2013 “Fundamentals of Management”
Referential answers for assignments
Chapter1: Managers and Management
Q4 Is your cour instructor a manager? Discuss in terms of both planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Also discuss using Mintzberg’s managerial roles approach.
Answer– 古的组词A college instructor is both an individual contributor and a manager. Planning (defines class goals, establishes plans for achieving goals, and develops lesson plans), organizing(execution and class participation), leading(motivating students, direct the activities of others, lect the most effective communication channel, resolve conflicts) , controlling(grading).
Mintzberg’s managerial roles: Interpersonal roles: the roles of leader and liaison. Informational roles: monitor and disminator. Decisional roles: disturbance handler and res
ource allocator.
Q7 Why are managers important to organizations?
Answer– Managers are individuals in an organization who direct and overe the activities of others. Managers perform managerial activities that ensure to achieve organizational goals effectively and efficiently. Providing details about management levels. (Plea refer to page 5-6)
Q9 An article by Gary Hamel in the February 2009 issue of Harvard Business Review伟大人物 address how management must be reinvented to be more relevant to today’s world? Get a copy of that article. Choo one of the 25 grand challenges identified. Discuss what it is and what it means for the way that organizations are managed. 洪占辉
Answer– The 25 grand challenges include: ensure management rves a higher purpo, reduce fear and increa trust, reinvent the means of control, redefine the work of leadership, expand and exploit diversity, etc. Choo one of them and discuss.
Chapter3: Foundations of Decision Making
Q1 Why is decision making often described as the esnce of a manager’s job?
Answer– Decision making is a process of responding to a problem by arching for and lecting a solution or cour of action that will create value for organisational stakeholders. Everything that a manager does in term of planning, organizing, leading and controlling involves decision making. Managers in organizations also are called decision makers.
吸附Q3 “Becau managers have software tools to u, they should be able to make more rational decisions.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?
Answer– Disagree. Decision making is a complex process which needs information, skills, experiences and creativity. Software tools will allow managers easily gather information and analyze it, but it is doubtful software tools can make managers more rational, as software tools do not make decisions.
Rational decision making means making logical and consistent choices to maximize value. Rational decision making must satisfy veral assumptions. However, the reality is full of uncertainty and risk. Managers’ decision making still will not be perfectly rational by using software tools.
Q4 Is there a difference between wrong decisions and bad decisions? Why do good managers sometimes make wrong decisions? Bad decisions? How might managers improve their decision making skills?
Answer– Wrong decisions can not help to achieve organizational goals, bad decisions do help to achieve goals but may not maximize value or solve problems in a large expen. In addition to uncertainty and risk, time pressure, incomplete information in today’s environment and limited capacity make managers often u intuition to make decisions, so good managers sometimes also make wrong or bad decisions.
Managers can improve decision making skills by focus on what is more important, logic and consistency, gathering relevant information, blending subjective and objective thinkin
g with analysis and remaining flexible, etc.
Chapter4: Foundations of Planning产妇能吃海参吗
Q2 Describe in detail the six-step strategic management process.小英雄雨来的故事简介
Answer– The six-step strategic management process involves: Identify the organization’s current mission, goals, and strategies; External analysis 年的来历手抄报(identify opportunities and threats); Internal analysis (identify strengths and weakness); Formulate strategies, implement strategies and evaluate results. (Plea refer to page 87-89 )
介绍英语Q5 Under what circumstances do you believe MBO would be the most uful? Discuss.
Answer– MBO is a process of tting mutually agreed-upon goals and using tho goals to evaluate employee performance. MBO makes objectives operational by cascading them down through the organization.