通过学唱一首歌曲《The alphabet song》,轻松掌握26认识英语个字母的发音,26个字母的发音要点如下:
A says [ei] & [æ] ;
E says [i:] & [е];
I says [ai] & [i];
O says [əu] & [自律英文ɔ];
U says [ju:] & [Λ]
Aa for apple [æ] [æ] [æ];
Ee for egg [е] [е] [е];
Ii for is [i] [i] [i];
Oo for orange [ɔ] [ɔ] [ɔ];
Uu for up [Λ] [Λ] [Λ].
B ---[b] C---[k] D----[d] F---[f] G---[g] H---[h]
J----[dʒ] K---[k] L----[l] M---[m ] N--[n] P---[p]
Q---[kw] R---[r] S---[s] T---[t] V---[v] W---[W]
X---[ks] Y---[j] Z---[z]
水浒传内容概括 五个元音字母在开音节单词中读第一种读音:即字母本身的读音;
1)、A 在开音节单词中读字母本身的音:[ei],例词如下:
cake bake make take lake wake snake ate date gate hate late plate face race place fade made grade cafe safe name same game tape plane
2)E在开音节单词中读字母本身的音:[i:], 例词如下:
theme the
bike like Nike nice rice ice mice price bite
kite life wife five dive line fine mine nine wine pine hide ride side wide mile pile smile time pipe
no home bone ro note hole pole rope vote rode zone slope smoke globe
5) U在开音节单词中读字母本身的音:[ju:],例词如下:
u cute mute excu
6) A在闭音节单词中读短音:[æ],例词如下:
bag cat cap dad bad fat flat has gas hat map mad lamp rat sat sad glad land and man hand ant can flag back
7) E在闭音节单词中读短音:[е],例词如下:
bed pen get leg let net tell neck desk hen egg wet met pet red next beg bend nd help rest well ll left yes
8) I在闭音节单词中读短音:[i],例词如下:
it is in if his sit hill film did swim fish milk pig big ill
9) O在开音节单词中读短音:[ɔ],例词如下:
dog box fox hot not boss fond lot pot lost got job soft frog cock clock cross fog from god golf on off pond
10) U在闭音节单词中读短音:[Λ] ,例词如下:
bus but cut bug hut mug duck cup run nut mum gun fun sun hug rub luck suck must jump plus dust just
1、th mouth [θ] thank think three tooth thin thick
2、th clothes [ð] this that the tho with then than the
3、ch Hh [t∫] chick lunch much French
4、tch Hh [t∫] catch match fetch
5、sh fish 大班科学活动消防画儿童画[∫] fish ship shot shake shut shall fresh
6、wh what [W] what when which white while
7、wh who [h] who whom whole who
8、ph Ff [f] phone photo phra graph
9、ck Kk [k] duck clock chick pick truck quick quack rock sock
10、qu______________ [kw] quick quack
11、ng song [ŋ] song sing long hang thing bring
12、tr tree [tr] tree truck trip track trust
13、dr drink [dr] drink dress drop drive drum drug
14、ts what’s [ts] cats hats gets nuts cuts
15、ds hands [dz] beds birds hands nds lands
16、ful __________[ful] uful beautiful helpful
17、 ing -----------[i ŋ] sing swing playing going swimming
18、tion ______________[∫ə n] nation fiction dictionary 急救药品
19、kn _______[n] knife knock knit knight
20、wr _______[r] write wrong
21、mb ________[m ] climb bomb numb lamb
22、ge orange [dʒ] orange bridge fridge
23、st__________[sd] star stand strong story stop stone
24、sp________[sb] sport spoon speak space spell