1.The material ud extensively as electrolytic protection around bronze propellers is _____.
A.copper B.lead C.zinc D.brass
2.A radar display in which North is always at the top of the screen is a(n)_____.
A.unstabilized display B.relative display
C.stabilized display抑扬顿挫的意思 D.composition display
3.It may be found that, in certain circumstances, radar beacon emissions can cau_____with the normal radar display , particular at clo range.
A.unexpected figures B.abnormal data
C.unwanted interference D.unwanted information
4.A vesl's immediate protection in the event of a broken stern tube is a/an_____.
A.stern frame bulkhead B.aft machinery space watertight bulkhead
C.aft collision bulkhead D.after peak bulkhead
5.Which is TRUE of a stiff vesl?
A.It s period of roll is short.
B.It has an unusually high center of gravity.
C.It pitches heavily D.It has a small GM
6.Compass error is equal to the_____.
A.variation plus compass cour
B.difference between true and magnetic heading
C.combined variation and deviation
D.deviation minus variation
7.When reversing the tidal stream will have a period with little or no effect. This is called the_____.
A.spring B.slack C.ri D.range
8.What is the MINMUM distance a vesl, subject to the requirements of Annex V to MARPOL 73/78, must be located from nearest land to legally discharge paper trash?
A.5 nautical miles B.25 nautical miles
C.10 nautical miles D.12 nautical miles
9.What is the MOST important thing you should do before transmitting on a marine radio?
A.Ask for permission B.Record the time in your radio log
C.Press the push to talk button three times
D.Monitor the channel to ensure that it is clear
10.The term of Landfall means_____.
A.Land first sighted when vesl approaching from award
B.in sight of an island during a ship on her voyage
C.Land last sighted when vesl leaving from a port
D.in sight of one another when vesl underway
11.A tide is called diurnal when_____.
A.only one high and one low water occur during a lunar day
高中家长寄语B.the high tide is higher and the low tide is lower than usual
C.the high tide and low tide are exactly six hours apart
求全责备D.two high tides occur during a lunar day
愈挫愈勇12.Error in the GPS positions has nothing to do with_____.
A.satellite clock bias B.ship's position
C.ur clock bias D. Atmospheric interference
13.Mariners are FIRST warned of rious defects or important changes to aids to navigation by means of_____.
A.corrected editions of charts B.weekly Notices to Mariners
安徒生的简介C.Light Lists D.marine broadcast Notice to Mariners
14.On the cargo manifest , the gross weight of a box containing cargo is the weight of the_____.
A.cargo and box B.rate weight C.cargo D.box
15.The crane manufacture's operating tables are posted near the_____.
A.main deck B.crane pedestal C.crane controls D.wire-rope locker
灯的英文16.For any given pedestal crane, when the boom is lengthened, the lifting capacity is_____.
A.unchanged B.decread C.incread D. Eliminated
17.Many of the soundings shown on the chart are derived from _____. Undue reliance should not be placed upon them.
A.correct and often very good surveys B.adequate and prent surveys
C.complete and often very poor surveys D.inadequate and often very old surveys
18.What should you avoid when receiving work order?
B.Wasting time on having procedures explanined
C. Having other people help you with your work
19.The type of fog that occurs on clear nights with very light breezes and forms when the earth
cools rapidly by radiation is known as ______.
A. radiation fog B. frontal fog
C. convection fog D. Advection
20.What does UDI mean?
A.understanding data identify
B.Understanding digital information
C.Up-Link data identify
D.Unrestricted digital information
21.The strongest winds and heaviest rains in a hurricane are found in the ______.
A. Cloud walls B. Eye C.Outer bands D. Spiral rain bands
22.No oil or mixture containing oil ____into Singapore waters from any vesl.
A.shall be discharged B.shall not be filled
C.shall not be discharged D.shall be filled
23.A mooring line leading at nearly right angles to the keel is a ____.
A.breast line B.stern line C.bow line D.spring line