Prevention of hemodialysis catheter infections: Ointments, dressings, locks, and catheter hub devices: Prevention of hemodialysis catheter
gray是什么颜色期刊名称: Hemodialysis International生活原来如此
作者: Golestaneh, Ladan, Mokrzycki, Michele H.
年份: 2018年
关键词: Bacteremia;catheter;hemodialysis;infection;vascular access
廉政书籍摘要:Tunneled central venous catheters ud for the provision of hemodialysis are associated with excess morbidity and mortality. Catheter related exit site and blood stream infections are major risks of their u. Although catheter‐avoidance is the best strategy to reduce infections and mortality in the hemodialysis population, the u of catheters remains unacceptably high. In this review, the existing clinical practice guidelines for the prevention of hemodialysis catheter associated infections are outline
思想深邃的读音d, and a comprehensive evidenced‐bad summary of interventions is provided. This includes details about the u of topical antimicrobial ointments and dressings, intranasal ointment application, prophylactic u of antibiotic and non‐antibiotic catheter lock solutions, and catheter hub devices for the prevention of