The maple leaves is Canadian national flower 枫叶是加拿大国花
莲花课件About Maple Syrup Festival 天津特色饭店关于枫糖节
The Maple Syrup Festival is a traditional festival in Canada. It usually starts from the end of March to early April each year . The production of maple syrup farms will have been changed into new, festive places. They will give people a taste of nature sweet gifts. Traditional Maple Syrup Festival is open to visitors from home and abroad especially for children.
Canada is rich in the maple leaf, among them with the Quebec and Ontario southeast of the maple leaves the most. Canadian maple's woods throughout, every autumn red maple leaves as an evening, like a summer flowers in full bloom, the Canada called as "the maple leaves country".天灰加拿大盛产枫叶,其中以东南部的魁北克省和安大略省的枫叶最多最美。加拿大枫林遍布,每到深秋枫树叶红如晚霞,仿佛夏日里怒放的花朵,因此加拿大被人们称之为“枫叶之国”。
电脑无缘无故重启Canada is "maple leaf country", maple varieties, the most famous call "sugar maple", it leaves sugar content of 3.5%, can boil sweet "maple syrup," production "taffy". 加拿大是“枫叶之国”,枫树品种中,最著名的叫“糖枫”,它的树叶含糖量达我们是一家人作文5003.5保证金是什么%,可熬制香甜的“枫糖浆”,制作“太妃糖”。
加拿大人特别喜欢枫树 龙虾英文Canadian especially like maples