1.Introduction to continuum mechanics; tensors; deformation
and strain (dilation, elongation, shear…);stress; constitutive
equation (elastic stress, viscous stress, visco-elastic stress) ;
Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. (6)
2.Transport theorem; conrvation laws and derivation of the
N-S equation (Eulerian coordinate system); Euler equation.
3.Lagrangian coordinate system; covariant tensors (treatment
of the spatial derivative); Oldroyd’s theorem (treatment of
the time derivative).(4)
4.Convection; nonlinearity; convection-diffusion equation. (2)
5.Energy dissipation; boundary conditions; surface (tension);
potential (gravity); virtual work principle.(4)
6.Scaling; Reynolds number; thermal fluctuation.(2)
7.Streamline, path line, streak line, stream pattern; vorticity and
circulation; one- and two-dimensional flow. (2)
8.Stationary flow; Bernoulli law.(2)
1.Burgers equations and shock; viscous Burgers equation. (4)英语的名人名言
2.Euler equation; constitutive equation; solutions of 1-d Euler
equation. (4)
1.Incompressible flow; pressure in incompressible flow.(2)
2.Stokes equation and time dependent Stokes equation; time
reversibility. (2)
自制风车3.Stokeslet; boundary integral equations; drag force on a
moving ball; Life and motion at low Reynolds number (How
残酷现实bacteria, sperm, and algae move in viscous fluid?);Einstein
relation. (6)
4.Shear flow, Couette flow, and Poiuille flow. (4)
1.Boundary layers. (2)
2.Vorticity dynamics and irrotational flow. (4)
1.Instability; instability and inviscid stability of parallel viscous
2.*Advanced topics: two pha flow; fluid-membrane
interaction; non-Newtonian fluids.(6)
怎样做拉面*高雷诺数流体. (6)
*Basic equations; principle of virtual work; torsion, shear, and bending; elastic beams; elastic shells and membranes.(6)
《Fluid Mechanics》Pijush K. Kundu, Academic Press
《An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics》G. K. Batchelor, Cambridge University Press
《A First Cour in Continuum Mechanics连续介质力学初级教程》Y. C. Fung (冯元桢), 清华大学出版社