5.2 The nation and types of verbal communication 1
小学一年级课文Definition of verbal communication
Verbal communication refers to how people communicate
by verbal hrough the oral u of words or in a written way. 2
The elements and features
Verbal communication has three elements:
the participants of communication,
the purpo of the communication and
the tting.
verbal communication can happen
between a speaker and a listener or a speaker and a group
of listeners.
(2)the purpo:
any verbal communication is made to
fulfill certain communicative purpos.
tting includes temporal and spatial as well as
any background information about the speakers such as
their psychology,their age,education level.
The elements and features没有有效的ip配置怎么办
火锅底料的制作方法Verbal communication has following features:
1.It is dynamic.
赶海的小姑娘教案Oral communication,as an important type of verbal communication,is always dynamic.The speaker
express his thoughts through words,which are
transmitted to the listener's ears.The whole process is
always changing and cannot be repeated.
2.It is interactive.
Verbal communication happens
between speakers and listeners.The two sides interact with each other to achieve communicative purpos.
3.It is restrained by social context.
Verbal communication takes place in certain context.If
we cannot adjust our communication to context,it will
result in communicative failure.
4.It is irreversible.
Once taking place,a verbal communication cannot be reverd.
The elements and features
Verbal communication has following features:
1.It is dynamic.
2.It is interactive.
3.It is restrained by social context.
4.It is irreversible.
The principles
Principle(1):cooperative principle
While making verbal communication,the participants should follow certain principles to fulfill the communicative purpos.One of the important principles
is cooperative principle.Specifically,we should pay attention to the following points:
仓管是做什么的(1)Accuracy of the information.
The speaker should provide the accurate information and the listener tries to get the accurate information.
(2)True information.
The information transmitted should be true,otherwi the communicative attempt will be a failure.
(3)Relevance of the information.
The speaker and listener revolve around a relevant rather than rrelevant topics.
Principle(2):politeness principle
男士头像Politeness principle has different realizations in different cultures.But its esnce is to be polite to and show your respect for your partner so that the verbal communication can go on smoothly.
The principles
Principle1 :cooperative principle
(1)Accuracy of the information.周武王简介
(2)True information.
(3)Relevance of the information.
打印机扫描功能Principle2 :politeness principle
Culture difference in verbal communication
Since the ancient times,龙has been regarded by the Chine as the incarnation of their ancestor.They like to address themlves as the offspring of龙.In China,the traditional symbols of royalty are the dragon and phoenix. To Westerners,however,the dragon is often a symbol of evil.In Bible,the devil,is called“the great dragon. When the word is ud to refer to a person,it is always in
derogatory n.
In Chine mythology,the“phoenix‘is regarded as the king of birds.The phoenix is considered by Chine as a creature of good omen.As the traditional symbol of royalty,the phoenix stands for the queen.
The phoenix is also ud in metaphors,standing for something rare and precious,for example,“凤毛麟角”
The phoenix,in Western mythology,is associated with rebirth and resurrection.According to Greek legend,the phoenix lives a certain number of years-500by one account.At the end of the period,it makes a nest,sings a death song,and then ts fire to its nest by flapping his wings.The phoenix is burned to ashes,but from the ashes emerges a new bird.
To Chine,the bat is a symbol of good fortune,well-being,and happiness-all positive qualities.The reason for such associations is probably that the name of the creature is pronounced the same as the word“福”Thus the traditional design that shows the bat