To successfully apply to the college or university of your choice requires more than a transcript, a list of your accomplishments, and a letter of recommendation from a favorite teacher. After all, your application will be reviewed with hundreds of others’, many of whom may have grades, extracurricular activities, awards and honors equal to your own or even better. What will differentiate you from the hundreds of other applicants?
云龙湖The answer, of cour, is your personal statement. An effective, compelling personal statement has the ability to communicate your unique characteristics and experiences to the admissions committee in your own words. Your persistence.
Your ambition. Your commitment to others. Your n of humor. The are qualities that don’t come across in the fill-in-the-blanks portion of the application.
Take the opportunity that the personal statement gives you, and u it to your best advantage.
While the rest of the candidate pool may be able to write clearly and competently, the smart candidate r
ealizes that the admissions process is, after all, a competition.
To come out ahead, you must stand out from the other applicants through creative, innovative, and engaging writing comes into play. It’s a demanding task. Within the narrow constraints of the application’s wording, you have to:
z examine your personality traits and personal history and consider how to prent them to a perfect stranger;
z review your experiences and accomplishments, determine how they are relevant to the admissions criteria, and prioritize them according to their relevance and importance;
z transform your list of accomplishments into a coherent, organized narrative structure; and
z let your own "voice" come across in your essay while ensuring your tone is neither too familiar nor stiffly formal.
Writing Tip 1: Strategy如此网
A Means to an End
Before sitting down to write your essay, it’s helpful to take a moment to re-asss what you hope to achieve. Ask yourlf what you hope to get out of the program to which you are applying. What impact will your degree have on your short-term and long-term career plans? Your earnings expectations? Your professional development? It’s crucial that you have a solid understanding of how important
the quality of your application is but don’t allow the process to make you feel overwhelmed or anxious. Instead, let your ambition motivate you to write the best personal statement that you possibly can.
Common Pitfalls
Application questions can range from the extremely specific ("What personal challenges regarding interpersonal matters brought out your conflict mediation and management skills?") to the hugely open-ended ("Tell us something about why you want to become an attorney"). The latter is more conducive to a discussion of your personal characteristics; the former is an excellent opportunity to showca a particular achievement. In either ca, here are some pitfalls you’ll want to avoid when planning your essay strategy.
Answer the Question.
You may have a remarkable achievement or personal experience that you think would make an impression on the admissions committee ? say, for instance, you emigrated from a foreign land when you were young and had to learn a new language, assimilate to a new culture, and work your own way through school. But the personal statement question on your law school application is, "How do you plan to u your degree in your career?" Unfortunately, your experience simply doesn’t have much to do with the question. So *don’t u it.* There’s a reason that the question was pod the way it was: the school wants to you’re your answer. Instead of trying to manipulate your experience to "fit" the question, focus on the scope of the question and ask yourlf what exactly is being asked. If guidelines for answering the question are provided, examine the, too. You won’t impress anyone by deviating from the information they want; they’ll simply conclude that you didn’t answer the question.
Don’t Assume That One Size Fits All
孔子电影观后感No one likes to receive a form letter that pretends to be personalized. Similarly, admissions committees are less impresd by generic personal statements that are clearly written to be nt to
multiple schools. Though it’s possible that your personal statement might *generally* meet the requirements of more than one school, it’s also true that there is no one personal statement that could possibly meet *all* the questions pod by the *all* the schools to which you are applying. Establish what information each personal statement question eks, and then determine the type and structure of essay that would be the most appropriate. Ideally, you will write a parate personal statement for each application.
Don’t Repeat Yourlf (I).
Using your essay to simply reiterate your GPA and/or your cours is wasting an incredible opportunity. This information will be given adequate consideration
elwhere. Instead, u the personal statement to prent information that the admissions committee wouldn’t otherwi know.
Don’t Repeat Yourlf (II).
Some applications ask for one primary essay and veral supplemental, short-answer statements. Remember that they will be read together, and plan carefully so that the information prented in one isn’t being re-stated in another.
Make sure your primary statement answers the question while also ensuring that it shows the admissions committee there is more to you than was previously revealed.
Don’t Apologize.
The last thing the person reading your essay wants to read is a list of excus for why your GPA isn’t as high as you might like. Mentioning your weak points only brings attention to them; the only valid reason for dwelling on such a topic would be if the problem was caud by, say, an illness that required hospitalization or a rious family problem that took you away from school for an extended time. In such a ca, prent the information in a factual manner and move on. Focus on your achievements, not your shortcomings.
Do Your Homework
Rearch the schools to which you plan to apply. The more you know about the school, its programs, and its faculty members, the better you will be able to structure your essay and show that you are truly interested in the school. Here are some ways to gather information:
z Call the admissions department and request a brochure that provides information about the school’s expectations from its applicants.
z Talk to people you know who attended the school.
lianxiangz Contact the alumni office and ask whether it would be possible to contact alumni to hear their thoughts on the school.
z Make an appointment with an admissions counlor or another official to get a better idea of the graduate experience.
z U AdmissionsEssays.Com’s free arch engine, which lists key statistics and URLs for highly regarded colleges, universities, professional, and graduate schools. This extra effort alerts the reader that you have taken time to learn about the school, which gives a favorable impression of your diligence, dedication and interest in their institution. Of cour, don’t overdo it, the admissions committee already knows when the school was founded and how many students attend each year. You need only show that you have gone the extra mile.
The Bottom Line
Your personal statement is your chance to shine. Plan accordingly. Discuss accomplishments and valuable experiences; emphasize the positive and
empowering; make sure you come across as bright, involved, engaging and motivated. Don’t dwell on negative experiences or tbacks unless you do so to introduce an example of overcoming obstacles and rising above circumstance.
Don’t bore or depress the reader. And remember, admissions committees are compod of experienced professionals who have collectively read thousands of personal statements. They will be able to read between the lines! Be honest.
Step Two: Organization
Find Your V oice
Storytelling has many voices, from factual to confessional to descriptive. Giving your personal statement is no different; there are as many approaches as there are individuals. However, remember that your personal statement is really a very specific form of introduction which generally answers two question: "Who are you?" and "What can you offer?" The successful essay never strays from the themes of introducing yourlf and describing your potential as a successful candidate. Therefore, organizing the structure of your statement should begin with an examination of your key accomplishments, turning points, and events which will help answer the questions. Analyze your r
esume, personal history and memory to isolate certain key "defining moments" in your life.
Writing your personal statement can be an exciting process becau it encourages you to tell and explore your own personal history. What you write down, what you focus on, what you highlight and explore all give insight into your own particular and unique values, hopes, aspirations and ideals. Becau of this, the information you prent, as well as how you prent it, can reveal you as positive and eager or as someone who’s just going through the motions. Keep in mind what image you wish to prent when you are choosing the facts you will include in your essay.
Some of the topics to explore and develop for essay purpos include:
z hobbies
z projects you have completed
z particular jobs and responsibilities
z accomplishments -- both professional and scholastic
z major life events that you believe have changed you
z challenges and personal hurdles you have overcome
z life events which motivate you to apply for this particular cour of education z individuals who influenced, prepared, or motivated you
z particular traits, work habits, attitudes or nsibilities that you have developed
your goals
Always remember to explore the topics in a way that is relevant to the essay question. How do they relate to the fact that you have the motivation, direction, and drive to succeed in the school to which you are applying? At this point you should begin to write down, as specifically as possible, the different events and accomplishments that you feel should be mentioned. Don’t worry about spelling, grammar or even structure at this point, the goal is to describe your chon events and accomplishments comprehensively.
Organizing the Facts
What you now have in front of you is a list of your interests, accomplishments, employment history and success. Read over your list carefully and ask yourlf what emotion is triggered by each item-
-pride, resolution, motivation, acceptance, growth. Next to each item, write a word or two that describe the key feelings with which you associate it.
Next, identify the items from your list which gave you the most satisfaction and group them together. Then identify the items that were most reflective of learning experiences or periods of personal or professional growth, and circle tho items. Continue to make groupings of your list items, making sure you have a clear idea of what each item reprents ("goals," "pride," "overcoming obstacles," etc.). And finally, write a few short ntences about each group, explaining how the qualities exemplified by your list items would add to your success in the school or program to which you are applying.
By highlighting your personal achievements and potential for excellence, the BioGraph(sm) lets our writers to craft an effective sample personal statement for you to u as an inspiration for organizing your own essay.
Choosing a Format
Just as stories take various forms, from a novel to a short story to a parable or allegory, your personal statement could be prented as veral different themes. Below are three of the most pop
ular themes that AdmissionsEssays.Com us in developing custom personal statements.
This format emphasizes your tenacity, patience, and diligence in dealing with, overcoming, or making peace with difficult events or circumstances that have the potential to change a person’s life. Without placing external blame or making excus, this format isolates the applicant’s ability to thrive.
z DO write descriptively. U facts to back up yourasrtions.
z Remember the rule, "Don’t tell me--show me." How exactly are you "more
mature"? What experiences warrant your describing yourlf as "entrepreneurial" and "creative"? DO show who you are. Although most admissions committees are not necessarily looking for a statement that describes extraordinary personal revelation or enlightenment, they do want to e how you u your background to describe who you are and why you are exceptional.
百花齐放打一成语z DO emphasize your positive attitude by stating your future plans. Link this material with facts about the school.
z DO show a proactive attitude through your word choices and ntence quence. U action verbs rather than passive ones.
z DON’T prent yourlf as a victim, dwell on how you suffered, or indulge in lf-pity.
z DON’T place blame or pass judgement.
z DON’T come across as bitter or angry. You will make the reader uncomfortable and make it difficult for him or her to identify you’re your experience.
z DON’T Don’t place blame or judge--you don’t want to come off as bitter and angry.
This format surveys the applicant’s achievements and accomplishments and comments on them, tracing the individual’s evolution and transformation into a successful and determined candidate.
z DO u a positive, active voice. Focus on the changes in your attitude and perspective, giving concrete factual examples. Include clear, conci and adequately developed descriptions of key events that added to your personal growth and wisdom.
z DON’T make excus for failed efforts and disappointments. If applicable, you may explain how a personal tback allowed you to learn and grow.
z DON’T appear to feel angry, bitter, or sorry for yourlf.
z DON’T focus on just one achievement. Give veral examples to prove your point.
. FAMILY HISTORY. This format tells the story of a member of the applicant’s family, showing how the applicant was influenced by him or her or was inspired by his or her achievements. This format is often ud to show how family history colors and shapes us.
z DO isolate personal traits and attributes.
z DO choo a family member who has inspired you to pursue your education or profession.
z DO briefly discuss any struggles that your family has overcome and how they affected you.