Strategic decision models: Integrating different
excel函数公式教程期刊名称: Strategic Management Journal锦鲤吃什么
作者: Michael A. Hitt,Beverly B. Tyler
年份: 2010年读后感的结构
三十里期号: 第5期
关键词: Strategic Decision Models;Strategic Choice鞍山社保局官网
摘要:Different perspectives of strategic decision-making and outcomes have been advanced in the literature. Among tho are the rational normative, external control, and strategic choice models. The current rearch examined hypothesized effects of factors associated with the three perspectives on strategic acquisition decisions. Strong support was found for the rational/analytical normative choice pe
rspective with objective criteria explaining the greatest amount of total explained variance in evaluation of target firms. However, industry and executive characteristics also produced main effects on target firm evaluations. Furthermore, the strategic decision models were found to vary by industry and executive characteristics of age, educational degree type, amount and type of work experience, and level (CEO and below). The