单元一 第一部分 语言与语言教师 Language and language teachers 导文 1 Lead-in What is a language? What do people know when they know a language? You would think that this is an easy question to answer, since, as speakers of it, we all u our language frequently.The situation is rather like driving a car.Many people drive a car perfectly well without knowing how the car works.In the ca of languages, the situation is more difficult in that languages are not physical objects like a car.They exist only within the minds of speakers.There are many theories about how language works, but the more language is studied,the more complex it ems to become. Kuiper, K.& Allan, W.S.2004:1 【导文提示 Hints 】 关于月球的资料亲子鉴定申请书>红烧鱼怎么做好吃对于语言观和语言教学观,人们持有不同看法。一种观点是:只要语言功底深,不掌握语言理论也能教好语言。另一种观点是:语言教学是在一定语言观指导下的实践。不掌握语言理论就教不好语言。你同意哪一观点?语言和语言教师的教学观有内在的联系吗?语言和语言教学理论能够成为教学的潜在动力吗? 【任务 Task 】 观察下列话语,并思考:以下话语中体现了哪些语言要素?有关语言要素的知识对英语教学有帮助吗? 自我激励的句子Taken from Kuiper, K.& Allan, W.S.2004:11—12 语言要素: A. 身份 (status) B. 话题 (topic) C. 语体( register ) D. 方式( mode :书面语 / 口语) E. 媒介( medium: on a screen/in a book ) Below are a number of utterances.What factors in the situation have influenced the choice of vocabulary, and grammar in each utterance? (a)My friends and fellow Americans, I speak to you tonight on one of the gravest issues facing our great nation, and at the time I want to make one thing perfectly clear… (b)Canada is 3.3 million square miles in area.It is the cond largest country in the world, covering more than half the North American continent. (c)Johnson waits for the pitch.Here it comes… Swung at and misd! One down.That brings up Thomas. (d)Tonight it appears that all the 247 pasngers are dead.Search and rescue teams are making their way to the scene in order to start a full arch at daybreak. (e)The earth is the Lord's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein: For he hath founded it upon the as, and established it upon the floods. (f)That's a good boy.Now you promi your grandpappy you won't do that again. 温大雅 (g)My husband and I are plead again to be visiting your beautiful country. | |
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