有“猜测或判断”语气的副词:surely,certainly,probably,perhaps,possibly,maybe,properly(in the proper way)
1. 十分,很 quite,very,pretty
2. 极端/非常 extremely,terribly
3. 完全 completely
4. 恰恰; 确切地; 精确地 exactly(可用句中可用句末)
5. 实际上; 确实; 竟; 事实上 actually
1. 字母a开头: almost, always, also, already(常与完成时连用)
(2016学年嘉定一模)The brain is able to finish great works,but it is not a _82__ perfect.Students should never rely on it to remember all school details.雨繁体字 always
2. 否定含义的副词:never, hardly, rarely, ldom
(2016年虹口一模)The four men n 82 took music lessons. They taught themlves to play music. never
(2016年松江一模)The values of your parents are p 87 different from tho of your own. probably
(f开头) first, finally, fourth
1.(2016学年杨浦一模)T___85___, slowly turning toward me, he shared the following as if he were reciting it from memory. Then
备注:常考的副词短语greatly disappointed,what’s more, what’s wor,more importan
excitedly, clearly, first, finally, instead, soon, together, well, quickly, quietly, fast,exactly水煮肉片的家常做法
1.(2016年浦东一模)Today, we u pieces of paper i___86___, but many countries still keep bars of gold in the banks. instead容易做的家常菜
2.(2016年普陀一模) I can’t tell all the dates e___84_ becau I was too young to understand calendars, but I remember what I did that day, what the weather was like and so on. exactly
w开头:which,when,where,who ,why
2016年奉贤一模A_____Walt Disney made many of his most famous movies many years ago, they are as popular now as they were when he made them. Although
A___87__ we may not know which bands are their favorites at the moment, an MP3 player will give them the freedom to download whatever music they like. Although
1.(2015普陀一模)I was very comfortable speaking to everyone, so I got lots of chances to (82)3月27日p_____ my spoken English. practi
2.When I got home, my friends couldn’t believe how much I had (83)i _____ in English! improved
3.(2015长宁一模)香煎黄花鱼的做法Listen to birds or the sound of your ax (斧子). If the sound is sharp, stormy weather is moving nearer. If the sound dissipates (散去), a high-pressure system and nice weather is on the w____81___. way
常考的有:by the way 顺便说一下;in the way ,挡道,阻碍;in many ways 在许多方面;in some ways 在某些方面;in this way 用这种方式。
4.(2015虹口一模)It would be a very b____85____ life for a budgerigar(虎皮鹦鹉) in its cage without a ladder and a bell or a mirror. boring
常考的有:a good life , a happy life , a bad life , a colorful life , an enjoyable life,a hard life , a wonderful life ,a better life
5.(2015嘉定一模)Greatly d___84___, Edward left the building and went to wait for a bus to take him back home. Next to the bus stop, a man was lling newspapers from a stand(摊位). disappointed
6.(2015浦东一模)Nowadays many children are chon to learn English at a very y__84___ age, but which is the right way should take? young
建议学生在平时的学习中要及时积累课文中重要的常用搭配,比如往年考过的a big success , a heavy traffic , what’s more , what’s wor ,after class , on the way,Greenhou Effect, make a difference等等,很多这样的例子。做题的时候如果对这些短语非常熟悉,就好很自然的想起来。
1.(2015长宁一模)But if the grass is dry, then it will be w____87___of you to take your umbrella. wi
此处其实考it is + adj. of sb. to do sth.,并且adj.修饰人的。备考时应该提醒学生如果从联系上下文以及句子成分分析的角度仍然想不出恰当答案,可以从句子的整体结构入手,可能是考常见的句型,比如考定语从句/宾语从句/状语从句的连接词,或者考it is + adj. for sb. to do sth.等等。
2.(14长宁二模)Some special effects, especially in science fiction movies, are made with computers. O_____85____are made by machines, which can make a rainy day or a snowy night at any time of the year. Fires and explosions in movies are created with special effects. Others
1.(2015松江一模)In your classroom, you have learned to read "fast". A___87____ class, you should try to learn to read "slow". after
2.(12黄浦二模) Later I knew an exam was a kind of competition. In competitions, there are always w_________ and lors. As I grew up, I got to know competition well. In one’s life, there must be competitions, so people can improve. winners