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13Radioactivity 放射性
    Atomic nuclei consist of combinations of protons, or positively-charged particles, and neutrons, or uncharged particles. 
The number of protons and neutrons in each element can vary, but only certain combinations are stable.
For example, calcium-48, having 20 protons and 28 neutrons, is a stable isotope of calcium.
But 北大研究生if there is an excess or deficiency of neutrons in any combination, the isotope will be unstable.
A nucleus is more likely to be unstable if it is a heavy one that is, if it contains a large number of protons and neutrons.
Unstable nuclei attempt to achieve stability by emitting some form of radiation, until they transform themlves into stable isotopes.
    There are radioactive isotopes of every element, either tho existing in nature or el tho activated artificially by bombardment of stable nuclei with nuclear particles such as protons, alpha-particles or neutrons.
However, a particle will not be absorbed by the target nucleus unless its velocity corresponds with one of the energy levels of the nucleus.
Heavy nuclei, having more energy levels than light nuclei, are more likely to effect capture of a particle a fact which helps to explain the importance of uranium, thorium and other very heavy atoms in nuclear rearch.
    Since the neutron is uncharged, it is not affected by the charged electrons and protons of the target atom, and is therefore more likely to be captured than any other particle, provided that it is in resonance with an energy level of the nucleus.
In the event of neutron capture, the mass number of the nucleus will be raid, and it will thus become unstable and radioactive.
As radiation continues, the level of radioactivity falls exponentially, and the time taken for it to reach half its original value is known as the half-life of the isotope, which may vary from a fraction of a cond to millions of years.
Isotopes with long half-lives have many us in medicine and industry, but they must be handled and dispod of with great care, in ca they cau radiation damage.
    Neutron bombardment of the very heavy uranium atoms may have a quite different result.
It may cau the nucleus of the fissile U-235 atom to split into two parts.
This nuclear fission releas large quantities of energy which finally takes the form of the great energy, and at the same time other neutrons are ejected from the nucleus.
The fission fragments are highly radioactive, and will contaminate the fissile uranium if they are not removed periodically.
A number of the fission products, such as Caesium-137, are very uful as irradiation sources, and it is now possible to parate out the desired isotope from the spent fuel.
14Chain Reaction 连锁反应
Chain Reaction
    When fission occurs, an average of 2-5 neutrons are emitted from the nucleus.
If the fission process can be so arranged that one of the liberated neutrons is captured by another U-235 nucleus to produce another fission, then the reaction will become lf-sustaining.
    When emitted neutrons travel at a high velocity, and it is known that such fast neutrons have little chance of being captured by the fissile uranium.
However, if slowed down to thermal speeds, their probability of capture is greatly incread.
In the normal thermal reactor, the uranium is surrounded by a large mass of moderating material.
The liberated neutrons collide repeatedly with the light atoms of the moderator in such a way that they lo much of their energy and eventually become thermalized.
The moderator may be either a liquid such as heavy water, or a solid such as graphite.
Both the substances are of low atomic weight and have low neutron absorption cross-ctions.
With the graphite moderator, the uranium which is generally in the form of rods is inrted into channels cut out of the graphite.
The channels are so arranged as to form a lattice structure, the object of which is to reduce neutron escape to a minimum.
Provided that a sufficient mass of uranium is dispod in number of rods through the moderator, a high enough proportion of the emitted neutrons will find their way to fissile nuclei to produce a chain reaction.
The minimum quantity of uranium required to initiate the chain reaction is called the critical mass.
    Once irradiated, the uranium fuel elements tend to lo strength and become wrinkled.
It is therefore necessary to enca them in a can or cladding of some materials such as aluminum or magnesium.
The cans are designed so that they not only support the uranium inside, but also contain the highly radioactive fission products, and prevent reaction taking place between the fuel and the coolant.
    A chain reaction can be initiated by inrting more and more fuel elements into the reactor core until the critical mass is attained.
It can be terminated by withdrawing the rods.
Once started, the chain reaction must be controlled in such a way that a steady neutron flux rate, and thus a steady production of heat energy, is maintained.
The simplest method of control is by inrting control rods of cadmium, or some similar materials with a very high neutron absorption cross-ction, into the moderator.
The purpo of the control rod is to absorb the neutrons emanating from a fissioned nucleus.
If therefore there is an increa in the neutron flux in the reactor, more control rods can be inrted until the reaction rate is stabilized again: that is, until the multiplication factor is exactly.
15Conductors and Conductivity 导体及传导性
Conductors and Conductivity
    It is usual to consider electric current as a flow of electrons from one point to another through a medium, or even through a vacuum.
If the electron flow takes place in a vacuum, as in the ca of electronic valves, the electrons will travel at considerable speeds, since little resistance is offered by the medium, and fewer impacts will occur between the electrons.
If the medium is a solid in which ca the electrons are more tightly packed the electron flow will be slower.
    All substances may be classified electrically as conductors or insulators, according to the degree of resistance which the medium offers to the flow of current.
Most liquids, particularly solution in liquids, are good conductors.
Most gas at normal temperature and pressure are good insulators, but gas maintained at low pressure in a aled tube allow a flow of current to take place as a result of ionization of the gas molecules, ???while others are so resistant that they are referred to as insulators.
Electric current is normally transmitted along *annealed [退火混凝土冷缝] copper wire.
    The resistance of any material to the flow of current is affected by a number of factors, such as the length and cross-ction of the conductor, and by its resistivity, which is a specific property of the material at a specific temperature.
The temperature therefore also has some effect on the resistance of a material: in most cas, an increa in temperature caus an increa in resistance.
With certain metals, such as copper or iron, the change in resistance which attends on changes in temperature is relatively large a fact which is utilized in the resistance thermometer, in which it is possible to measure temperature changes, as in the *windings [线圈] of an electric motor, for instance, by the change in resistance.
    Some materials have a very high resistance, and as such they can be ud as insulators to prevent the leakage of current.
Among the materials are asbestos [石棉], *celluloid [赛璐珞], porcelain, cotton and rubber, and recently a number of new materials have been developed, including synthetic textiles such as nylon, and *synthetic resins [合成树脂] such as vinyl [乙烯基] resins.
The resistivity of most insulators decreas with an increa in temperature, for which reason the temperatures in insulated conductors must be kept reasonably low.
A breakdown of insulation may occur under the application of very high voltages, and it is necessary to know the *dielectric [非传导性的] strength of any insulating material.
Some materials, such as cotton, which is often ud as insulation, are liable to absorb moisture, and this will adverly affect their insulating properties.
Rubber, which is a standard insulating material, is liable to deteriorate under sunlight, and it is therefore advisable to protect it with some weatherproof material.
16Liquid Pumps 液泵
Liquid Pumps
    A wide variety of liquids are now being ud in chemical plants, and the usually have to be pumped through pipelines.
In choosing the type of pump most suitable for any specific operation, a number of problems have to be taken into account.
In the first place the quantity of liquid, and the pressure at which it is required to be pumped, must be considered.
Neglecting all other considerations, the reciprocating pump is ideal for pumping small quantities of liquid at high pressure, the amount of fluid delivered depending on the volumetric displacement of the pistons.
The delivery however is rather uneven a defect which can only be remedied by compounding a number of cylinders, thus making the machine rather large and expensive.
    The viscosity of the liquid is another factor, which must be taken into account, in that it largely determines the frictional loss, which will occur.
Rotary-type pumps are widely ud in the handling of highly viscous liquids.
They differ from reciprocating pumps in that they deliver an even flow of liquid, but they are unsuitable for pumping liquids of low viscosity, which tend to leak past the tips of the gear teeth.
They are mainly ud for the pumping of oils and similar liquids of high viscosity, which are less liable to leakage and which moreover provide the necessary lubrication for the moving parts of the pump, thus obviating the need for a parate lubricant.
A further consideration involved in the choice of pump is whether or not the liquid is corrosive or contains solid particles in suspension.
In such cas, precautions have to be taken to avoid damage to the mechanism.
With regard to suspensions, the clearances in the pump must be large enough to permit the particles to pass, and from this point of view, the rotary pump is not suitable, clearances necessarily being small to reduce leakage.
The centrifugal type of pump is more commonly ud when suspensions are prent, since various types of impellers can be fitted, thus enabling the pump to handle a wide variety of liquids, including tho with suspensions.
    The centrifugal pump is compact and requires little maintenance.
But it suffers from a certain disadvantage, in that there are considerable friction loss in the entry and discharged passages of the impeller, and further loss due to turbulence in the impeller itlf.
The pump consists esntially of one or more impellers rotating in the center of a casing.
This impeller contains a number of vanes so designed that the fluid entering the pump is carried round by the vanes at a speed depending on their speed of rotation.
龙须糕It is then discharged into a delivery chamber with a high kinetic energy imparted by the action of the vanes.
This energy is then converted into pressure energy, thus adding to the large pressure difference between the suction and delivery sides of the pump.
Excessive speed of rotation of the impeller is liable to cau the pressure on the suction side to fall so low that the liquid will vaporize, thus causing damage to the impeller.
17Road Foundations 道路基础
Road Foundations
    In planning a road, extensive preliminary surveys must be carried out to determine the preci line of the road, and to work out how much earth will require to be moved and what quantities of surfacing material will be needed. A cond purpo of the surveys will be to take samples of the different soils encountered at different depths by boring, in order to decide whether they are suitable for u or whether they must be replaced by imported fill. This is of great importance, since various types of soils have properties which result in low bearing capacities.
    Failure in road surfaces is usually attributable to insufficient preparation and compaction of the sub-grade that is, the soil on which the surface of the road is laid. Certain soils, such as clay or peat, are unstable, either becau they are largely impermeable and hence difficult to drain or becau they cannot be properly compacted. It is sometimes possible to stabilize some soils with cement, but in most cas it will be necessary to excavate the soil to a considerable depth and to replace it by a suitable granular soil. The most stable sub-grade soils are gravel and sand, both being readily compactable and easy to drain. It is often unnecessary to excavate the soils to a depth of more than three or four inches, and, if sufficient supplies are available they can be ud as filling material, particularly on embankments, where the soil must be capable of a high degree of compaction.
    The stability of a soil is largely dependent on an unchanging moisture-content, and to assist this, adequate drainage is necessary, although in the ca of heavy clays no form of drainage is very effective.
    Mechanical excavation is carried out by a variety of machines, including the shovel and drag-line excavator. The choice of plant ud will depend on how deep a cut is required and also on how accessible the cut is. After the soil has been excavated to the appropriate depth and filled, it is compacted by a roller until it is firm. Following this, it is common practice to lay a sub-ba over the sub-grade soil in order to strengthen it, and to ensure that the traffic load shall be distributed as widely as possible over the foundations. The sub-ba is normally compod of granular material with good drainage characteristics, and will vary in depth according to the nature of the sub-grade, and also according to what thickness of concrete is to be laid above it.
    It is esntial that the sub-ba should be compacted to a uniform density, since the density of a soil is cloly related to its bearing capacity. The compacted soil is then covered either with a aling coat of tar, or with rolls of waterproof paper, the object of which is to prevent liquid cement from the concrete ba from eping into it, thus weakening the lower layers of the concrete and increasing the moisture content of the ba.

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