1. 他用辛辛苦苦积攒了五年的钱买了一架照相机。然后,他带着它走遍全国,拍摄了许多祖国名胜古迹的照片。
With the money he had saved hard for five years, he bought a camera, with which he then traveled around the country, taking numerous pictures of the scenic spots and places of historic interest of our motherland. (用非限制性定语从句合并)
2. 现在,每年都有几百万人到长城游览。在旺季,几处最著名的景点总是让成群结队的游客挤得水泄不通。
Now, millions of people journey to the Great Wall each year, making its most popular sites besieged by hordes of tourists during busy asons.
3. 中国是一个发展中的沿海大国。中国高度重视海洋的开发和保护,把发展海洋事业作为国家发展战略。
As a major developing country with a long coastline, China attaches great importance to marine development and protection, and takes it as the state’s development strategy.
4. 我国人口众多,人均资源有限,资金不足。发展精加工高附加值的产品出口,是今后扩大出口的一个关键。
Considering the large population, limited per capita resources and shortage of funds in China, we should increa export of finely procesd products and of tho with high added value, which is central to further expansion of exports in the future.
5. 他们像迷失的羔羊一样背离了正道。They have erred from the right path like lost sheep.
6.马可· 时光电影院波罗的中国之行,给他留下最深刻印象的是杭州西湖之秀美。
The beauty of the West Lake in Hangzhou was what impresd Marco Polo most during his trip to China.
Taking a walk in parks with caged birds in hand is a common scene in the early morning.
Seas of clouds enshroud the peaks of Mt. Wudang throughout the year.
The meeting will begin ceremoniously in Beijing the following September.
Qufu, Shangdong Province, is the birthplace of Confucius, a well-renowned ancient Chine thinker and teacher.
A board creaked as I crosd the floor.
The knife made a thin, grating sound as it scraped the surface.
If Guangzhou is like a city of jadeite in the daytime, it becomes a luminous pearl, with a a of lights twinkling in the streets after the sun ts in the west.
14. 像麦当劳、肯德基这样的快餐厅,目前在中国像雨后春笋般发展起来;中国传统快餐,像包子、饺子,能不能改进一下,与外国的产品竞争?
Such fast food restaurants as McDonald’s and KFC are mushrooming/are springing up like mushrooms in China. Can traditional Chine fast food like baozi and jiaozi be improved so as to compete with foreign products?
Yuan Ming Yuan, the “Garden of Gardens”, underwent 150 years of Construction and renovation under five emperors of the Qing Dynasty.
It was burned down by the British and French troops in 1860 during the cond Opium War and then further destroyed by the allied army of eight powers in 1900.
One monk, two buckets; two monks, one bucket; three monks, no bucket, no water——more hands, less work.
The cobblers with their wits combined would equal Zhuge Liang, the master mind
18.桂林山水甲天下。Guilin’s mountains and waters rank first in China.
19.上有天堂,下有苏杭。In heaven is paradi; on the earth are Suzhou and Hangzhou./ Above is paradi, below are Hangzhou and Suzhou.
Shaoxing is the home of Yue Porcelain. Yue is a state name ud to refer to the Shaoxing region in Ancient China.
在字组词 The Chine Government attaches great importance to sustainable development and the rational utilization of mineral resources. /It has made sustainable development a national strategy and the protection of resources an important part of this strategy. 轮滑护具(根据原文中各个句子所表达内容的重要程度进行划分。原文第一小节是对事情的总述,第二、三小节则是分述。所以,一般 乳汁分泌先将总述部分翻译成一个独立句,分述部分译成另一个句子。)
With glowing cheeks, strangers slapped one another in the back, shook hands and behaved like crazy men.
They have erred from the right path like lost sheep.
I am not too clear, not too interested, either, regarding current trends in China’s literary criticism.