On the Construction of Spaciousness in Poetry
------A ca study of stylistic analysis on The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Coleridge
Abstract: In this paper it makes specific and strict analysis towards the narrative pattern, language choice, language rhythm, plot construction and the other ways in the poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and it claims that through the integration of temporal and spatial scene, the poem creates spaciousness by the manner of distortion. The poem constructs static and dynamic spatial artistic conception in vertical and horizontal direction with the help of association of various images; it creates spatial effect of language experience with the help of language layout of poetry. It holds that romantic poets apply the spatial artistic conception to reprent the spaciousness from poets themlves to the readers and as a result realize the resonance of mental space and subjective space between two domains.
西安到华山Key words: spatial artistic conception, vertical & horizontal, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, stylistic analysis, cognitive construction
一、叙述与描写的结合 时间性与空间性的融合
故事结构完整、内容曲折,节奏明快,情节线索清晰:一位老水手拦住了一个去贺喜的婚客,老水手向他讲述了一次令人恐惧航海经历。听完故事的赶路人神色迷茫,却变得更具智慧。全诗用过去时态写成,与诗中30多个古英语词形,如stoppeth, thy, wherefore, thou, stopp’st, mayst, quoth, edtsoon, hath, spake, o’ertaking, aye, ken, midst, ne’er, look’st, work’em, e’en, Twas, bideth, wist, hither, betwixt, twain, o’er, oft, thee, gusht, anear, nought, all’gan, perforce, singeth, morn, eve, aught, morrow, biddeth, tis, forthwith等相融合,强调故事发生在遥远的过去。这些词或者它们的拼法在十九世纪初已经基本过时,给现代读者一种阅读的距离感,加强了诗的传奇色彩与气氛。
自立能力全诗以老水手的航海故事为主体,结合超自然和宗教神秘因素,渲染了哥特式传奇阴险恐怖的气氛,既描写了冰封雾裹之境(in the land of mist and snow),也描写了船员极度干
渴时喉咙干裂、嘴唇焦黑的样子(with black lips baked);既有老水手在茫茫大海上的孤独与恐惧(Alone, alone, all, all alone. Alone on a wide wide a! And never a saint took pity on. My soul in agony.),也有海面上鬼火磷光的景象(About, about, in reel and rout. The death-fires danced at night; The water, like a witch’s oils, Burnt green, and blue, and white.)。对自然和超自然景象的描写同时,刻意对诗中故事化的强调,增加了诗歌的文学审美情趣。自诗的开头起,婚客在诗中共出现七次。当读者正与老水手一起经历着大海上诡异和神秘时,总是因为“你让我感到害怕,老水手”(I fear thee, ancient mariner!)的声音而跃出茫茫大海;或是闯入婚礼的厅堂(Nodding their heads before her goes. The merry minstrelsy; What loud uproar bursts from that door!)。
受重力的影响,整个物质世界可以分割成垂直和水平两个方向。受空间形象对人的心理意识的影响,作为认知主体,人的心理结构也包含垂直和水平两个方向。在《古》中,众多意象组合是以垂直方向上静态模式呈现,如正午桅杆上的烈日(The bloody sun, at noon, right up above the mast did stand);宁静之夜,月亮高悬星空(Twas night, calm night, the moon high);九寻海底,魔鬼相随(Nine fathom deep he had followed us From the land of mist and snow.);下得地狱,上入天堂(An orphan’s cur would drag to hell A sp
irit from on high);信天翁在高空相伴,它在垂直方向上的独立,给人以敬畏和崇高感,与航船在海面上的水平位移显得尤为突出。
关于回忆的诗句同时诗中还有诸多垂直方向上的动态变化,如南风骤停,帆蓬瘪落(down drooped the breeze, the sails dropped down);海面上太阳的升与落(The glorious sun uprist. The sun now ro upon the right…went down into the a. Higher and higher every day, till over the mast at noon);船员们一个接一个躺倒在船板上(They dropped down one by one);倾盆大雨,直泻而下(the rain poured down from one black cloud);船员们的尸体先是微微动弹,而后又直起身来(They groaned, they stirred, they all upro);船体如铅块一样沉入海底(The ship went down like lead);老水手向天起到的实现与心灵的垂直升华(I looked to heaven, and tried to pray);傍晚星月在空中徐徐上升(The moving moon went up the sky, And no where did abide; Softly she was going up, And a star or two beside)。
水平方向的景象在《古》中主要通过视线对距离的捕获与视角对空间的捕捉变化实现。如鬼火磷光在眼前四处成片环绕:About, about, in reel and rout The deaths-fives danced at
night; the water like a witch’s oils, Burnt green and blue, and white;“死中生”从远处徐徐靠近:At first it emed a little speck, And then it emed a mist; It moved and moved, and took at last A certain shape, I wist. A speck, a mist, a shape, I wist! And still it neared and neared; 夜空星月相伴的静态画面:The horned moon, with one bright star within the nether tip; 茫茫大海上一幅静态画面无限延伸,海天相连:all in a hot and copper sky we stack nor breath nor motion; As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean; 茫茫夜空,繁星一片的忙碌景象:And to and fro, and in and out, The wan stars danced between; 老水手航海归来,返回故土,灯塔、山坡、教堂在眼前由远及近一一呈现:Oh! Dream of joy! is this in deed The lighthou top I e? Is this the hill? Is this the kirk? Is this mine one country?