliter 毫升
kg=kilogram 千克 c.c. 毫升
mcg=microgram 微克 I.U.=international unit 国际单位
ug 微克 body weight 体重
per square meter of body surface 每平方米体表面积
daily (per day, a day, every day ) 每日
every …hours 每隔…小时
intervats of … 每隔…
once (twice) daily (a day) 每日一(二)次
every other day 每隔一日
three times a day (daily) 每日三次
three times a week 每周三次
once (twice) a week (weekly) 每周一(二)次
Divided into … dos 分…次
in two or three divided dos 分为二或三次(个剂量)
adolescents 青少年 intant 幼儿
adult 成年人 male 男性
baby (babies) 婴儿 newborn baby (babies) 新生儿
children (child) 儿童 patient 患者,病人
debilitated patients 体弱患者 pediatric 儿科的
elderly patient 老年患者 pregnant women 孕妇
female 女性 nile patient 老年患者(病人)
intra-arterially 静脉内给药 by mouth (OS) 口服
intragluteally 臀肌内给药 by phleboclysis 静脉输液
intramuscularly 肌内给药 by intramuscular (IM) injection 肌肉注射
intraperitoneally 腹(膜)腔内给药 by intravenous (IV) injection 静脉注射
intrapleurally 胸(膜)腔内给药 by the intra-articatar administration 关节内给药
intrathecally 鞘内给药 by the intramuscular administration (route) 肌内给药
intravenously 静脉内给药 by the intranasal route 鼻内给药
locally 局部给药 orally 口服给药
parenterally 肠道外给药 by the intraperitoneal administration 腹(膜)腔内给药
subconjuntivally 结膜下给药 by the intravenous infusion (perfusion) 静脉输注
subcutaneously 皮下给药 sublingually 舌下给药
海鲜菇的家常做法submucously 粘膜下给药 by the intrathecal administration 鞘内给药
by aerosol 喷雾给药 by the subligual administration 舌下给药
by drip phleboclysis 点滴静脉输液 per rectum 直肠给药
by enema 灌肠 per vaginum 阴道给药
by lumbar 腰椎给药 pro recto 直肠给药
administer (或be administered、give、be given、indicate、be indicated) 给药、投药
u (或be ud 、employ、be employed) 用药
recommend (be recommended、suggest、be suggested) 推荐给药
7. 药物的常见剂型的英语表示法:
aerosol (spray, inhaler) 气雾剂 ampoule 针剂
capsules 胶囊 oral solution 口服液
coated(-)tablets 包衣片 pill 丸剂
cream 乳膏 powder 粉剂
derm TTS 皮肤贴膏 retard capsules (tablets) 缓释胶囊(片)
dregees 糖衣丸 scored-tablets 刻(划)痕片
drops 滴剂 solution 溶液剂
emulsion 乳剂栓剂 sugar-coated tablets 糖衣片
film-coated tablets 薄膜片。膜衣片
suppositories 栓剂
granule 颗粒 suspension 悬浮剂,混悬剂
injection 注射剂,针剂
孕妇能不能吃桂圆sustainedrelea tablets 恒(缓)释片
liniment 搽剂 syrup 糖浆
liquid 液剂 tablets 片剂
ointment 软膏
I will graduate from the University of Kansas with a Masters degree in June of this year. My major is Pharmacy and I am very interested in curing a position before I graduate, if possible.
I am a Hong Kong Chine and my bachelor's degree is from Hong Kong University.
I have long been hopeful of working for you after I graduate, becau I consider you the finest hospital in this region, I as sure that if I have the privilege of rving in your pharmacy, I will greatly increa my education and my experience.
Needless to say, I will have completed a standard cour in pharmacy before I graduate in June. In addition, I have chon to elect all the cours available at my school in Hospital Pharmacy. I did this becau I have always wanted to be a hospital pharmacy. My professors, Sr. John Harkin, Dr. Mildred Carter, and Dr. Iriny Schultz have give me permission to u their names as reference.
If you have a position available after I graduate, I would appreciate it. If not, plea keep my name on your file, becau I consider your Pharmacy the best in this region.
1-NEP N-乙基吡咯酮
1-NMP N-甲基吡咯酮
2G-β-CYD 二葡糖基- -环糊精
2-HP-β-CYD 2-羟丙基- -环糊精
5-NCP 5-羧基吡咯酮
5-NMP 5-甲基吡咯酮
Accelerated testing 加速试验
Acrylic acid resin 丙烯酸树酯
Active targeting preparation 主动靶向制剂
Adersive dispersion-type TTS 粘胶分散型TTS
Adhersive strength 粘附力
Adhesion 粘附性
Adhesives 粘合剂
Aerosil 微粉硅胶
Aerosol 气雾剂
Aerosol of micropowders for inspiration 吸入粉雾剂
Aethylis oleas 油酸乙酯
Agglomerate 聚结物
Aggregation 聚集
Air suspension 空气悬浮法
Alarm clock 闹钟
Alcohol 乙醇
All-trans 全反式
Alterntae addition method 两相交替加入法
Amebocyte lysate 变形细胞溶解物
Amorphous forms 无定型
Angle of repo 休止角
Antiadherent 抗粘剂
Antioxidants 抗氧剂
Antipesis 防腐
Apparent solubility 表现溶解度
Aprotinin 抑酞酶
Aquacoat 乙基纤维素水分散体
Aromatic waters 芳香水剂
Arrhenius 方程 阿仑尼乌斯方程
Ascabin 苯甲酸 酯
Aptic technique 无菌操作法
Azone 氮酮
Azone 氮酮
Ball mill 球磨机
Ba adsorption 基质吸附率
Bas 基质
Beeswax 蜂蜡
Bending 弯曲力
BHA 叔丁基对羟基茴香醚
BHT 二叔丁基对甲酚
Bioavailability 生物利用度
Biochemical approach 生物学方法花格子大象艾玛
Biopharmaceutics 生物药剂学
Biotechnology 生物技术
Bond学说 中等粉碎(粒径)
Bound water 结合水分
Breakage (Bk) 脆碎度
Brij 泽、聚氧乙烯脂肪醇醚
Brij 聚氧乙烯脂肪醇醚
Buccal tablets 颊额片
Bulk density 松密度
Bulk density 松密度、堆密度
Burst effect 突释效应
CA 醋酸纤维素
CAB 醋酸纤维素丁酸酯
Cabomer 羟基乙烯共聚物
Caking 结饼
CAP 醋酸纤维素酞酸酯
CAP 邻苯二甲酸醋酸纤维素
CAP 邻苯二甲酸醋酸纤维素
CAP 邻苯二甲酸醋酸纤维素
CAP 邻苯二甲酸醋酸纤维素
Capillary state 毛细管状
Capsules 胶囊剂
Carbomer 卡波姆、羧基乙烯共聚物
Carbopol 卡波普
Carbopol 934 卡波普
Carboxymethyl cellulo sodium 羟甲基纤维素钠
Carboxymethyl starch sodium CMS-Na羧甲基淀粉纳
Carboxymethylcellulo sodium CMC-Na羧甲基纤维素纳
CAT 醋酸纤维素苯三酸酯
CD 圆二色谱法
Cellulo acetate (CA) 醋酸纤维素
职场圈Cellulo acetate phthalate (CAP) 醋酸纤维素酞酸醋
Central composite design (CCD) 星点设计
Cera aptical pro os bone wax 骨蜡
Ceramide 神经酰胺
Cetomacrogol 聚乙二醇与十六醇缩合
Chemical approach 化学方法
Chewable tablets 咀嚼片
Chitin 壳多糖
Chitosan 壳聚糖
Chronopathology 时辰病理学
Chronopharmacology 时辰药理学
Clausius-Clapeyron方程 克劳修斯-克拉珀龙方程
Clinical pharmaceutics 临床药剂学
Cloud point 对聚氧乙烯型非离子表面活性剂
CMC-Na 羧甲基纤维素纳
CMC-Na 羧甲基纤维素纳
CMC-Na 羟甲基纤维素
CMEC 羧甲乙纤维素
CMS 羧甲基淀粉
CMS-Na 羧甲基淀粉钠
Coadminiatration of skin Meta Inh 皮肤代谢抑制剂的合用
Coadministraition of chem. P Enh 化学吸收促进剂的合用
Coagulation 聚沉
Coated tablets 包衣片
Coating material 表材
Cocoa butter 可可豆脂
Cohesion 凝聚性、粘着性
Cohesive strength 内聚力
Cold compression method 汽压法
Cold-homogenization 冷却一匀化法
Colon-targeted capsules 结肠靶向胶囊剂
Compactibility 成形性
Complex coacervation 复凝聚法
Compliance 顺应性
Compliance 顺应性
Compresd tablets 普通片
Compressibility 压缩度
Compressibility 压缩性
Compression 压缩力
Compressive work 压缩功