I. listening Comprehension
Section A
1. make the delivery 进行投递
2. inspect 视察,检查
3. Unrealistic 不现实的
4. its numerous applications 大量的应用
5. its evaluation process 它的评价过程
6. its solid foundation 它的坚实的基础
7. jogging 慢跑
1. at a time 一次
2. a signature to confirm you have received it 一个确认你已经收到的签名
3. on a regular basis 定期地
5. my mind begins to wander 我开始走神了
6. interact with travelers 与旅客互动
7. This little bit of support makes a big difference. 这一点小小的支持有很大的作用。
8. therapy animal 治疗动物
9. Due to its strict, fair, and independent evulation process 由于他严格,公平以及独立的评价过程
10. administer 管理
11. As far as particular sports are concerned, 就特定的运动而言
12. come up with a more appealing slogan 想出更吸引人的标语
13. becoming more conscious and concerned about staying fit 对于保持健康更有意识,更关注
II. Grammar and vocabulary
Section A播音主持专业就业前景
平行四边形的画法1. 有做某事的不同寻常的能力have an unusual ability to do sth
2. There even been one or two occasions _________ I have fallen asleep (where/ when)
3. eye the snack cart 看着食品车
4. 在几秒钟内in / within conds
5. 抓住。。。的机会ize the opportunity to do sth
6. a visually oriented person 视觉导向的人
7. the butterflies in my stomach 心里七上八下
8. come into view 看到,出现
9. shrink 收缩,退缩
Section B
III. Reading Comprehension
Section A
(cloze test)阅读篇章,写出下列单词、词组的中/英文表达。
1. mobile money 移动支付,移动钱包
2. unbanked 无银行账户的
3. Fin Tech companies to __ari_ in Asia Pacific 在亚太兴起的金融科技
4. be aware of the trends 意识到这些趋势
5. partner with 做伙伴汤圆
6. open up all sorts of possibilities 展现各种各样可能性
7. shape consumer expectations 塑造消费者期望
8. credit-worthiness 信贷价值
9. a key to financial attachment 金融附件的关键
10. get an access to credit 可以使用/得到信用度
11. leave out a crucial element 丢掉一个至关重要的因素
12. 濒危语言endangered languages
13. 仅限于偏远地区be limited to remote regions
14. be in u 在使用
15. be in view 看得见
16. be at hand 在手边(在附近;即将到来)
17. classification 分类
18. asssment 评估
19. are ranked on a six-point scale 按六分的等级来评分
20. majority language 大语种
21. in respon 作为回答
22. in contrast 与此相反,相比之下
23. vice versa 反之亦然
24. refresh endangered languages 使濒危语言浮现
25. documentation 文件记载
Section B
26.smashed to dust 粉碎成灰
27.in the 1930s 20世纪30年代
28.by far the best known 到目前为止最有名的
29.speak out for architecture 为建筑发声
30.poorly maintained roads 维护不善的道路
< foot 步行
33.The breathtaking wooden temple 令人叹为观止的木庙
35.take a breath of fresh air 呼吸新鲜空气
36.hunting for ancient architecture 寻找古建筑
37.raid public awareness 提高公众认识
38.Warranty 担保
39.adaptability 适应性
40.with ea 轻松地
42. a device capable of printing everything
44.ink containers 墨水容器
45.Ordering ink has never been easier 订购墨水从未如此容易
七所八站46.are designed for families 专为家庭设计
47.Dopamine 多巴胺
48.is linked to 链接到
50.asss 评估
51.were consistent with 与
52.outcome 结果
53.shape the cities of the future. 塑造未来的城市。
54.evaluate 评价
55.as to 至于
56.definitive 决定性的
57.in itlf 本身
Section C
58.back ----v. 支持
61.In Medieval times 中世纪
62.gave birth to 生下,产生,引起
64.in more sustainable directions 朝着更可持续的方向发展
66.forms of transport 运输方式
67. a threat to development 对发展的威胁
68.during rush hour 高峰时段
Summary writing
69.(be ) smashed to dust 粉碎成灰
70.in the 1930s 在20世纪30年代
71.by far the best known 到目前为止最有名的
罗科72.speak out for architecture 为建筑发声
73.poorly maintained roads 维护不善的道路
< foot 步行
76.The breathtaking wooden temple 令人叹为观止的木庙
77.(be) covered in dust 满是灰尘
78.take a breath of fresh air 呼吸新鲜空气
79.hunting for ancient architecture 寻找古建筑
80.raid public awareness 提高公众认识
< discount 打折
82.The impact of technology on 技术对。。。的影响
83. a much-debated topic 争论不休的话题
85.are eager to 渴望做某事
86.access social media day and night 日夜访问社交媒体
87.anti-social behavior 反社会行为
89.from our friends’ points of view从我们朋友的角度来看
90.an addiction to 沉溺于
91.felt cut off from family 与家人断绝联系
92.potential 潜在的,同理心,感同身受
93.it is clear that 很明显
94.It is therefore not surprising that 因此毫不奇怪