【摘要】目的:总结在基层医院开展经脐单孔腹腔镜胆囊切除术的临床经验。 假如我是一名患者方法:回顾分析成飞医院普通外科2010年5月~2011年3月运用原有普通腹腔镜器械进行的40例行经脐单孔腹腔镜胆囊切除术患者的临床资料。结果:本组患者中运用该方式完成38例胆囊切除,2例转为传统三孔腹腔镜手术。手术时间47~85min(平均68±10.46min),手术出血量5~30ml(平均14.9汤正宗±5.10ml我的好朋友教案),平均住院6 d。患者术后切口愈合良好,瘢痕隐蔽。随访1~10个月,无漏胆、胆管损伤、切口疝等并发症。结论:会计人员管理办法通过简单的改进,使用原有的普通腹腔镜器械就能够达到单孔腹腔镜的手术效果,并且安全易行,适合基层医院推广。
the using experience of transumbilical laparoendoscopic single site cholecystectomy in basic-level hospitals
ruan qi1 hu xiaodong1 cui lijuan2 et al.
【abstract】objective:to generalize the using experience of transumbilical laparoendoscopic single site cholecystectomy in hods:review the clinical data of general surgery department of cheng fei hospital from may 2010 to march 2011 by using the method to 40 cas of laparoscopic cholecystectomy. results:using this method in this group , we completed 38 cas of transumbilical laparoendoscopic single site cholecystectomy,2 cas into traditional three holes laparoscopic surgery.theoperating time was 47~85min(mean 68±群响毕绝10.46min). theblood loss was 5~30ml(mean 14.9±5.10ml). the mean hospital stay was 6 days . all the incisions were healed well and the surgical scar was satisfied and virtually concealed within the umbilicus. no postoperative complications were obrved at follow-up 1~8 months. conclusion:through simple improvement, using the common devices laparoscopicdevices can be achieved the effect of single incision laparoscopic surgery. it is safe and easy , suitable for basic-level hospitals promotion.煮水饺怎么煮