1, 课程基本信息
课程名称(中、英文):西方宏观经济学(双语) Macroeconomics
学时:51 学分:3
2, Cour Description: 垃圾分类小报
Macroeconomics is the study of the economy as a whole, including growth in incomes, changes in the overall level of prices and the unemployment rate. Macroeconomists attempt to explain the economy and to devi policies to improve its performance.
This cour provides students with basic concepts and techniques needed to analyze econ
omic problems in a variety of contexts. Students will study Economy-wide phenomena, including inflation, unemployment, and economic growth.
白头偕老是什么意思 This cour is divided into three parts: Theory of business cycles, Theory of the national incomes, and a Brief Introduction to policies. After successful completion of this cour students will be able to demonstrate command of basic and macroeconomic concepts and graphical models, and apply them to new situations.
3, Cour Outline
Chapter 1: Overview of Macroeconomics
☐Major Macroeconomic Concepts: macroeconomics vs. microeconomics, gross domestic product(GDP), actual and potential, employment, unemployment, unemployment rate, inflation, deflation, consumer price index (CPI), net exports, fiscal pol
icy (government expenditures, taxation), money, monetary policy
☐Aggregate Supply and Demand: aggregate supply, aggregate demand, AS curve, AD curve, equilibrium of AS and AD, sources of long-run economic growth
Chapter 2: Measuring Economic Activity
☐Fundamental Concepts番茄酱的英文 : national income and product accounts (national accounts), real and nominal GDP, GDP deflator, intermediate goods, value added, government transfers, disposable income (DI)
☐GDP = C + I + G + X
Net investment = gross investment – depreciation
NDP = GDP - depreciation
☐起名常用字>对联带横批Investment-saving identity :I = S
☐inflation, deflation, price index: CPI, GDP deflator, PPI
Chapter 3: Consumption and Investment
☐Consumption and Saving: disposable income, consumption, saving, consumption and saving functions, personal saving rates, marginal propensity to consume (MPC), marginal propensity to save (MPS), MPC + MPS= 1, Break-even point, 45 degree line
☐Determinants of consumption:
current disposable income
permanent income
☐Investment: determinants of investment, role of interest rates in I, investment demand function
Chapter 4: Business Fluctuations and the Theory of Aggregate Demand
☐Business Fluctuations or Cycles: business cycle or business fluctuation, business cycle phas: peak/trough/expansion/recession, recession, aggregate demand shifts and business fluctuations, exogenous and internal cycle theories, macroeconomic models
☐Aggregate Demand: real variable = nominal variable/price level, aggregate demand, AD curve, major components of aggregate demand: C, I, G, X, downward-sloping AD curve through money-supply effect, factors underlying and shifting the AD curve
Chapter 5: The Multiplier Model
☐The Basic Multiplier Model
C + I schedule
two ways of viewing GDP determination:
☐Planned saving = planned investment
北京到山西Planned C + planned I = planned GDP
☐Investment equals saving: planned vs. actual levels
multiplier effect of investment multiplier = 1 + MPC + (MPC)^2 + ... = 1/(1 - MPC) = 1/MPS
☐Government Purchas and Taxation: fiscal policy:
☐G effect on equilibrium GDP, T effect on CC and on GDP
☐Multiplier effects of government purchas (G) and taxes (T), estimated multipliers in practice
Chapter 6: Money, Banking, and Monetary Policy
☐Money and Interest Rates: money, narrow money (M1), broad money (M2 ), interest rate, real and nominal interest-rate, motives for money demand: transactions demand/ast demand, interest as opportunity cost of holding money, inflation-indexed bonds
☐Banking and Money Supply: banks, financial intermediaries, bank rerves, required rerve ratio, fractional-rerve banking, money-supply multiplier
☐Central Banking: bank rerves, Open-market purchas and sales, discount rate, borrowings from Fed, legal rerve requirements, intermediate targets, ultimate objectives
☐The Monetary Transmission Mechanism: demand for and supply of money, interest-nsitive components of spending, monetary policy in the AS_AD framework, monetary policy in the short run and the long run, "neutrality" of money