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第 6 次课 | 申论模板 教学课型:理论课 □ 实验课□ 习题课□ 实践课□ 技能课□ 其它□ |
主要教学内容(注明:* 重点 # 难点 ): Conclusion 1.Signal the end of the speech 2.*Reinforce the central idea ①Summarize your speech ②End with a quotation ③Make a dramatic statement ④Refer to the introduction ⑤ motivate 3.怎么解除呼叫限制*Sample conclusion with commentary贫血症状 4.Tips for preparing the conclusion 5.*Some common faults |
教学目的要求: The students should know why conclusion part is vital to a successful speech. Students are asked to grasp the ways to conclude a speech successfully. |
教学方法和教学手段: 讲授, ppt |
英国皇室成员讨论、思考题、作业: Checklist for conclusion |
参考资料: The art of public speaking Be a great speech maker |
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Lesson 5 The conclusion
22寸显示器“A speech is like a love affair. Any fool can start it, but to end it requires considerable skill.”
Longfellow said, “Great is the art of beginning, but greater the art is of ending.” Longfellow was thinking of poetry, but his insight is equally applicable to public speaking. Keep in mind that your closing remarks are your last chance to drive home your ideas. Moreover, your final impression will probably linger in your listeners’ minds. Thus, you need to craft your conclusion with as much care as your introduction.
No matter what kind of speech you are giving, the conclusion has two major functions:
真的好想你歌词1. To let the audience know you are ending the speech.
2. To reinforce the audience’s understanding of, or commitment to, the central ide未来十年热门职业
Let us look at each.
1. Signal the end of the speech
Even in casual conversation you expect some signal that the talk is coming to an end. You are taken back when the person you are talking with suddenly walks off without warning. The same is true of speechmaking. Too sudden an ending leaves the audience puzzled and unfulfilled.
How do you let your audience know your speech is ending? One way is through what you say, “In conclusion”, “One last thought”, “In closing”, “My purpo has been”, “Let me end by saying”---the are all brief hints that you are getting ready to stop.
You can also let your audience know the end by your manner of delivery. The conclusion is the climax of a speech. A speaker who has carefully built to a peak of interest and involvement will not need to say anything like “in conclusion”. By using of the voice---its to
ne, pacing, intonation and rhythm--- a speaker can build the momentum of a speech so there is no doubt when it is over.
2. Reinforce the central idea
The cond major function of a conclusion is to reinforce the audience’s understanding of , or commitment to, the central idea. There are many ways to do this. Here are the ones you are most likely to u.
①Summarize your speech
Restating the main points is the easiest way to end a speech. One student ud this technique effectively in her persuasive speech about the need for universal health care in the United States:
In conclusion, we have en that there are definite problems with the equality and economics of the health care system in the United States which are affecting our citizens and our nation as a whole. I have shown you a viable solution that our entire country woul
蜡笔小新高清壁纸d benefit from. Using Canada’s system, or one similar to it, would ensure that a much greater percentage of the population receives the health care they need.
Now it is time for our country, considered to be the most advanced in the world, to stop lagging behind other countries in caring for its citizens and begin tting an example of how a country can truly prosper under a universal health care plan.
The value of a summary is that it explicitly restates the central idea and main points one last time. But as we shall e, there are more imaginative and compelling ways to end a speech. They can be ud in combination with a summary or, at times, in place of it.
②End with a quotation
A quotation is one of the most common and effective devices to conclude a speech. Here is a fine example, from a speech on the misu of television advertiments in political campaigns:
We cannot ignore the evils of television commercials in which candidates for the highest
offices are sold to the voters in 30-cond spots. Thes ads cheapen the elective process and degrade our political institutions. In the words of historian Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., “You cannot merchandi candidates like soap and hope to prerve a rational democracy.”
③Make a dramatic statement
Rather than using a quotation to give your conclusion force and vitality, you may want to devi your own dramatic statement. Some speeches have become famous becau of their powerful closing lines. Let’s e Patrick Henry’s legendary “Liberty or Death”. It takes its name from the final ntences of the speech to call on his audience to resist British tyranny: