温柔的反义词是什么划片机作业手册-----DiscoAutoma tic Dicing Saw 9890501 发表于: 2005-11-26 22:17 来源: 半导体技术天地(disco)蓝色的雅特朗
1.0 Title
梦想的起点DiscoAutoma tic Dicing Saw
2.0 Purpos e
The DiscoAutoma tic Dicing Saw is a precis ion machin e ud to cut mico nduct or wafers into indivi dualchipsor dice. Wafers are held to the chucktableby meansof vacuum and t he chuckcan accomm odate wafers with diamet ers from 2" to 6 ". The maximu m tablestroke (left-rightmoveme nt of the chu cktable) is 160 mm (6 5/16"). The cuttin g rangeis 20.4 mm to 153 mm in 1 mm increm ents(0.8" to 6" in 0.025" increm e nts). The cuttin g feed speedis variab le from 0.3 to 10 mm/ c. (0.012" to 12"/c).
The dicing wheelis mounte d on a high freque ncy air-bearin g
spindl e with an averag e rotati on speedof 30,000 rpm. The rangeof depthleft uncutis variab le, and ranges from 0.00 5 mm to 19.995 mm (0.0002" to 0.7872") in stepsof 0.005 mm (0.0002") increm ents. (Do not u a Z-indexof less than 0.07 mm withou t consul tinga superu r.)
Follow ing each cut, the Discous stored parame tersto aut oma tical ly indexthe waferalongthe Y-axis. The maximu m sp indl e stroke (forwar d-backwa rd moveme nt of spindl e) is 160 mm (6 5/16"), and the variab le spindl e indexranges from 0. 002 mm to 99.998 mm (0.0001" to 4") in indexi ng stepsof 0. 002 mm (0.0001") increm ents.
3.0 Scope
Thereare four fixedsawing modesavaila ble:
The cut is made only in one direct ion as the chuckmovesfr om rightto left (down cut).
The cut is made in both direct ionsalongthe X-axis (down c ut/up cut).
This mode also cuts in both direc
t ionsalongthe X-axis, bu t the bladedescen ds within the rangeof 0.005-19.995 mm al ongthe Z-axis when the chucktablemovesfrom left to righ t. U this mode for cuts deeper than 650 micron s.
This mode is constr ucted with a DRESS, whichus a dressb oard, and a PRE-CUT, whichus a dummywafer.
Dicing tape and hoopsare availa ble in the Microl ab. Tape c an be foundon a dispen r in 432b, and hoopsare stored be neat h the discosaw. Dicing tape is recomm ended for all dic ing operat ionsand is requir ed for throug h wafercuts.
4.0 Applic ableDocume nts
5.0 Defini tions and Proces s Termin ology
6.0 Safety
7.0 Statis tical/Proces s Data
企业纳税申报8.0 Availa ble Proces s, Gas, Proces s Notes8.1 Cuttin g Blades In U
Silico n Blade
Semite c Corp. PN S2525
kerf (widthof cut) = .64 micron s or .0025”Maximu m depthof cut = 640 micron s or .025”Cerami cs, saphir e, crysta l substr ate
Dicing Techno logy, PN CX-004-270-040-H
kerf .004”, 50-70 micron abrasi ve, 1 mm or .040” exposu re
Recomm ended cuttin g speed, best cut: ..25 mm/c, Z-index: . 7, .04
Maximu m cuttin g speed: .5 mm/c (more chippi ng)
Dicing Techno logy, PN CX-010-600-060 J
kerf .010”, 22-36 micron abrasi ve, 1.5 mm or .060” exposu re
Recomm ended cuttin g speed, best cut: .5 mm/c, Z-index: .7, .04
Maximu m cuttin g speed: 1 mm/c
9.0 Equipm ent Operat ion