挨门逐户:from hou to hou / from door to door;
唉声叹气:heave a deep sigh / sigh in despair / moan and groan
安家落户:make one’s home /ttle
安然无恙:safe and sound
按部就班:follow the prescribed order / keep to conventional ways of doing things.
跋山涉水:scale mountains and ford stream / travel across mountains and rivers
百孔千疮: riddled with gaping wounds / afflicted with ills.
半半拉拉:incomplete / unfinished
半夜三更:in the depth of night / late at night
宗的成语报仇雪耻:avenge onelf / take revenge
抱残守缺:cherish the outmoded and prerve the outworn—be conrvative; be an anachronism
背井离乡:leave one’s place / be away from home.
背信弃义:break faith with sb / be perfidious
大班语言活动反思笨口拙舌:awkward of speech / slow of speech / inarticulate
笨手笨脚:clumsy / awkward
毕恭毕敬:reverent and respectful / extremely deferential
标新立异:start sth. New just in order to be different / do sth. Unconventional or unorthodox / create sth new and original
冰天雪地:a world of ice and snow
捕风捉影:cha the wind and clutch at shadows – speak od act on hearsay evidence
不慌不忙:unhurried / calm / leisurely
不痛不痒:scratching the surface / superficial / perfunctory
不屈不饶:unyielding / indomitable / dauntless
才疏学浅:have little talent and less learning
藏污纳垢:shelter evil people and countenance evil practices
沉默寡言:taciturn / uncommunicative / reticent
陈词滥调:hackneyed and stereotyped expressions
陈谷子烂芝麻:old millet and stale same
称心如意:after one’s own heart
打家劫舍:loot / plunder
大吹大擂:make a great fanfare / make a big noi/ beat the drum
大慈大悲:infinitely compassionate and merciful
殚精竭虑:tax one’s ingenuity / rack one’s brains
刀山火海:a mountain of swords and a a of flames—most dangerous places; most vere trials
登峰造极:reach the peak of perfection / have a very high level / reach great heights
低声下气:speak humbly and under one’s breath / be meek and subrvient / be obquious
涤瑕荡垢:remove the stains and clean the filth—eradicate bad habits and customs
颠沛流离:drift from place to place, homeless and mirable / wander about in a desperate plight / lead a vagabond life苹果手机怎么插卡
吊儿郎当:careless and casual / slovenly
丢三落四:forget this and that / be always forgetting things
东奔西窜:flee in all direction
东奔西跑:run around here and there / bustle about / rush about
东倒西歪:leaning / unsteady / tottering
东拉西扯:drag in irrelevant matters / talk at random / ramble
东鳞西爪:odds and ends / bits and pieces / fragments
多才多艺:versatile / gifted in many ways
多愁善感:ntimental and susceptible
发号施令:issue orders / order people about
繁荣昌盛:thriving and prosperous
疱疹治疗方法改朝换代:高风险投资change of dynasty or regime / dynastic change
鬼斧神工:uncanny workmanship / superlative craftsmanship
鬼鬼祟祟:doings of ghosts and god—unexpected happenings; a curious coincidence
海枯石烂:the a run dry and the rocks crumble
呼朋引类:gang up村妇女主任
狐群狗党:a pack of rogues / a gang of scoundrels
胡思乱想:go off into flights of fancy / give way to foolish fancies / let’s one’s imagination run away with one
胡言乱语:talk nonn / rave
胡作非为:act wildly in defiance of the law or public opinion / commit all kinds of outrages / run amuck
花言巧语:sweet words / fine words / flattery/ blandishments
见多识广:experienced and knowledgeable
金枝玉叶:golden branches and jade leaves—of imperial lineage
筋疲力尽:exhausted / played out / worn out/ tired out / all in / dead—beat/ dog—tired
精疲力竭 :exhausted / worn out / tired out / spent
镜花水月:flowers in a mirror or the moon in the water—an illusion
酒囊饭袋:中国的成就wine skin and rice beg / fair—weather friends
开天辟地:the creation of heaven and earth – the beginning of history
看菜吃饭量体裁衣:fit the appetite to the dishes and the dress to the figure –act according to actual circumstances
靠山吃山靠水吃水:tho living on a mountain live off the mountain, tho living near the water live off the water—make u of local resources
狼心狗肺:rapacious as a wolf and savage as a cur / cruel and unscrupulous / brutal and cold—blooded / heartless and ungrateful
离经叛道:depart from the classics and rebel against orthodoxy
厉兵秣马:sharpen the weapons and feed the hors—get ready for battle
临深履薄:as if the brink of chasm, as if treading on thin ice—with caution and care
灵丹妙药:miraculous cure / panacea
流水不腐户枢不蠹:running water is never stale and a door—hinge never gets worm – eaten
流言蜚语:rumors and slanders
龙盘虎踞:a coiling dragon and a crouching tiger—a forbidding strategic point
龙潭虎穴:a dragon’s pool and a tiger’s den—a danger spot