李清照的诗词The British Muum was established in 1753,largely bad on the collections of the physician and scientist Sir Hans Sloane.The muum first opened to the public on 15 January 1759 in Montagu Hou in Bloomsbury,on the site of the current muum building.Its expansion over the following two and a half centuries has resulted in the creation of veral branch institutions,the first being the British Muum(Natural History)in South Kensington in 1887.Until 1997,when the British Library opened to the public,the British Muum was unique in that it houd both a national muum of antiquities and a national library in the same building.Its prent chairman is Sir John Boyd and its director is Neil MacGregor.古朗月行拼音版>祝考试成功的四字成语
右脑记忆As with all other national muums and art galleries in Britain,the Muum charges no admission fee,although charges are levied for some temporary special exhibitions.