white elephant:something uless and unwanted but big and costly累赘brain trust:a group of people with special knowledge who answer questions or give advice)智囊团
flesh and blood:relative or family骨肉亲情
an apple of discord:cau of disagreement or argument,etc不和的种子,祸根Jack of all trades:a person who can do many different kinds of work but may not good at any of them门门懂,样样瘟;行行皆通,样样稀松
fly in the ointment:something that spoils the perfection of something.美中不足二相当于形容词
cut and dried:already ttled and unlikely to be changed
as poor as a church mou:having,or earning,barely enough money for one's needs
wide of the mark:not at all suitable,correct,etc
beyond the pale:beyond the limit of proper behaviour
up in the air:uncertain.
look into:investigate微信卡
go on:continue
put dislike,etc.delay;make excus in order to avoid a duty
turn on:switch on
get away with:do something wrong without being punished
put down to:state that something is caud or explained by
make it:arrive in time;succeed in doing
follow one's no:go straight ahead,go in the same direction
fall flat:fail completely in its intended or expected effect
give sb the bag:fire or dismiss somebody
sing a different tune:change one's opinion or attitude
call it a day:decide or agree to stop either temporarily or for good
chop and change:fluctuate or vary constantly;keep changing one's opinion swim against the stream:do the opposite of what most people want to do come back to earth:stop imagining or dreaming
make ends meet:earn what it costs to live
keep the pot boiling:earn enough to maintain an adequate standard of living; keep a situation active,amusing etc.
let the dog e the rabbit:do not get in the way of another who wishes to e or do sth.
bite the hand that feeds one:repay kindness with wrong;turn against a helper or supporter姐姐你是我的
tooth and nail:with great violence and determination
in nothing flat:in a very little time;soon
through thick and thin:through all difficulties and troubles
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
All is not gold that glitters.
Kill the goo that laid the golden egg.
hang in:not to give up
Hang in there,old buddy;the worst is yet to come.
big wheel:an influential or important person
Uncle Ferdinand is a big wheel inWashington,maybe he can help you with your problem.
make waves:create a disturbance,a nsation
Joe is the wrong man for the job;he's always trying to make waves.
can of worms:a complex problem or complicated situation
Let's not get into big city politics-that's a different can of worms.
cancer stick:cigarette
Throw away that cancer stick!Smoking is bad for you.
hit the sack:go to bed
I'm sleepy;let's hit the sack.
dish the dirt:gossip or spread rumours about others
Stop dishing the dirt,Sally,it's really unbecoming!
feel no pain:be drunk
After a few drinks,the man felt no pain and began to act foolishly.
in the soup:in rious trouble;in confusion
When his wife overdrew their bank account without telling him,Mr Cook suddenly found himlf really in the soup.
come to pass:take place;happen
Strange things come to pass in troubled times.
be it that:even though
And be it that indeed that I have erred,mine error remaineth with mylf.
in the wake of:right after;following
节日作文600字初二Famine followed in the wake of war.
give the lie to:call somebody a liar
The police gave the lie to the man who said that he had been at home during the robbery.
of note:notable;well-known
Sahgal is a novelist of note in India.
cross swords:have an argument with;fight
That was where I crosd swords with Wilfit in the discussion of financing the new project.
chop and change:fluctuate or vary constantly;keep changing one's opinion might and main:all one's power and strength
rough and ready:acceptable,but not very good
part and parcel:most important and esntial part
toss and turn:keep turning from side to side
bag and baggage:with all one's belongings
sum and substance:the gist of something
neither fish,flesh or fowl:difficult to classify
kith and kin:relative
toil and moil:work hard and long
by hook and by crook:by all means good and foul
fair and square:just,honest;without deceit
A little pot is soon hot.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
There's many a slip between the cup and the lip.杯到嘴边还会失手(指万事难以十拿九稳,事情往往功败垂成)
scream and shout;cut and carve,
pick and choo,hustle and bustle,
rough and tough,odds and ends,
bits and pieces,push and shove,
ways and means,by leaps and bounds
by and by,out and out,
such and such,neck and neck,
lots and lots,round and round,
day by day,all in all,
face to face,shoulder to shoulder,
hand in hand,word for word,
芭蕉花的功效与作用form time to time,year in year out.
here and there,up and down,
hit or miss,rain or shine,
weal and woe,first and last,
high and low,back and forth,
right and left,sooner or later,
play fast and loo,move heaven and earth,
from head to foot,from start to finish
as mute as a fish;as dead as a doornail,
as graceful as a swan,like a rat in a hole,
eat like a hor,sleep like a log,
Time flies like an arrow,spend money like water.
black sheep a dark hor
snake in the grass the salt of the earth
a wet blanket
in the cradle live by one's pen
from cradle to grave make up a pur
earn one's bread fall into good hands
two heads are better than one
Failure is the mother of success.Action speaks louder than words. The pot calls the kettle black.Fire and water are good rvants, but bad masters.
the call of nature powder one's no
kick the bucket a big chee
a world of trouble a flood of tears