The Final Review
Question types:
Section I: True or Fal. (Mark T for True, F for Fal in the blank provided) (20 %)
身份证年龄公式SectionⅡ让工作更轻松 Give brief answers to the following questions. 工程图(30 %)
Section III: Read the Ca carefully and answer the following questions. (20%)
小河怎么画Section IV: Read the Ca carefully and answer the following questions. (30%)
hobby的复数1. The establishment of the contract:
a valid contract is an agreement that contains all of the esntial elements of a contract which are: (1) it is an agreement between the parties entered into by their mutual asnt; The mutual agreement is reached through the bargaining process, between offferor and offeree until the offeree accepted the offer. In other words, a contract isn’t formed until the offer is accepted by the offeree. (2) the parties must have legal capacity ; (3) the contract must not be for illegal purpos or to carry on an activity that is illegal or contrary to public policy. The above tell us that which esntial elements are contained by a valid contract.
Offer: an offer is a statement by one party of a willingness to enter into a contract on stated terms, provided that the terms are, in turn, accepted by the party or parties to whom the offer is addresd. An offer takes effect when it reaches the offeree
CISG: A proposal for concluding a contract addresd to one or more specific persons constitutes an offer if it is sufficiently definite and indicates the intention of the offeror to be bound in ca of acceptance.
Requirement of Offer: under the CISG an offer must be sufficiently definite and indicates the intention of the offeror to be bound. (1) the contract law of most nations hold that an offer must be addresd to one or more specific persons ; (2)A proposal is sufficiently definite if it indicates the goods and expressly or implicitly fixes or makes provision for determining the quantity and the price.(3) an offer becomes valid when it arrives at the offeree. This tells us that an offer must has the conditions.
An invitation to offer or invitation to treat is simply an expression of willingness to enter into negotiations which, it is hoped, will lead to the conclusion of a contract at a later date.
The distinction between offer and invitation to offer is the intention; that is, did the maker of the statement intend to be bound by an acceptance of his terms without further negotiation or did he only intend his statement to be part of the continuing negotiation process. Under CISG rules, an advertiment is presumed to be an invitation unless the contrary is clearly indicted by the person making the proposal.
In an auction sale, when the auctioneer invites the bids from the public, is it deemed as a
n offer made to the prospective buyers? or an invitation to offer?
The Binding of an Offer: As a general rule, an offer is binding the offeror and not binding on the offeree.
CISG states: (1) until a contract is concluded an offer may be revoked if the revocation reaches offeree before he has dispatched an acceptance; (2) however, an offer can’t be revoked: (a) if it indicates, whether by stating a fixed time for acceptance or otherwi, that it is irrevocable or (b) if it was reasonable for offeree to rely on the offer as being irrevocable and the offeree has acted in reliance on the offer.
脸部水肿怎么消除It is not correct that the offer shall be cancel before the offeree to accept without exception under the CISG. The above told us that what circumstances an offer may be revoked under the CISG..
An offer, even if it is irrevocable, may be withdrawn(撤回) if the withdrawal reaches the offeree before or at the same time as the offer. 要约被撤回; What circumstances an offer may be withdrawn under CISG? T平安相伴he above answered the question.