高中英语---读后续写 描写植物语料素材积累
带明的成语△ A Beautiful Flower Indicative of Pride and Pomp 一朵象征着骄傲和尊严的漂亮花朵
It was an exotic, of rare beauty, and as fresh as if the hot-hou gardener had just clipt it from the stem. That flower has struck deep root into my memory. I can both e it and smell it, at this moment. So brilliant, so rare, so costly, as it must have been, and yet enduring only for a day, it was more indicative of the pride and pomp which had a luxuriant growth in Zenobia’s character than if a great diamond had sparkled among her hair.
---- Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Blithedal Romance, 3
—— 节选自美·霍桑《福谷传奇》第三章 译文:杨万、侯巩
意爱① It was an exotic, of rare beauty. 直白地写花朵具有异域风情的美。
② That flower has struck deep root into my memory. I can both e it and smell it, at this moment. 可以借鉴写一段回忆,根植在内心深处,清晰可见。如:That happy time has struck deep root into my memory. I can both e it and touch it, at this moment.
△ Roadside Sunflowers 路边向日葵
The road ran about like a wild thing, avoiding the deep draws, crossing them where they were wide and shallow. And all along it, wherever it looped or ran, the sunflowers grew, some of them were as big as little trees, with great rough leaves and many branches which bore dozens of blossoms. They made a gold ribbon across the prairie. Occasionally one of the hors would tear off with his teeth a plant full of blossoms, and walk along munching it, the flowers nodding in time to his bites as he ate down toward them.
---- Willa Cather: My Antonia, Book I,3
△ Lily Pads in a Breeze 微风中摇曳的百合花
父亲的病读后感A slight breath of air rippled across the marsh and the water rippled under it. The lily pads tipped, an instant, their broad shining leaves to the glint of the sun.
---- Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings: The Yearling, 10
△ Nocturnal Flowers 夜来香
... and darkness thickened under the trees. With the fading of the light the riotous colours died and the heat and urgency cooled away. The candle-buds stirred. Their green pals drew back a little and white tips of the flowers ro delicately to meet the open air.
Now the sunlight had lifted clear of the open space and withdrawn from the sky. Darkne
ss poured out, submerging the ways between the trees till they were dim and strange as the bottom of the a. The candle-buds opened their wide white flowers glimmering under the light that pricked down from the first stars. Their scent spilled out into the air and took posssion of the island.
---- William Golding: Lord of the Flies, Chapt. Three
△ The Fragrant White Pond-lily 芬芳的白色百合花
怎么会遇见你Flags and rushes grow along its plashy shore; the yellow water-lily spreads its broad, flat leaves on the margin; and the fragrant white pond-lily abounds, generally lecting a position just so far from the river’s brink that it cannot be grasped save at the hazard of plunging in.
It is a marvel whence this perfect flower derives its loveliness and perfume, springing as it does from the black mud over which the river sleeps, and where lurk the slimy eel, and speckled frog, and the mud turtle, whom continual washing cannot clean. It is the very same black mud out of which the yellow lily sucks its obscene life and noisome odor. Thus we e too in the world, that some persons assimilate only what is ugly and evil from the same moral circumstances which supply good and beautiful results ---- the fragrance of celestial flowers ---- to the daily life of others.