Notice to the Report Writing and the sue of percentage
(常见图表:如柱状图A bar chart;圆形图A pie chart;统计表A table of information;事件进展情况(运作图)A quence of events等。)
1.The table shows that the changes in the number of …over the period from…to…
2.The bar chart illustrates that…
3.The graph provide some interesting data regarding…
4.The pie graph depicts (that)…
5.The figures / statistics show(that )…
6.The data / statistics / figures can be interpreted as follows:
7.As is shown / demonstrated / exhibited in the diagram / chart / table,
8.According to the chart / figures,
9.As is shown in the table,
10. As can be en from the diagram,
11. As can be en from the chart, great changes have taken place in…
12. It’s clear / apparent from the table / chart / figures that…
13. From the table / chart / diagram / figures, we can e clearly that…
14. This table shows the changing proportion of A and B from…to…
15. The …in the graph measured in unit each of which is equivalent to…
16. Over the period from…to…the…remained level.
17. In the year between … and …
18. In the three years spanning from 1988 through 1991,
19. From then on / From this time onwards,
20. There was (a) (rapid / noticeable / great / sharp / steep / remarkable / slow / little / slight /
党锢之争gradual ) ri / development / change / increa / decrea / fall / decline / drop.
21. The number sha rply went up to …数字急剧上升至。。。。。。
22. The figures peaked at … (month / year)。。。的数目在。。。月(年)达到顶点,为。。。。。。
23. There is not a great deal of difference between …and …。。。。与。。。的区别不大。
24. The graphs show a threefold increa in the number of …
补气血的食物有哪些25…decread year by year while … incread steadily.
26. The figures / situation bottomed out in …数字(情况)在。。。达到底部(低谷)。
27. The figures / situation reached the bottom / a low point.数字(情况)在。。。达到底部(低谷)。
28. the figures / situation reach(s) a plateau. 数字(情况)上升至一个平台
29. The number incread three-fold over the same period. 同时期数字上升了三倍。
30. The percentage of … stay the same between … and …
31. The situation reached a peak / a high (point) at / of (%).
32. … account for / occupy / constitute / make up / reprent … %.
33. A is … times as much / many as B.A是B的。。。。。。倍。
34. A incread ( decread )by …%.A增长(降低)了。。。。。。百分点。
35. A incread to … %.A增长至。。。。百分点。情况汇报
36. high / low / small percentage 比例高(低)
37. whereas / while …而。。。。。。
与的文言文意思38. The number soared / rocked to a record high of …数字剧增至历史新高。。。。。。
39. A considerable increa / decrea occurred from … to …。。。到。。。发生急剧上升(下降)
40. From … to … , the rate of the decrea slowed down.
41. From this year on, there was a gradual decline / reduction in the …, reaching a figure of …
42. after that / afterwards 之后
43. To do that …, one should follow veral steps very carefully. First, …Second, …Next, …After
that, … Finally,…
衬托手法做。。。,应该遵从下列步骤。首先,。。。;第二,。。。;其次,。。。;随后,。。。;最后,。。。。。。44.A has something in common with B. A与B有共通之处。
45. There are a lot similarities / di fferences between … and …
我发现了作文46. The difference between A and B lies in … A与B之间的差别在于。。。。。。
Ⅰ. Introduction (Paraphra the Words on the Graphic Material) * Pattern One (Without the Summary of the Trend)
1. This diagram unfolds a clear comparison between Florida, a state of the
United States, and the United States as a whole in four aspects, namely, registered engineers, the civilian labor force, manufacturing employment and hi-tech employment, from 1978 to 1987.
2. There were many significant changes in modes of transport ud by city dwellers
from 1950 to 1990. The following paragraphs will identify and discuss the trends in the accompanying graph.
3. The chart below displays the average earnings per week, in pounds sterling, of
people of different levels of education living in the UK between the years 1965 and 1995.