My view on emerging adulthood春节手工灯笼
静静的夜晚In my opinion, compared with the parents' generation, most of our generatio n spent more time completing their studies, gaining financial independence, g etting married and having children. Therefore, in relative terms, adulthood is al so postponed.
古典吉他曲>咸酸粥Adulthood is not just physical adulthood, but also psychological and social c ompetence. First of all, I think that when a person's age, social experience an d cultural knowledge are abundant and become the basic force of all social un dertakings, production and activities, they can be counted as adulthood.
Secondly, the standards of adulthood and adulthood vary with the times. C ompared with our parents' generation, our life is more stable when we are you ng. At the same time, with the growth of the students' age, the psychological a ge increas more slowly. Therefore, the time for this generation to enter adul thood and adulthood will be delayed.
Finally, as we approach adulthood, we should strive to learn different cultur e and enrich ourlves so as to ensure a good start when we reach adulthood .