enact vt. 颁布;制定法律;扮演;发生
justification n. 理由;辩护;认为有理,认为正当
In getting thes bans enacted one justification was ud: Smoking on beaches and in parks pod a health hazard to nonsmokers, especially children.
rationale n. 基本原理;原理的阐述
However, the rationale for such initiatives is not, of cour, solely economic.
deflect vt. 使转向;使偏斜;使弯曲vi. 转向;偏斜
… concerned that efforts to ban smoking on beaches and in park s might deflect attention from more effective public-health interventions.
erode vt. 腐蚀,侵蚀
Anything that erodes trust must therefore be quickly identified and corrected.
divergence n. 分歧
Science helps solve political divergences.
inviolable adj. 不可侵犯的;神圣的;不可亵渎的
The game had a single inviolable rule: obstacles were to be overcome, not circumvented.春天的特点
indisputable adj. 无可争辩的,无争论之余地的
It is an indisputable fact that carbon emissions are rising――and faster than most scien-tists predicted.
minuscule n. 小写字;草写小字adj. 极小的;微不足道的
学校教育研究…the IEA expects that the energy forms will provide a minuscule 2.2% of the world’s energy by 2040.
imperceptible adj. 感觉不到的;极细微的
In other words, for at least the next two decades, solar and wind energy are simply ex-pensive, feel-
good measures that will have an imperceptible climate impact.
thwart vt. 挫败;反对;阻碍;阻挠
But perhaps the most flattering――and least welcome――indicator of the sharing econ-omy’s ri is the energy being devoted by governments, courts and compet itors to thwarting it.
mitigate vt.使缓和,使减轻
First, there are constraints on what they are able to do to mitigate their situation.
blockbuster n. 轰动;一鸣惊人者;风靡一时的事物
genre n. 类型;种类;体裁;样式;流派
niche market 壁龛市场;缝隙市场;有利可图的市场(或形势等)
But global blockbuster hits, in whatever genre, have come to em a US niche market.
lingua franca通用语;混合语;共通语
Yet Ostler takes the view that by around 2050 no global lingua franca will be needed.
juxtaposition n. 并置,并列;毗邻
This juxtaposition of brutal reality and lyrical beauty runs through Park's stories.
dismal adj. 凄凉的,忧郁的;阴沉的,沉闷的
The main part of the hospital is pretty dismal but the children's ward is really lively.
counter example反例
And in fact they got two counter example to that.
prowess n. 英勇;超凡技术;勇猛
Once younger hunters began using GPS units, their navigational prowess declined.
ubiquitous adj. 普遍;无所不在的
revealing adj. 透露真情的;有启迪作用的;袒胸露肩的
be meant to do …打算;有意要;应做; 要做; 必须做的事情
Sugar is ubiquitous in the diet.
Who do technologies free students to think about more interesting and complex ques-tions, and when do they erode the very cognitive capacities they are meant to enhance? The effect of ubiquitous AutoCorrect software is a revealing example.
implication n. 含义;暗示;影响;作用
the rious implications of a patent ca 专利案的严重影响
Now his authority and, by implication, that of the whole management team are under threat as never before.
hammer out设计出;锤成;苦心想出;制定出
I think we can hammer out a solution.
frivolous adj. 无聊的;轻佻的;琐碎的
I just decided I was a bit too frivolous to be a doctor.
mandate n. 授权;命令,指令;委托管理;受命进行的工作
How much longer does the independent procutor have a mandate to pursue this in-vestigation?
devastating adj. 毁灭性的;全然的;令人震惊的
Affairs do have a devastating effect on marriages.
demoralizing adj. 令人泄气的;令人沮丧的
Losing their star player was another demoralizing blow for the team.国旗的由来
史泰龙肌肉complacent adj. 自满的;得意的;满足的
We cannot afford to be complacent about our health.
To keep it that way, the scientific community cannot afford to be complacent.
interdisciplinary adj. 各学科间的;跨学科的
interdisciplinary subject边缘学科
It was a fun study to do becau it was so interdisciplinary.
detached adj. 分离的,分开的;超然的;冷静的(not influenced by others; impartial; not feeling emotional or involved )
'This sort of thing happens and I take it in a rather detached way, ' she said.
diversification n. 多样化;多元化;变化
The diversification of music television channels may also be important.
proceeds n. 收入,收益;实收款项
proceed vi. 开始;继续进行;发生;行进
Using the proceeds, he bought another, and another.
They gave a concert and donated the proceeds to charity.
The group proceeded with a march they knew would lead to bloodshed.
inception n. 起初;获得学位
The Inception盗梦空间
Since its inception the company has produced 53 different aircraft designs.
8岁儿童视力affiliation n. 友好关系;加入;联盟;从属关系
political affiliation政治背景;政治立场;政治面貌
The kidnappers had no affiliation with any militant group.
underpin vt. 巩固;支持;从下面支撑;加强…的基础
proximity n. 接近,邻近;接近;接近度,距离;亲近
in clo proximity to… 与…靠得很近,接近
Two big forces underpin a univ ersity’s costs. The first is the need for physical proximity.
Solving the issues requires change, and as the organization changes, so must the IT systems that underpin it.
scant adj. 不足的;缺乏的;勉强够的
But the evidence for recent evolution of our entire species remains scant.
paramount adj. 最重要的,主要的;至高无上的
Paramount Pictures派拉蒙电影公司
In a digitally-mediated world, connection between individuals is of still paramount im-portance.
counteract vt. 抵消;中和;阻碍
My husband has to take veral pills to counteract high blood pressure.
resonate vt./vi. 共鸣;共振
朝拜者intellectual legacy知识财富,智慧遗产
That is, Plato argued that mind and body are two distinct entities, and this intellectual legacy resonates in the rational-choice model.
exuberant adj. 繁茂的;生气勃勃的,充溢的
So the exuberant young girl with dark hair and blue eyes decided to become a screen actress.
perch vi. 轻坐在; 轻落在(边上或顶上);坐落于;(鸟) 栖息
A blackbird flew down and perched on the parapet(护墙) outside his window.
inextricable adj. 逃脱不掉的;解不开的
Aristotle(亚里士多德) saw mind and body as inextricably lined.
in the teeth of…不顾;对抗
Even in the teeth of the recession, nine in ten Millennials(千禧一代) felt they had enough money or would achieve their financial goals in life.
ambivalent adj. 矛盾的;好恶相克的;暧昧的
Tho two families explain why I'm so ambivalent about homeschooling.
thankless adj. 不感谢的;忘恩的;不领情的;吃力不讨好的
Having a thankless job where you work lots of overtime without pay while your boss is on vacation.
ductive adj. 有魅力的;性感的;引人注意的
Her figure was slighter and therefore more ductive than Natalie.
veteran n.老手;富有经验的人adj. 经验丰富的;老兵的
Making the decisions can be overwhelming–even if you’re a veteran.
resilient adj.有弹力的;能复原的;有复原力的
In this way corridors(走廊) suppodly unite isolated, threatened populations into an in-terbreeding——and much more resilient——whole.
lucrative adj. 有利可图的,赚钱的;合算的
Herbal medicines are the most lucrative form of traditional medicine, generating billions of dollars in revenue. 草药是最有利可图的传统医药形式,能创造数十亿美元的收入。
breathtaking adj. 惊人的;惊险的;令人激动的
I believe that the breathtaking ideas of science can nourish not only the mind but also the soul. 我相信科学的惊人力量不仅能够武装我们的头脑,还可以滋养我们的心灵。
ace n. 精英;佼佼者;adj. 一流的,突出的
Our superior technology is our ace in the hole. 我们的优越技术是我们手中的王牌。
venue n. 审判地;犯罪地点;发生地点;集合地点
The International Convention Centre is the venue for a three-day arts festival.
harassment n. 骚扰;烦恼
Another survey found that 51 percent of women had experienced some form of xual harassment in their working lives. 另一份调查显示有51%的女性在其职业生涯中曾遭遇过某种形式的性骚扰。
deliberation n. 审议;考虑;从容;熟思
Their deliberations were rather inconclusive. 他们的审议没有什么结论。
calibrate vt. 校正;调整;测定口径
Other countries, notably India, must calibrate their government finances even more care-fully (e article). 其他国家,尤其是印度,则必须更加谨慎地调整政府财政政策
depredation n. 掠夺;破坏,破坏痕迹
Brutal acts of depredation are not uncommon. 残酷的劫掠行为并非罕见。