Bills of Lading (Week 1)Bill of lading is the main shipping document in international trade.
The 3 functions of bill of lading (提单的三大功能)
1.Receipt of Goods loaded on board a ship(船上收到货物的收据)
2.Evidence of contract of carriage(运输合同的证明)
3.Document of title (物权凭证)
Bill of Lading is mainly divided into “To Order” Bill of lading(指示提单) or Straight Bill of lading
Bills of Lading have a t of three original copies. And one copy being accomplished, others to be
void. 提单通常一式三份正本,一份办理了提货,其余的即失效。
International Trade Terms (week 2) INCOTERMS 2000 or INCOTERMS 2010 is the international convention issued by ICC(国际商会), giving definition of international trade terms.
国际贸易中常用的贸易术语:FOB, CIF, CFR, FCA
FOB= Free on board 离岸价。It is the buyer to be responsible for transportation. The buyer needs to arrange ships to loading port nominated by ller and to arrange insurance for the cargo loaded on board. The ller is responsible for loading the cargo into the holds of the vesls nominated by buyer.
CIF=Cost, Insurance & Freight到岸价。It is the ller to be responsible for transportation. The ller needs to arrange ships and load and carry the cargo to unloading port nominated by buyer and to arrange insurance for the cargo loaded on board. The buyer is responsible for unloading the cargo at destination at the cost and risks of buyer.
CFR=Cost & Freight到岸价。It is the ller to be responsible for transportation. The ller needs to arrange ships and load and carry the cargo to unloading port nominated by buyer. The buyer is responsible for arrangement of insurance for the cargo loaded on board and unloading the cargo at destination at the cost and risks of buyer.
FCA=Free Carrier (… named place) 货交承运人
It is the buyer to arrange transportation and receive cargo at a loading place agreed by both parties. Seller delivers and loads cargo onto buyer’s conveyance and has fulfilled the obligation of cargo delivery. Insurance to be arranged by buyer.
输工具时,转移给收货人。Risks of cargo loss or damage pass from ller to buyer when the cargo
pass the ship’s rail at load port or is loaded onto buyer’s conveyance under FCA.
Free In & Free Out / Free In and Out = FIO 船方不负责装卸货,也不承担费用
Liner In & Liner Out = LILO 船方负责装卸货,并承担费用,但以船舷为界
关于水果的谜语Insurance (Week 5)
电脑蓝屏怎样修复No risks = loss insurance
In cargo transportation, especially maritime transportation, the risks include:
Natural Calamity (the act of god) (源自海洋的天灾,如风暴、海啸等) Perils of the a (人力不抗也属于natural calamity)
Fortuitous accidents (人类在海洋活动中意外事故,如船舶搁浅等)
General Extraneous Risks (非源自海洋的意外事故,不是人的因素Extraneous Risk 致的意外事故)
Special Extraneous Risks (因人的社会或商业活动导致的意外事故)Risks may mean Loss. (有风险就意味着有损失)
Actual total loss (实际全损)
Total loss
Loss (全损)Constructive total loss (推定全损)
Partial Loss (部分损失)
The 3 basic coverage of insurance in international trade贸易中主语的三种险别(coverage)