_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ UNITED STATES
Washington, D.C. 20549
OMB APPROVAL OMB Number: 3235-0121 Expires: November 30, 2012 Estimated average burden hours per respon. . . . . . . 8.0
For Foreign Governments and Political Subdivisions Thereof APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION PURSUANT TO SECTION 12(b) AND (c)
Published 7/5/35
File No. ______________________ (Leave Blank) (Name of Registrant)
Names of Exchanges Title of Issue
部门评价Securities Amount on which Registration or Issues to be Registered to be Registered Applied for
Name and Address of Person Authorized to Receive Notices and Communications from the Securities and Exchange Commission:
Rule as to the U of Form 18
This form shall be ud for applications for the permanent registration of curities of foreign governments and political subdivisions thereof, filed on or after July 1, 1935; provided, however, that any public corporation or other autonomous entity in the nature of a political subdivision. except a state, province, county or municipality or similar body politic, may, at its option, u Form 21 in lieu of this Form.
1. The application, including exhibits, is to be filed with the exchange upon which registration is being sought and in triplicate with
the Commission. At least one application filed with the Commission and one filed with the exchange is to be signed. If application is made for the registration of curities of the registrant on more than one exchange, the registrant may prepare one application covering all curities to be registered on any of the exchanges and, in such ca, should file such application with each exchange and in triplicate with the Commission. A registrant may, however, at its option prepare parate applications for each exchange upon which registration of any of its curities is being sought, and, in such ca, should file each such application in triplicate with the Commission.
2. All applications should be typed or printed on paper 8.5 by 11 inches in size. Tables and financial data, however, may be on
larger paper but should be folded to such size. Typed or printed matter should leave a margin of at least 1.5 inches on the left. Applications should be curely bound and on the left only. The registrant’s typewritten or printed application should contain both the items in the form and the answers thereto.
3. Where “brief” answers are indicated, the answer may incorporate by reference particular items, ctions or paragraphs of any
Exhibit, and may be qualified in its entirety by such reference.
4. If there are veral principle parties obligor of the curities being registered, the financial information required may be
prented in a consolidated form, if that is desired.
5. Where information is asked as of the clo of the last fiscal year, if such information is not yet available for such date, it may
be furnished as of the clo of the latest fiscal year for which it is available.
P e r s o n s w h o are to r e s p o n d t o t h e c o l l e c t i o n o f i n f o r m a t i o n SEC 1421 (1-07) contained in this form are not required to respond unless the
6. The application is to be made in the English language.
7. Privilege of Filing Prospectus
If the registrant has filed a registration statement under the Securities Act of 1933 which has become
effective within the current fiscal year of the registrant or becomes effective within the current fiscal year of the registrant on or prior to the effective date of the registration of the curities covered by the application herein and is not subject to any proceeding under Section 8(d) of the Act or to an order entered thereunder, the registrant may substitute for the information required by items
1 to 1
2 inclusive (1) a copy of the registrant’s prospectus filed with the registration statement under the Securities Act of 1933
and (2) a description of the curities being registered as required by Item 3 herein unless such description is contained in such prospectus. If this procedure is followed the prospectus and the description shall be physically substituted for the items of this form and the answers thereto, and the text of the items shall be omitted from the application.
Unless the context clearly indicates the contrary, all terms ud in the instructions and in the Form have the same meaning as in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the general Rules and Regulations of the Commission thereunder.
1. Name of registrant.
2. If the registrant is a governmental unit other than a national government, give the name of the national government of which
the registrant is a unit and a brief description of the relationship of the registrant to such national government.
3. For each issue of curities to be registered hereunder:摩羯座的幸运数字
(a) Give the title and full designation of the issue, and if not included therein, the rate of interest and the date of maturity. I f
due rially, a brief indication should be given of the rial maturities, for example, “maturing rially from 1936 to 1940.”
(b) State the currency or currencies in which payable, and give the basis of determination for the currency conversion and at
who option, if payable in two or more currencies.
(c) Outline briefly the amortization, sinking fund, redemption and retirement provisions.
(d) State whether cured by any lien, the kind thereof, and briefly describe the property or revenues subjected to such lien.
(e) If by law, decree, or other administrative action, the curity is not being rviced according to its original terms, outline
briefly the provisions of such law, decree, or other administrative action.
(f) State briefly the circumstances of any other failure to pay principal, interest or any sinking fund or amortization
(g) If guaranteed, state by whom guaranteed, and outline briefly the terms of the guarantee.
4. Give the date of the clo of the last fiscal year of the registrant.
5. State as of the clo of the last fiscal year of the registrant the total outstanding of:
(a) Internal Funded Debt of the registrant. (Total to be stated in the currency of the registrant. If any internal funded debt
is payable in a foreign currency it should not be included under this item, but under 5(b).)
(b) External Funded Debt of the registrant. (Totals to be stated in the respective currencies in which payable.)
6. Give the title and amount outstanding, together with the currency or currencies in which payable, of each issue of Funded Debt
of the registrant outstanding as of the clo of the last fiscal year of the registrant.
7. State as of the clo of the last fiscal year of the registrant the estimated total of:
(a) Internal floating indebtedness of the registrant. (Total to be stated in the currency of the registrant.)
(b) External floating indebtedness of the registrant. (Total to be stated in the respective currencies in which payable.)
这片草原歌词8. A statement of the receipts, classified by source, and of the expenditures, classified by purpo, of the registrant for the last
fiscal year of the registrant. This statement should be so itemized as to be reasonably informative and should cover both ordinary and extraordinary receipts and expenditures.
9. If any exchange control has been established by the registrant, or, if the registrant is other than a national government, by its
national government, briefly describe such exchange control.
Note: If registrant is a govenmental unit other than a national government, it need not answer the folowing items.)
10. A brief statement regarding the note issue and gold rerves of the central bank of issue of the registrant, and of any further
gold stocks held by the registrant, as of a date reasonably clo to the date of filing the application with the exchange. 11. A statement, in terms of weight and value, of imports and exports of merchandi for the last fiscal year of the registrant. If
the statistics have been established only in terms of value, such will suffice.
12. Set forth the balance of international payments of the registrant for the last fiscal year of the registrant, conforming, if possible,
to the nomenclature and form ud in the “Statistical Handbook of the League of Nations.” (This statement need be furnished only if the registrant has published a balance of international payments.)
The following Exhibits should be attached as part of the application. The registrant may file such other Exhibits as it may desire, marking them so as to indicate clearly the items to which they refer.
Exhibit “A” — A copy of the General Bond, Fiscal Agency Agreement, Loan Contract, or any other agreement defining the rights of the holders of the curities registered hereunder. If not in English, submit in addition, a translation into
Exhibit “B” — A copy of the last annual budget of the registrant as prented to its legislative body. This document need not be translated.
Exhibit “C” — A copy of any law, decree, or administrative document outlined in answer to Item 3(e). If not in English, submit in addition, a translation into English.
Upon the basis of the statements and documents comprising this application the undersigned hereby applies for registration pursuant to Section 12(b) and (c) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 of the curities specified on the facing sheet of this application on the respective exchanges there specified.
情侣说说For _____________________________________________________
(Name of Registrant)数字货币是啥
By _____________________________________________________