Book3 Unit 1
1. take place 发生;举行(不用被动语态)
Discuss when they take place, what they celebrate and what people do at that time.讨论一下这些节日什么时候发生,庆祝什么,人们在那时会做些什么。(p1) 2. beauty/'bju:ti/ n. [U]美;美丽[C]美人;美好的东西
今晚的月亮Mid-Autumn Festival celebrates the beauty of the full moon, harvest , time with family and friends.中秋节庆祝月圆时刻的美丽,及其与家人朋友在一起的时间。(p1)
3. harvest /'hɑ:vist/ n.[C]&[U]收获季节;收割;收获; 收成vt. & vi 收割(庄稼);捕猎(动物、鱼); 采集
Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather, planting in spring and harve
st in autumn. 最古老的节日总是庆祝严寒的结束、春季的种植和秋天的收割。(p1)
4. celebration /?l??bre??n/n.[C] 庆典;庆祝活动[C]&[U] 庆祝;颂扬Sometimes celebrations would be held after hunters had caught animals.有时,在猎人捕获猎物后,也举行庆祝活动。(p1)
5. hunter /'h?nt?/ n.[C] 狩猎者;猎人;搜寻者
6. starve /stɑ:v/vi.&vt. (使)挨饿;饿死
At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find, especially during the cold winter months. 在那个时代,如果食物难以找到,特别是在寒冷的冬月,人们会挨饿。(p1)
7. orig in /??r?d??n/n.[C]&[U] 起源;由来;出身
Today’s festivals have many origins ,some religious, some asonal, and some for special people or events. 现在的节日有很多由来,一些是宗教上的,一些是季节性的,一些是纪念特殊的人和事件的。(p1)实习期
8. religious /r??l?d??s/adj.宗教上的;信奉宗教的;虔诚的
Easter is an important religious and social festival for Christians around the world.
9. △asonal /'si:zn?l/ adj.季节的;季节性的
10. ancestor/'?nsist?/ n.[C] 祖宗,祖先
Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors, who might return either to help or to do harm. 有些节日,是为了纪念死者,或使祖先得到满足,因为祖先们有可能回到世上(给人们)提供帮助,也有可能带来危害。(p2)
11. △ Obon n.盂兰盆节
12. grave /greiv/n.[C]坟墓;墓地
13. △ incen /'?nns/ n.[U] 薰香;薰香的烟
14. in memory of 纪念;追念
For the Japane festival Obon, people should go to clean graves and light incen in memory of their ancestors. 在日本的盂兰盆节,人们要扫墓、烧香,以缅怀祖先。(p2)
16. feast /fi:st/n.[C] 盛宴;节日
On this important feast day, people eat food in the shape of skulls and cakes with “bones” on them. 在这个重要的节日里,人们会吃制成颅骨形状的食物,和装点有“骨头”的蛋糕。(p2)
17. △skull /sk?l/ n.[C] 头脑;头骨
18. bone /b??n/ n.[C]骨;骨头
19. △Halloween /?h?li:n / n. 万圣节前夕;诸圣日前夕金牛女天秤男
20. belief /b?'li:f/ n.(pl beliefs)[常pl] 信仰;宗教信仰[C]看法;信念
The Western holiday Halloween also had its origin in old beliefs about the return of the spirits of dead people. 西方节日万圣节也源自人们古老的信,认为亡者的灵魂会返回人间。(p2)
21. dress up 盛装;打扮
It is now a children’s festival, when they can dress up and to their neighbours’ homes to ask for sweets. 万圣节如今成了孩子们的节日,这天他们可以乔装打扮上到邻居家要糖吃。(p2)
22. trick /tr?k/ n.[C] 诡计;恶作剧;窍门
trick or treat不给糖果就捣蛋(万圣节时儿童挨家索要糖果用语,扬言若不给糖就捣乱戏弄别人)
play a trick / tricks on 搞恶作剧;诈骗;开玩笑
If the neighbours do not give any sweets, the children might play a trick on them. 如果邻居什么糖也不给,那么孩子们就可以捉弄他们了。(p2)
24. poet /?pt/n.[C]诗人
The Dragon Boat Festival in China honours the famous ancient poet, Qu Yuan. 中国
25. arrival /??ra?vl/n. [C]&[U] 到来;到达反恐防暴
In the USA Columbus Day is in memory of the arrival of Christopher Columbus in New World.
预产期的计算方法26. gain / ge?n/ vt.获得;得到
India has a national festival on October 2to honour Mohandas Gandhi, the leader who helped gain India’s in dependence from Britain. 印度在10月2日有个全国性节日,纪念莫汉达斯·甘地,他是帮助印度脱离英国而独立的领袖。(p2)
27. independence/??nd??pend?ns/ n. [U] 独立;自立(反义词dependence 依赖,依靠)
29. gather /'g?e?/ vt. 搜集,收集(情报);采集(植物、水果等); 收割People are grateful becau their food is gathered for the winter and the agricultural work is over. 越冬的粮食收集起来了,农活结束了,人们都心怀感激。(p2)30. agriculture/??gr?k?lt??(r)/ n.[U]农业;农艺;农学
32. award /?'w?:d/ n.[C] 奖;奖品;奖金vt.授予;判定
Some people might win awards for their farm produce, like the biggest watermelon or the most handsome rooster. 有些人还可能因为他们的农产品(参加各种评选)而获奖,比如最大的西瓜或最帅的公鸡。(p2)
33. produce vt.& vi. / pr??dju:s/ 生产; 制作n.[U] /pr?dju:s/ 农产品
34. rooster /'ru:st?/ n.[C]雄禽;公鸡
35. admire /?d'ma??/ vt. 欣赏;赞美;钦佩;羡慕
China and Japan have mid-autumn festivals, when people admire the moon and in China,
enjoy mooncakes.中国和日本都有中秋节,这时,人们会赏月。在中国,人们还品尝月饼。(p2)
36. energetic /?en??d?et?k/adj.充满活力的;精力充沛的;积极的
37. look forwardto (doing) sth 期望;期待;盼望
The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring. 最富生气而又最重要的节日,就是告别冬天、迎来春天的日子。(p2)
38. △ carnival /' kɑ:n?vl/ n.[C] 狂欢节;饮宴狂欢;嘉年华
39. △lunar /'lju:n?/ adj.月的;月亮的;阴历的
There are dragon dances and carnivals, and families celebrate the Lunar New Year together.(他们)舞龙灯、狂欢,全家人聚在一起欢庆阴历年。(p2)