Premier Li Keqiang: " Makers have fully demonstrated the vitality of mass entrepreneurship and innovation. This vitality and creativity will become the inevitable engine for China's future economic growth.”
First, the industrialization of the "maker movement", namely the combination of digital manufacturing and personal manufacturing. At the heart of the new industrial revolution is a manufacturing revolution triggered by the integration of the Internet and manufacturing. In this era of custom manufacturing, do-it-yourlf design products, and innovation, the collective potential of millions of inventors and enthusiasts is about to emerge, and global manufacturing will open a new page.小学班主任工作经验交流会发言稿
People will u the wisdom of the Internet to the real world. The future belongs not only to the virtual network companies, but also to the real world industry. Maker movement, the booster of the digital world, will create a new industrial revolution; the maker generation will become the next global economic tide.
Talking about makers is for everyone, not just for the people in the Internet technology industry. To strengthen the construction of "maker culture", the latest digital technology meets the classical "do-it-yourlf" craftsmanship face, forming the "new industrial revolution". In this realm, all walks of life, are the Internet industry, there is no industry unrelated to the Internet. So, the maker movement is in the right direction for Re-industrialization.
Second, the maker movement has three capable of reform points in common.
1. People u digital desktop tools to design new products and make model samples ("digital DIY");
指甲英文2. Sharing design results and cooperating in the open source community has become a cultural norm;钢铁是怎样炼成的人物性格特点
3. If willing, anyone can pass the design to the commercial manufacturing rvice providers through the general design document standards, manufacture the designed products in any quantity, or make them by themlves using desktop tools.
Generally, labor-intensive industries have low added value and low innovation, but makers form labor-intensive industries with high added value and high innovation, which is the right direction of the so-called Re-industrialization.女女怎么搞