a(@) at 按
A.D. (Anno Domini) 公元(拉丁文)
a.m. (anno meridiem) 上午
A.P.L. (American President Line) 美国总统轮船公司
a.p.l. (as per list) 按照表列
A.R (All Risks) 一切险
A.T.L. (actual total loss) 实际全损
A.V. (Ad Valorem) 从值(从价)
A/G Aktiengelskabet 股份公司(德文)
A/M (above mentioned) 上述
A/O (account of…) 入某人账户(由某人付账)
A/S (after sight =at sight ) 见票后(即付)
A/S (Aktielskabet) 股份公司(丹麦文)
abt. about 大约
acct. (account) 帐(账户)
ADB(Asia Development Bank) 亚洲开发银行
add. address 地址
AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Area) 东盟自由贸易区
AktieLskapet 股份公司(挪威文)
Akzijn Sabeedriba 股份公司(芬兰文)
All Risks 一切险
amt. (amount) 金额
Ang. (August) 八月
app. (appendix) 附表
approx. (approximately ) 大约
Apr.(April) 四月
art.(article) 条款、货款
asmbling trade 来料装配贸易
Asst (Assistant) 助理
asst. (assortment) 搭配
Att. (attached) 附
Attn. (Attention) 请洽
AV (Average) 海损
Avdal ad valorem 从值(从介)
Ave. (Avenue) 路、大道
AWB (air way bill) 航空运单
B.B.Clau (both to blame collision clau) 船舶互撞条款
B.C. (before Chirst) 公元前
B.O. (branch office) 分公司
b/- (bale, bag) 包
B/C (bill for collection) 托收汇票
B/E (bill of exchange) 汇票
b/f (brought forward) 承前页
B/L (bill of lading) 提单
b/s (bales,bags) 包、装(复数)
bad account 坏帐
BAF (bunker adjustment factor) 燃油附加费
bal.(balance) 余额、平衡
barter trade 易货贸易
bdle. (bundle) 把、捆
BENELUX (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg) 比、荷、卢(三国)
bg (bag) 袋
bilateral trade 双边贸易
Bill of Lading 提单
Bk.(bank) 银行
bkt(basket) 篮、筐
bl.(bale) 包
blank endord 空白背书
bldg (building) 大厦
BOC (Bank of China) 中国银行
br (branch) 分行、分支机构
brl (barrel) 桶
Bros (brothers) 兄弟(公司)
btl (bottle) 瓶
BTN (Brusls Tariff Nomenclature) 布鲁塞尔税则目录
business association 业务联系,交往
business connection 业务联系
business scope/frame 经营范围
buy-back 回购贸易
bx(s) (box(es)) 箱、盒
C&F (cost and freight) 成本加运费价
C&F (cost and freight) 成本加运费价
C&I (cost and insurance) 成本加保险价
C.C. (carbon copy) 复写本
C.C.V.O (combined certificate of value and origin) 价值、产地联合证明书(海关发票)
C.I.O. (cash in order) 订货时付款
C.M.T (cutting, making and trimming) 裁剪、缝制、整烫(整理)
C.O.D (cash on delivery or collection on delivery) 货到付款
c.q.d (customary quick dispatch) 习惯快速装卸
C.T.B/L (combined transport bill of lading) 联合运输提单
C.T.D (combined transport documents) 联合运输单据
C.T.L (constructive total loss) 推定全损
C.T.O (combined transport operator) 多式联运经营人
C.V.C. (Chief value of cotton) 主要成分是棉制
C.V.S. (Chief value of synthetic) 主要成分是人造纤维
C.W.O. (cash with order) 订货时付款
C.Z. (canal zone) 运河地带
c/- (ca) 箱
C/A (cable address) 电挂
c/f (carried forward) 续后页
C/I (certificate of inspection) 检验证书
C/N (credit note) 贷项账单
C/O (certificate of origin) 产地证书
C/P (charter party) 租船方
C/R (cargo receipt) 货物承运收据
c/s cas 箱
ca. (circa) 大约
CAD (cash against delivery) 货到付款
CAF (cost assurance freight) 成本保险加运费价
CAF (currency adjustment factor) 货币调整附加费
canc.(cancelled, cancellation) 取消
Capt. (captain) 船长
care of 转交
cargo receipt 承运货物收据
Caricom (Caribbean Community) 加勒比海共同体
cash order 本票
Cat. (catalogue) 目录
catalogue 商品目录
category 类别
CCCN (Customs Co-operative Council Nomenclature) 海关合作理事会税则目录
CCIB (China Commodity Inspection Bureau) 中国商品检验局
CCIC (China Commodity Inspection Corporation) 中国商品检验公司
CCPIT (China Council for Promotion of International Trade) 中国国际贸易促进委员会
certificate of insurance 保险证明书
CFS (Container Freight Station) 集装箱货物集散战
cft. (cubic feet) 立方尺
民主评议结果ch. (cheque) 支票
chg (charge) 费用
Cia (Compania) 公司(西班牙)
CIC (China Insurance Clau) 中国保险条款
Cie (Compagnie) 公司(法国)
CIF (cost, insurance and freight) 到岸价
CIF (cost, insurance, freight) 成本、保险加运费价
CIFC (cost, insurance ,freight, commission) 成本保险运费加佣金价
CIP (freight of carriage & Insurance paid to) 运费保险费付至...价
CISS (Comprehensive Import Supervision Scheme) 进口商品全面监督计划
ck. (check) 支票
CL (container load) 集装箱装载
clo relationship 密切的关系
clor ties 更密切的关系
CLP (container load plan) 集装箱装箱单
cm (centimeter) 公分、厘米
CNFTTC (China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corpn.) 中国外贸运输公司
侵犯商业秘密CNY (Chine Yuan) 人民币元
Co. (Company) 公司
comm. (commission) 佣金
commerce, trade, trading 贸易
commercial transaction 买卖,交易我所在的地方
commission 佣金
compensation trade 补偿贸易
condemned goods 有问题的货物
Cont. (contract) 合同
contd. (continued) 继续、未完
Co-op (co-operative) 合作经营,合作社
Corp (Corporation) 公司
COSCO (China Ocean Shipping Company) 中国远洋运输公司
counter purcha 互购贸易
counter trade 对销贸易;抵偿贸易
Cr. (credit) 货方
crt. (crate) 板条箱
CTA communicate to all address 分送电
CTG (Council for Trade in Goods) 货币贸易理事会
ctn. (carton) 纸箱
cu. (cubic) 立方