羡慕反义词The Liar Paradox in Legal Reasoning 期刊名称: Cambridge Law Journal
作者: J. C. Hicks
年份: 1971年古街
公众微信平台登录期号: 第2期
关键词: Truth;Truthfulness and falhood;Liar paradox
摘要:"All Cretans are liars," said Epimenides—at first sight a common-place scrap of mild xenophobia; about equal to "Taffy was a Welshman, Taffy was a thief" in charity and acumen. Not, one would suppo, a statement calculated to attract clo attention from philosophers or logicians, or (despite the introduction of the offence of incitement to racial hatred) from lawyers. But Epimenides' statement was widely discusd by the best thinkers of classical times and has kept its importance for the foundations of logic until the prent century. To understand why, it is necessary to add two facts. First, Epimenides was himlf a Cretan. Secondly, his statement was taken to mean not just that all Cr苏联解体的影响
etans lied from time to time but that everything ever said by any Cretan was fal. It thus implies, in particular, that it is itlf fal.