说到中国文化,不得不提到长城。从公元前7世纪到公元16世纪,在大约2 200年的时间里,先后有19个朝代修建过长城,所修的长城长达10万千米以上。主要的长城修建工程是在秦代、汉代和明代完成的。现今存有遗迹的主要是明长城,从东边入海口的山海关(Shanhai Pass)开始,一直到沙漠深处的嘉峪关(Jiayu Pass),全长6 700千米。长城是世界历史上最伟大的工程之一,其建造时间之长、参与人数之多、工程难度之大,在世界上无出其右。
When it comes to Chine culture, the Great Wall is the one that will be definitely referred to. Through about 2 200 years from the 7th century BC to the 16th century AD, the Great Wall was built in 19 dynasties and reached a total length of more than 100 000 kilometers. The major construction was carried out in the Qin, Han and Ming Dynasties. The Great Wall we visit nowadays is mainly the Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty, stretching 6 700 kilometers from Shanhai Pass at the eastern river mouth to
Jiayu Pass in the depths of dert. The Great Wall is one of the greatest projects in the history of the world for its unparalleled span of construction, amount of labor and difficulty.
With its rapid economic development in recent years, China's international influence has incread, so the number of Chine character learners across the world has been on the ri. This unique symbol system has accumulated rich historical and cultural contents in it. When Western people learn Chine characters, they can even appreciate the delicate thoughts of this oriental nation. Nowadays, growing importance is attached to Chine characters in China. It is found that the glamor of the character symbols with rich cultural and aesthetic connotations is increasingly shown especially in the current society with rapid development of science and technology. The ancient characters are revitalized in modern culture.
As an art of writing Chine characters, Chine calligraphy boasts a considerably long history. It is one of the highest forms of Chine art, rving the purpos of conveying thoughts and showcasing the abstract beauty of lines of Chine characters. It is also widely acknowledged that Chine calligraphy plays a part in prerving the health of tho who practice it, which is supported by the long lives of many calligraphers in Chine history. When one is practicing calligraphy, he or she highly concentrates and is spellbound by the charm of the work, turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to unpleasant things. A n of calm and relaxation and a comfortable psychological state take over, which is highly beneficial to both the body and mind.
笛子是一种来自中国古代的乐器,也是中国乐器中最具代表性的吹奏乐器(wind instrument)之一。中国竹笛(the Chine bamboo flute)是中国传统音乐中常用的乐器之一,也常在西洋交响乐团(the Western symphony orchestra)和现代音乐中得以运用。笛子在中国古人的观念中早已被赋予了“文化”的含义,有着不可替代的深远影响。诗人们过去常常以听到笛声后的感受作诗。在乐队中,笛子作为一种吹奏乐器有着举足轻重的地位,被称作“民乐之王”。
The flute is a musical instrument from ancient China and also one of the most reprentative wind instruments in Chine musical instruments. As one of the musical instruments commonly ud in traditional Chine music, the Chine bamboo flute often finds its u in the Western symphony orchestras and modern music as well. Endowed with the connotation of “culture” in ancient Chine concepts for a long time, the flute has exerted an irreplaceable and profound influence. Poets ud to write poems according to how they felt after hearing the flute. In the band, the flute as a wind instrument occupies a pivotal position, known as “the king of the folk music”.
联合国(the United Nations)标准规定,当一个地区65岁及以上的老人超过总人口的7%时,该地区就被
视为进入老龄化社会(aging society)。老龄化会对国家财政
According to the standard of the United Nations, a society is considered an aging one when the proportion of people aged 65 and above is more than 7%. The impacts of aging on state finance are huge. However, the impacts are much wider. In an aging society, labor markets, saving patterns and migration movements will change. The social curity system in China is imperfect, and most of the elderly are supported by their children. The increa in small families and the lack of traditional values magnify the challenge, which places a heavy burden on small-and middle-sized houholds.
The ways Chine people adopt to get around have experienced a long process from depending on physical strength to taking convenient tools. From 1950s to 1970s, bicycles were the most fashionable means of transportation in China and also the most important characteristic of society during that time. In the 1980s, motorcycles gradually became the new favorite. From the early 1990s to the prent, with the development of urban traffic and automotive industry, as well as the increasingly busy life, more and more people prefer private cars, making the number of private cars grow at a surprising speed. The life of ordinary people ems to be equipped with wheels, moving ahead fast.
近几年,电子商务的迅猛发展加快了电子货币(electronic money)的普遍应用。电子货币是通过电脑或手机等电子化方式来支付的货币。电子货币最典型的例子是比特币(bitcoin),它可以用现金购买,还能像其他任何货币一样进行交易。与现金支付相比,电子货币更加方便,增加了社会效益(social benefit),但对银行经营方式产生了冲击。安全性一直是电子货币使用过程中人们最为关注的问题,因此要建立完善的电子货币支付系统,保证支付的安全性。
E-commerce has undergone tremendous growth in recent years, accelerating the widespread application of electronic money. Electronic money is the currency
which is ud to pay by electronic means like a computer or mobile phone. The most typical example of electronic money is the bitcoin, which can be bought with real money and ud to trade like any other currency. Compared with the cash payment, it is more convenient and rais the social benefit, but it has an impact on the way the bank operates. Security has always been the biggest concern in the process of using electronic money, so it is required to establish a perfect electronic money payment system to ensure the curity of payment.
自主创业(lf-employed)的好处之一是盈利归自己所有,利润是对自己努力、能力和创造力的回报。自主创业的第二个好处是个人才智和能力能直接反映在收入上。自主创业的第三个优势是自己做老板能够控制自己的工作时间。但是创业并不是一帆风顺(go smoothly)的事。首先,做自己的老板是把责任直接放到了个人的肩上。其次,自己做老板时,一单成功的生意可能会带来很大的盈利,而一单失败的生意可能会造成破产。第三个弊端是没有稳定的工资,收入浮动很大。
One of the advantages of being lf-employed is that the profits that the business makes belong to t
he owner. The profits earned are the reward for the owner's effort, competence and creativity. Another advantage is that a person's earnings directly reflect his intelligence and abilities. The third advantage of being lf-employed is that a person as the boss can control his working hours. However, being lf-employed does not always go smoothly. First, being one's own boss means placing the responsibility directly on that individual's shoulders. Second, though the lf-employed can earn considerable profits from a successful business deal, a failed one can force them out of business. The third disadvantage is that lf-employed people have no stable wage and their earnings can vary greatly.
It is reported that China's sharing economy is expected to maintain a rapid annual growth rate of more than 30% in the next five years. The rapid development of China's sharing economy reveals the tremendous vitality and
potential of the Chine economy, but it is facing many challenges. With the rapid development of the sharing economy in the fields of transportation tools, accommodation, catering, etc., new problems such as personal information leakage, waste of resources and unfair competition have emerged. The reasons behind the problems with the sharing economy are complex and diver, but a common problem is that the main responsibility of the sharing platform has not been properly shouldered. A government notice has pointed out that the government will strengthen supervision over the collection, u, sharing, transfer and public disclosure of personal information on sharing platforms.
牛郎织女教学反思移动互联是互联网行业竞争最激烈、创新最集中的领域。移动电商或将不只是随时随地购物,O2O(online to offline)也可能迎来百花齐放,本地化、社交化和无界经营(boundless operation)可能会成为O2O新的发展方向。移动电商也许将从普通实物电商向个性服务电商延伸。语音搜索、图片搜
索等新的搜索方式以及基于位置的服务等相关功能将成为新的竞争点。从电视、电脑再到移动设备的跨屏移动广告(multi-screen mobile ad)或将成为主流。
Among Internet industries, mobile Internet is the field where the fiercest competition happens and the innovation concentrates most. Mobile e-commerce may not be merely free from the limits of time and place. O2O (online to offline) may witness an all-round development, and localization, socialization, and the boundless operation may be new development directions. Mobile e-commerce may extend from e-commerce of common items to that of personalized rvices. New arching methods like the voice arch and the image arch, and relevant functions like rvices bad on location will be where the new competition lies. Multi-screen mobile ads involving televisions, computers and mobile devices may be the main trend.