victor muchuruza,
352 pennell cir apt 5
tallaha, ss
phone: (850)sss
url: ssss
professional and rearch interests
roadway, site, and utilities design,
traffic engineering and transportation planning,
stormwater modeling and drainage design,
intelligent transportation systems,
optimization, simulation and modeling of traffic flow,
agent bad and cellular automata simulations, 裂冰
analysis of traffic operations and highway safety,
professional certification
西郊森林公园 engineer intern (eit).
ph.d., florida state university, xx
thesis: stochastic modelling of traffic crashes
cumulative gpa 3.92.
m.s in civil engineering, major transportation engineering
florida state university, december xx
cumulative gpa: 3.95.
b.s in civil engineering, major transportation and highway engineering
university of dar es salaam, tanzania, nov xx
cumulative gpa: 4.3 (5.0 scale).
relevant courwork:
traffic flow theory, traffic engineering and highway safety, traffic simulation and modeling, computer aided highway geometric design (ldd), statistical applications in trans
小孩唱的歌portation engineering, intelligent transportation systems, application of gis in transportation planning, transportation demand modeling, highway pavement design, engineering surveying, object oriented programming (c++), applied optimization, artificial intelligence, soil mechanics foundation design, design of steel structures, design of reinforced concrete structures, environmental engineering, hydraulics, and project control in construction, construction management site organization.
work experience
有黑头怎么办>袁天阳 florida state university, traffic engineering lab, tallaha, fl xx-xx
rearch assistant
works involved simulation and modeling of traffic flow and safety. design algorithm and implementing by writing computer programs in c++. testing and verifying the simulation model results.
florida state university, traffic engineering lab, tallaha, fl, xx-xx
traffic engineering lab webmaster.
designed and maintaining traffic engineering website.
florida state university, traffic engineering lab, tallaha, fl, november xx
rearch assistant
works involved field data collection, mutcd warrant analysis, delay studies in the traffic signal warrant study at lipona road and belle vue way interction in tallaha, fl
florida state university, traffic engineering lab, tallaha, fl, xx-xx
rearch assistant
works involved statistical analysis of the effect of minimum speed limits on rural interstate freeways
florida state university, traffic engineering lab, tallaha, fl, xx
rearch assistant
works involved evaluation of the accuracy of methods ud to locate roadway crashes on florida state highways
florida state university, traffic engineering lab, tallaha, fl xx-to xx
rearch assistant
works involved laboratory testing of adhesives ud in installation of nsors ud for traffic classification.
ptember xx- november xx national construction council, tanzania
464, mortimer st,
lewiston, ma, 65328
(849) 288-9478
willing to work as a computer programmer in the well known it industry.
京城阳少 b. (computers) from xyz university, arizona in xx
summary of skills and experience
i am an engineering graduate and have knowledge of implementing software programming skills in designing developing systems.
pivotal in c, c++, sql, java, html, ms access and photoshop with exposure in windows 9
x/ xx / nt.
computer skills
programming languages: c, c++, sql, java, j2ee (rvlet, jdbc, jsp)
databas tools: oracle, ms access
operating systems: windows 9x, xp, xx, nt
other skills: photoshop, css, html, flash
additional details
academic projects
banking system using c++
duration: jan 06 to may 06
environment: c++
description: designed and developed banking system for bank involving basic transactions such as debiting or crediting accounts, listing account information of customers, balancing information, editing and deleting accounts etc.