
更新时间:2023-07-22 14:20:12 阅读: 评论:0

1.Aggregation [,ægrɪ'geʃən] = group 聚
2.Compatible [kəm'pætəbl] = consistent
3.Designate ['dɛzɪɡnet] = identify 指定
4.Diffusion = spread 伸开,传播
5.Distract = confu 使混乱
6.Drastic = extreme 激烈的
7.Exploit = take advantage of 利用
8.Hasten['hesn = rush 加速;
9.Induce = cau 引起
10.Intriguing = strong and interesting 迷人的
11.Lateral = towards the side adj.侧面的
12.Overeing = obrving 观察;监督
13.Perilous['pɛrələs] = dangerous adj. 危险
14.Portray = depict 描述;秒回
15.Prevailing = dominant 占据优势的
16.Readily = easily 容易地
17.Relay = pass on 传递;传送
18.Segregate = parate 使分开
19.Speculate = guess 推测
20.A matter of speculation = supposition 推
21.Spontaneously = automatically 自然的;
22.Synthesize = combine 合成
23.A solicitation of = an invitation of
24.Aberrant[æ'bɛrənt] = abnormal 异常的;
25.Abrupt = sudden 突然
26.Absorb = appeal 被…吸引
27.Accelerate celestial [sə'lɛstʃəl] 天上的;天
空的= speed up /get faster 加速
28.Acclaim = prai 向…欢呼;称赞
29.Account – description n. 说明;描述
30.Adept[ə'dɛpt] = skilled 熟练的;擅长的
31.Adherent [əd'hɪrənt] = advocate 拥护者,
32.Adopt = enact 采用;采纳
卡五笔怎么打字33.Advent = arrival 来临;到来
34.Aggravate ['ægrəveɪt]= annoy [ə'nɔɪ] 使
35.Agile['ædʒl] = astute [ə'stut] 灵活的;机
36.Air = feeling 氛围;气氛
37.Albeit[,ɔl'biɪt] = although 尽管
38.Allege[ə'lɛdʒ] = asrt =suppo 断言,宣
39.Allocation = distribution 分配
40.Allude[ə'lʊd] = suggest 暗指,顺便提
41.Allude to =refer to 提到;暗示
42.Ambiguous = vague 模糊不清的;模棱
43.Ambitious[æm'bɪʃəs] = difficult to be
achieved 费力的;雄心勃勃的
44.Ambivalent[æm'bɪvələnt] = mixed 矛盾
45.Analogue['ænəlɔ:g] to = similar to 相似的
46.Ancestor = progenitor [pro'dʒɛnɪtɚ] 祖先
47.Anchor = hold in place 使固定;使锚泊
48.Annihilate [ə'naɪəlet] = completely
remove /destroy 消灭
49.Antagonist [æn'tæg(ə)nɪst] =
enemy/opponent 对手;敌人
50.Antiptic [ˌæntiˈptɪk] = clean 杀菌的;
51.Antithesis = opposite 对立面
52.Antler ['æntlɚ] = horn 鹿角
53.Apace= as fast as 讯速地
54.Apathetic[,æpə'θɛtɪk] = uninvolved 漠
55.Apparatus = equipment 仪器
56.Apparel[ə'pærəl] = clothes 衣服;服饰
57.Application = u 应用
58.Appoint = designate['dɛzɪɡnet] 选派;任
59.Arbitrarily[,ɑrbə'trɛrəli] = randomly 任意
60.Arboreal[ɑr'bɔrɪəl] = tree-dwelling 树木
61.Ardent = passionate 热心的
62.Arduous = difficult 艰巨的;困难的
63.Arrangement = configuration 安排;布置
64.Array[ə're] = range 一系列
65.Assimilate = combine 同化;吸收
66.Assorted = varied 各式各样的
67.Assume= take on 承担
68.Astonish = surpri=astounding 使吃惊
69.Astute [ə'stut] = clever 敏锐的
70.Attendant = accompanying 伴随的
71.Attest to = confirm 证实
72.Attribute = accredit 属于;归于
73.Attribute = character 属性;特征
74.Attribute to = credit with 归因于
75.Avid['ævɪd] = enthusiastic 渴望的;热心
76.Barely = just 仅仅
77.Barge = boat 船
78.Be beforehand = foreordain 预先;事先
79.Be susceptible to =be subject to 受…的影
80.Beckon['bɛkən] =invite 召唤;
81.Bleach = whiten 漂白
82.Bleak = desolate 凄凉的;惨淡的
83.Boast = exaggerate = puff 吹嘘;自夸
84.Bombard[bɑm'bɑrd] =assail=assault 炮击;
85.Boundary = periphery[pə'rɪfəri] 边界
86.Brew = develop 酝酿;策划
87.Bulk = great quantity 大部分;大体上
88.Burgeon['bɝdʒən] = rapidly expand 急速
89.Bustling['bʌslɪŋ] = busy =lively 忙乱的;
90.By and large = for the most part 总的来说
91.Cement = stick 粘结
92.Centennial[sɛn'tɛnɪəl] = hundredth
anniversary 100周年
93.Changeover from = conversion from 改变;
94.Chil['tʃɪzl] = carve 刻;
95.Chronic = confirmed = habitual =
inveterate[ɪn'vɛtərət] 长期的;不断的
96.Chubby['tʃʌbi] = plump 肥胖的;丰满的
97.Circuitous[sɚ'kjʊɪtəs] = indirect 迂回的
98.Cling to = hold 坚持
99.Cluster = group 群
100.Coinage['kɔɪnɪdʒ] = creation 创造
101.Combust[kəm'bʌst] = burn 燃烧102.Commemorate= celebrate 庆祝;纪念103.Commensurate with[kəˈmɛnsərɪt, -ʃə-] = proportionate to 相当的;相称的
104.Communal = cooperative 共有的
105.Compensate = reimbur[,riɪm'bɝs] 赔偿;
106.Complex = elaborate 复杂的
107.Concealed = hidden 隐藏的
108.Conceive= consider 构思
109.Configuration = arrangement 布局;结构110.Congeal[kən'dʒil] = solidify 使凝结
111.Congregate['kɑŋɡrɪɡet] = gather 集合;
112.Concutive = successive 连续的
113.Conspicuous = clearly visible 明显的114.Constellation[,kɑnstə'leʃən] = collection 一系列
115.Contentious = disputed 好争吵
116.Contiguous = neighboring 临近的
117.Contrive= create 发明
118.Converging = concentrating 收缩的119.Convict = doom = ntence 宣判;使知罪
120.Copious ['kəʊpɪəs]= plentiful 丰富的;大量的
121.Correlate = match 相关;关联
122.Corroborate[kə'rɑbəret] = confirm 证实;
123.Counterpart = equivalent = similitude 副本
124.Countervail = compensate 抵消;对抗125.Crest = peak 顶部
126.Culminate = climax 到达顶点
127.Cumbersome = awkward= unwieldy= clumsy笨重的;麻烦的
128.Dampen = moisten 使超时
129.Dangle = hang吊
130.Dank = unpleasantly humid 潮湿的131.Decimate['dɛsə,met] = destroy 大量毁灭
132.Decipher[dɪ'saɪfɚ] = decode 破译
133.Declivity[dɪ'klɪvəti] = downward slope 斜坡
134.Deflect = deviate['divɪet] 使偏斜;使转
135.Deft = skilled 熟练的
136.Deity['deəti] =god 神
137.Delegate = reprentative 代表
138.Deleteriously = adverly 不利的
139.Delicate= dainty 易碎的;精美的140.Delineate[dɪ'lɪnɪet] = portray 描述;描绘141.Deluge['dɛljʊdʒ] = flood 洪水
142.Deluxe= lavish 豪华的
143.Demi[dɪ'maɪz] = extinction 死亡144.Demography[dɪ'mɒgrəfɪ] = population 人口统计
145.Deplore = lament[lə'mɛnt] 哀嚎;痛惜146.Derive= ari 源于;起源
147.Desiccated['dɛsɪketɪd] = dry 脱水的148.Deter = stop 阻止
149.Detractor[dɪ'træktɚ] = critic 恶意批评者150.Deviate['divɪet] = digress 偏离
151.Deviation = departure 背离
152.Devoid of = lack of = scant of 缺乏153.Devour[dɪ'vaʊɚ] = eat 狼吞虎咽的吃154.Dictate = determine = order 命令;要求;
155.Diffu = disper 散开;扩散
156.Disband = dismiss 解散
157.Discernible[dɪ'zɝnəbl] = discriminating = noticeable 可感知的
158.Discrete = parate 分开的
159.Dintangle[,dɪsɪn'tæŋɡl] = disband 解开
自我检讨书与自我反省160.Disgui = hidden 隐藏;掩饰
161.Dismantle =demolish 拆开;拆除162.Dismiss = reject 拒绝
163.Disorder = anarchy['ænɚki] 混乱
164.Dispensable = not necessary 非必要的165.Disperd = scatter 分散
166.Disposition = temperament 性格;性情167.Dissipate['dɪsɪpet] = disper 驱散168.Dissuade = discourage 劝阻
169.Diversification = emergence of many varieties 多样化
170.Divert= deflect 使偏离
171.Divest = deprive 剥夺
172.Drive = incentive 动机173.Dynamic = active 充满活力的
174.Eccentric[ɪk'sɛntrɪk] = erratic 古怪的;反常的
175.Eccentricity[,ɛksɛn'trɪsəti] = peculiarity[pɪ'kjʊlɪ'ærəti] 怪癖;古怪176.Edible = eatable 可食用的
177.Eject = force out 排斥
178.Elapd = pasd 过去的;经过的179.Elastic = pliant 有弹性的;可塑的180.Eligible['ɛlɪdʒəbl] = entitle 合格的;适宜的
181.Elongate[ɪ'lɔŋɡet] = stretch 延长
182.Eloquent['ɛləkwənt] = persuasive 善变的;有口才的
内墙抹灰技术交底183.Elucidate[ɪ'lusɪdet] = clarify 阐明;说明184.Elusive = difficult to catch 难懂的;难以捉摸的
185.Emanate[ˈɛməˌneɪt] = emerge 散发;
186.Emancipator[ɪ'mænspetɚ]= liberator 解放者
187.Embody = incarnate 使成化身;使具体化
188.Enactment= establishment 制定
189.Encapsulate[ɪn'kæpsjə'let] = state briefly 概述
190.Endor = support 认可;支持
191.Endow = bestow[bɪ'stəʊ] 捐赠
192.Engulf = swallow 吞没
193.Enlist = obtain 谋取(支持、赞助等)194.Ensue = result 因…产生
195.Entity = object 实体;存在
196.Entomb[ɪn'tum] = trap 埋葬;设陷阱197.Envision = imagine 想象
198.Ephemeral[ə'fɛmərəl] = short – lived 短暂的
199.Ephemeral = transient短暂的
200.Episode = occurrence 出现
201.Equilibrium [ikwɪ'lɪbrɪəm]=balance 平衡202.Erect = build 建立取舍的近义词
203.Erratic = irregular 不稳定的;古怪的204.Escalate = extend 逐步扩大
205.Estimate = projection 估计
206.Euphoric[jʊ'fɔrɪk] = extremely happy 心
207.Excrete = expel 排泄;分泌
208.Exert = put forth 使…用力
209.Expediency = advantage 方便;利己210.Expedient =fitting 权益的;方便的211.Extant = existing 现存的;
212.Extol = prai 赞美
213.Extraneous[ɪk'strenɪəs] = from outside 214.Exude = five off 渗出;发散
215.Fallacious[fə'leʃəs] = faulty 谬误的;靠不住的
216.Fanfare = spectacular display 鼓吹;炫耀217.Fare = primary sustenance 食物;主食218.Fervor['fɜːvə] = zeal 热情;热烈
219.Fictitious = mythical 虚构的;想象的220.Fidelity[fɪ'dɛləti] = faithfulness 忠诚;221.Filament['fɪləmənt] =strand 细长
222.Flake= fragment 小薄片
223.Flattery = prai 恭维
224.Focal = point center area 焦点
225.Forage = feed饲料= arch for food 觅食
226.Foul = pollute 污染
227.Friction= conflict 争执;不合
228.Frolic = run playfully 嬉戏;闹着玩229.Gauge = judge 测量;评估
230.Gay = bright 明亮的;愉快的
231.Gear = adjust 使适合
232.Gelatinous[dʒə'lætnəs] = viscous['vɪskəs] 粘结的;
233.Gemstone = jewel 宝石
234.Gloomy = dismal['dɪzməl] 阴郁的;郁闷的
235.Glowing = shining 光亮的
236.Go awry = become faulty 出差错;有缺陷
237.Grudging['ɡrʌdʒɪŋ] = unenthusiastic 勉强的
238.Hallmark = characteristic 标志
239.Haphazard['hæphæzəd] = random 随意的
240.Harness = put into u 利用
241.Harsh = drastic 严厉的;严酷的
242.Hasten= accelerate 加速;督促243.Hasty ['hesti]= hurried 匆忙的;急忙的244.Haul = pull 拉
245.Havoc['hævək] =destruction 浩劫
246.Headstrong = stubborn 倔强的;固执的247.Heed = notice 留心;注意
248.Heir =inheritor 继承人
249.Helically ['helikəli]= spirally 螺旋形的250.Herald['hɛrəld] = announce 预示;预报251.Heritage = legacy['lɛgəsi] 遗传;传统252.Hesitantly ['hɛzətəntli]= reluctantly 犹豫的;踌躇的
253.Heterogeneous['hɛtərə'dʒinɪəs] = varied 由不同种类组成
254.Heyday = golden age 全盛时期
255.Hitherto[,hɪðɚ'tu= previously 先前的256.Hobby = pastime 嗜好
257.Homogeneous= uniform 同种的
258.Hurdle = fence 用篱笆围
259.Idiosyncrasies = peculiarity[pɪ'kjʊlɪ'ærəti] 特性
260.Imminent = about to happen 即将发生261.Impetus['ɪmpɪtəs] = incentive 刺激;促进
262.Implausible = unbelievable
263.Imposing = impressive 令人印象深刻的264.Impul = basic motion 行动
265.In tandem['tændəm] = together 一起266.In the long run = eventually 以长远来看267.Inadvertently = unintentionally 非故意的
268.Inaugurate[ɪ'nɔɡjəret] = begin 开始;开创
ominous['ɑmɪnəs] 不祥的;凶兆的270.Inception = beginning 起初;最初
271.Inclement =unfavorable 严酷的
272.Inconclusive = without result 不确定的273.Incorporate = merge 吸收;并入= include
274.Incursion = invasion 入侵
275.Indelible[ɪn'dɛləbl] = permanent 持久的;
276.Indiscriminate = haphazard['hæphæzəd] 不分青红皂白的
277.Indigenous = native 本土的
278.Indiscriminately = at random 随机的279.Inert= motionless 迟缓的
280.Infiltrate = spread to 渗入;透过281.Infinitesimal['ɪnfɪnə'tɛsəml] = minute 非常微小的
282.Infirm = weak 不坚定的;衰弱的283.Inflate = expand 膨胀;扩大
284.Inflicting = bring about/impo 使承受285.Inherent = esntial 内在的;固有的286.Inordinate = excessive 过度的
287.Instigate = incite 教唆;煽动
288.Intangible = immaterial 无形的
289.Intercour = exchange 交流
290.Intermingle = interact 使混合;使搅和291.Intrusive = invasive 侵入的
292.Inviolable = allowing no attack = without exception 不可违背的
293.Jettison['dʒɛtɪsn] = relea 抛弃
294.Juncture = connection 连接
295.Lading = cargo 货物
296.Launch = initiate 发起;发动
297.Lax = careless 马马虎虎
298.Lethal =deadly 致命的
299.Linger= stroll 徘徊;漫步
300.Listening =advertent[əd'vɜːtənt] 留神听得
301.Little short miraculous = amazing but it is impossible 不可思议;奇迹
302.Locale = place 现场;场所
303.Lodge = embed 埋入
304.Lucrative['lukrətɪv] = profitable 有利益的
305.Luxuriant = thriving 茂盛的
306.Magnitude[mə'dʒɛstɪk] = amount 量;大小;巨大
307.Majestic = magnificent 壮观的
308.Malleable['mælɪəbl] = pliable 有延展性的;可塑的
309.Mean= average 平均值
310.Merge = blend 合并;融合
311.Meticulously[me'tikjuləsli] = carefully 小心地
312.Microbe =germ 微生物;细菌313.Milky way = galaxy 银河
314.Mimic = imitate 模仿
315.Miniature = small 微型的
316.Minuscule['mɪnəskjul] = tiny 微型的317.Mock = pretend 模仿
318.Modest = in limited ways = limited 过度的
319.Monotone['mɑnəton] = tedious 单调的;
320.Motif = pattern 图案
321.Mundane = material 世俗的;平凡的322.Myriad = countless 大量的;
323.Negligible['nɛɡlɪdʒəbl] = minor 微不足道的
324.Mundane =ordinary
325.Mutually exclusive =contradictory 矛盾的
326.Negligible = minor 微不足道的
327.Nibble =gnaw[nɔ] 细咬;细啃
328.Nimbleness['nimblinis] = agility[ə'dʒɪlətɪ] 敏捷
329.Noisy = vociferous[vo'sɪfərəs] 喧闹的330.Oblige = force 强迫
331.Obscure = conceal 使变暗;模糊
332.Obssion with = fixation on 对…迷恋333.Obsolete[ɑbsəˌlit] = out of date废弃的;
334.Obstinate['ɑbstɪnət] = stubborn 固执的;
335.Obstacle = impediment 障碍
336.Occult = supernatural 鬼神
337.Odds = in disagreement 争执;不一致338.Offt = balance = make up 补偿;抵消339.Omit = exclude 遗漏;删去
340.Opaque = impenetrable 难理解的341.Orchestrate['ɔrkɪstret] = stage-manage 精心安排的
342.Orientation = perspective 观点
343.Ostentatious[,ɑstɛn'teʃəs] = showy 好夸耀的;炫耀的
344.Overe= supervi 监督
345.Overwhelming = powerful 压倒性的346.Pacify ['pæsə'fai] = assuage[ə'swedʒ] 使平静

本文发布于:2023-07-22 14:20:12,感谢您对本站的认可!



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