产业结构演进的一般性是指不同国家或地区的产业结构在形成和演变的过的作用而使得它们在 (机制) 以及由于这种规律 (机制) 程中所共同遵循的规律
本文从分工演进角度把还是在结构特点上都有着较大差别。无论是在时间, 径,
握产业结构演进的一般性规律和历史发展逻辑, 从初始禀赋条件的多样性和不完
全信息条件下经济主体决策的有限理性出发, 主要基于路径依赖理论把握产业结
构演进的多样性; 最后在产业结构演进的一般性和多样性的双重视角下简要回顾
本文的分析表明, 产业结构演进实际上是一种存在着路径依赖的分工演进
程: 产业结构是否能够良性演进主要取决于经济系统能否形成一系列有利于促进
取决于经济系统是否能够发展成为一种包含意识形具体的说, 分工演进的条件,
在内的各种因 (开放条件下还包括国际贸易和国际投资等要素) 技术和制度态、
众多私人的和国家的动机混合起来促使意在该系统中, 素良性互动的有机系统,
从而推技术和制度的变迁以及政策实施大都朝着有利于提高交易效率, 识形态、
是保证产业结构自发良性演进的基本条件, 这就是自由价格和自由企业的市场制
由于自然条件初始禀赋条件的不同以及在此基础上发展起来的经济基同时, 度;
全球化等因素使经济主体决策的不确定性, 以及意识形态不同, 制度安排、础、
红歌合唱由于路径依赖演化路径具有多样, 得各个地区产业结构演化的方向是不确定的,
也可能工业化可能进入良性循环的轨道并迅速优化, 沿着既有的路径, 的
除非产业系统内部或外部条件状态, “闭锁”顺着原来的错误路径往下滑而进入
对于不同的国由于初始条件的不同和路径依赖自始至终的作用, 出现重大改变;
家或地区来说, 成功的演化在于如何把自己的传统与任何可能的模仿与创新结合
在产业结构演进的一般性和多样性的双重视角下, 中国新型工业化的政策选
杰夫蒂格合继续深化市场体制改革; 从结构模仿转向制度模仿和制度创新, 择主要包括:
理使用“产业政策”;?逐步推进自由的国际贸易;完善交通运输等基础措施, 以信息化促进产业化等。
关键词:??产业结构演进;一般性 ;多样性;分工;路径依赖。IABSTRACT
Generality of industrialization means there is an esntial law that overrules
industrialization, which brings about some common phenomenon in different
countries’ industrialization. Diversify of industrialization means different country’s
industry structure evolutes in different way. This thesis would both
explain the two
basic characteristics of industrialization: The first part would give a division of labor
model to interpret generality of industrialization; the cond part would modify the
suppositions in the first part and build a new model to illustration diversify on the
basis of path-dependent theory; the third part will analyze how the generality law
display its function on Chine industrialization and at the same time, in what way中秋节来源
Chine industrialization show its particular characteristic according to its resource,
its history and its tradition, etc
The conclusions of this thesis are the fallowing as:
Industrialization in its esnce is a path-dependent process of labor division
evolution. Firstly, industrial structure comes into being and develops corresponding to
labor division evolution and all the countries would obey this generality law, and as a
result share common phenomenon during their industrialization. This
means deeply
understanding labor division is crucial to clearly explain how an industrial structure
evolves in the history, right now and in future. Secondly, industrialization is a
path-dependent process which means different initial natural resource and uncertainty
of the people’s choice will affect its evolution from the start to the end, which would
finally leads to diversity of industrialization. Thirdly, path-dependent force may lead
industrialization into a vicious circle road as it may lead industrialization into a good
one. For a country, to get into a good circle road needs a right system which
compris a ries of actors, including society conscious ,technology, regulations,
polices, etc and which, as a whole organic one, does good to labor division evolutionAnd what’s more, for a country, it is also important to take advantage of its resources
and traditions to make its only successful industrialization pattern. Fourthly, all the