1 人人都知道她生性 傲。 (by nature ) It is known to all that she is proud by nature.
2你只有一次机遇,所以最好充足利用它! (make the most of )有脚气用什么泡脚最好
You'll only get one chance, so you'd better make the most of it.
3 事故 致两名乘客死亡。 (result in
The accident resulted in the death of two pasngers.
4. 有个好老 后 ,他的 情 况完 全不 一 了 。( make all the difference )
Having a good teacher has made all the difference for him.
对称图案1. 你的女儿盼望获取你的 ,你 什么 她那么冷漠?( be hungry
for )
Your daughter is hungry for your love. Why are you so cold to
2.只管我 之 几乎没什么共同之 ,但你仍旧是我最好的朋友。(have⋯ in common )
Although we have little in common,you are still my best friend.
3. 她完整失掉了控制,失声痛哭起来。 (lo one's control )
She lost all her control and burst into tears.
4. | 我不理解究竟是什么使他堕入 望。 (sink into despair | ) |
I did not understand what on earth made him sink into despair | |
1. | 很不幸,只有 20 人来上我的 。(no more than ) | |
| | |
No more than twenty people came to my class, unfortunately.
2. 这位著名教授特意从事小孩初期教育。 (specialize in The famous professor specialized in the education of children at an early age.
3. 她说她恨她的丈夫,或许粗心这样的话。 (520是什么to that effect
She said she hated her husband, or words to that effect.
4.水浒传四字成语我们已采纳了全部必需举措来纠正这些错误。 (remedy)
We have done whatever is necessary to remedy the mistakes.word行距怎么调整
1.在演艺界要达到巅峰可不简单。 (make it 爱上离婚的女人)
It's hard to make it to the top in the show business.
2. 她生活中以前跌荡起伏,但她总能抖擞起来。 (pull onelf
together )檀字怎么读
She had her ups and downs, but she had always managed to pull herlf together.
3.他素来没有乘过船。(on board )
He has never been on board a ship before.
4.我没法照你的建议做,可是还得感谢你的忠告。 (nevertheless )
I can't follow your advice. Nevertheless thank you for giving it
1.德馨园小学他想长大后当企业经理。 (grow up )
He wants to be a company manager when he grows up.
2.这首歌代代相传。(hand down)