I. Choo the one which can fully express the meaning of the words given below:
1. …we shall be fortified and encouraged in our efforts to rescue mankind from his tyranny.
A. multiply by forty B. strengthen C. a stronghold D. fortress
2. …if Hitler imagines that his attack on Soviet Russia will cau the slightest divergence of aims or slackening of effort in the great democracies who are resolved upon his doom…
A. grave B. pulchral C. terrible fate D. barge
3. His invasion of Russia is no more than a prelude to an attempted invasion of the British Isles.
A. introductory movement B. advance C. tyranny D. end
4. …and that he can overwhelm Great Britain before the Fleet and airport of the United States may intervene.
A. invade B. aggression C. intermezzo D. interfere
5. It excels all forms of human wickedness in the efficiency of its cruelty and ferocious aggression.
A. brutish B. malicious
关于梦想的开头C. benign D. obedient
6. We are resolved to destroy Hitler and every vestige of the Nazi regime.
A. solve B. ttle C. revolve D. determine
早教师7. He hopes, no doubt, that all this may be accomplished before the winter comes…
A. accompany B. achieve C. compliment D. complement
8. …without distinction of race, creed, or party.
A. distinct B. distinguished C. difference D. instinct
II. Translate the following ntences into English:
1. 邱吉尔说:“告诉斯大林,英国只有一个愿望——击败希特勒。”
2. 在那个国家只有百分之九的人是文盲。
3. 他们别无选择,只好依靠他的努力了。
4. 古代女子图片很明显,日本侵略者企图使那个地区的人民屈服于他们的统治。
5. 劳动力市场的发展也是这样:即使萧条期结束,失业率还是不断攀升。
6. 总统本人也知道,他可以依靠该地区大多数非洲及阿拉伯领袖的支持来同国 际刑事法庭相抗衡。
7. 他当时谈到了通过降息来实现这一目标。
8. 他陷入了对过去的渴望而不能自拔。
9. 作为政府,我们就像一个家庭一样,对于该把钱花在哪里,该在哪方面节省开支,不得不做出艰难的抉择。
10. 你得设法让他俯首帖耳,否则的话你就完了。
1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. D 7.B 8.C
1. Churchill said, “Tell Stalin that Britain has but one desire — to crush Hitler”.
2. Only 9% of the population in that country remains illiterate.
3. This leaves them no choice but to rely on his efforts.
4. It is clear that the Japane invaders were trying to put the people in that region under their domination.
鸟类的祖先5. The same is true of labor-market developments: even once the recession ends, unemp
loyment continues to ri .
6. The President himlf knows that he can count on the support of most African and Arab leaders in the region in resisting the ICC.
游乐场玩耍7. He spoke then of cutting rates to achieve this goal.
8. 三黄鸡适合煲汤吗He was overwhelmed by a longing for times past.
9. Just as a family has to make hard choices about where to spend and where to save, so do we as a government.
10. You’d better manage to subjugate him. Otherwi it will be all over with you.