在三、四十年代的解放区小说中,出现了一些相对完整的人物形象系列,如 农民、知识分子、战斗英雄、妇女等等,其中农村干部角色也是其中的重头戏。 解放区作家着重从阶级的视角出发,表现新型农村干部的斗争和成长,进而体现 整个农民阶级的先进性、革命性和历史主体能动性,具有浓重的意识形态色彩。 在塑造这类人物的形象时,农村干部被严格划分为敌—我、先进—落后等不同的 类型,显得阶
级壁垒泾渭分明。但是由于忽视了人作为社会性动物的丰富性和复 杂性,仅仅从抽象的政治理念出发,使这类人物的形象沦为意识形态的符号,而 丧失了它作为艺术形象的真实性和艺术生命力。从 80 年代以后,随着意识形态 领域内的相对宽松和各种社会思潮的涌入,使“重写历史”和“重写文学史”成 为必要和可能,解放区的农村干部形象在新一代作家笔下得到了重新的阐释。他 们颠覆了原先意识形态赋予解放区农村干部的政治色彩和话语诉说功能, 凸显了 他们作为“人”这一复杂主体的丰富性和多面性,在一定程度上实现了对历史的 重新介入和还原。但是,他们在创作中的戏谑和嘲讽态度又可能成为还原历史的 新的障碍。不同时期的作家对于这一类人物的书写,由于不同的时代语境和价值 判断标准,因而也发生了创作上的嬗变。考察解放区农村干部形象的这一嬗变过 程,可以从一个方面窥察到中国现代文学史发展的脉络,了解制约文学发展的内 在动因与外在机制,审视文学发展的空间与方向。本文分三、四十年代解放区文 学和八十年代当代文学两个不同的历史时期,从解放区农村干部形象出现的背 景、类型、特点及其在新时期所发生的嬗变等方面,对这一特定时期的人物形象 作了全面的考察和深入的探讨,试图展现中国现代文学史的一个特异的层面,为 解放区小说研究提供一种不同的视角。
关键词:解放区小说; 农村干部的类型; 创作局限; 嬗变
In the novel of the liberated areas in the 1930s 1940s, there have been some relatively complete ries of characters, such as peasants, intellectuals, combat heroes, women, etc. Among the, the
role of the rural cadres is also been highlighted. From the perspective of the class, the writers of the liberated areas described the struggle and growth of the new rural cadres, in turn reflected the advanced nature, the revolutionary and the motivation, of the whole peasant class. It has a den color of the ideology. In shaping the image of such cadres, the rural cadres were strictly divided into different types such as enemy I, advanced backward, etc. The barrier between the two sides is very clear. Overlooked the richness and the complexity of the mankind as a social animal, and just looked at the issue from an abstract conception, they made the role of the rural cadres only as ideological symbols, and lost its realistic and vitality as an art image. Since the 1980s, with the relatively relaxed environment in the ideological field and the influx of various social trends of thoughts, "rewriting history" and "rewriting the history of literature" has become necessary and possible, and the image of the rural cadres in liberated areas got reinterpretation by the new generation of writers. They subverted the political color and the discour function of the rural cadres endowed by the ideology and highlighted the richness and the complexity of them as mankind, to a certain extent, achieved the reintervention and reduction of the history. However, their ridicule and teasing attitudes may also become new obstacles for the reduction of history in their literature creation. Becau of the different era context and value criteria, the writing of the rural cadres for the writers of different periods, have been changed in the literature creativity. Searching in the process of the evolution of the rural cadres
in the liberated areas, we can from one aspect peep at the development of modern Chine literature history, and study the inherent constraints and external cau mechanism of the literary development, and examine the space and direction of the contemporary literary. This paper including two different historical periods, the period of 1930s1940s as the literature of the liberated areas and the period of 1980s as the literature of contemporary. From the background, types and characteristics of the rural cadres in the liberated areas, and also from the evolution of them in the new era, this paper tries to make a
comprehensive inspection and indepth inquisition in the literature of the liberated areas, and attempts to show the specific stratification plane of the modern Chine literary history, thus to provide a different perspective for the study of the literature of the liberated areas.
Key words: Novels in the liberated areas Types of rural cadres
Limitations in literature creation Evolution
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