编号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 | |
DIN 10113-1-1997 | 食品行业设备和器皿表面细菌数量测定.第1部分:定量拭子法 | Determination of surface colony count on fitment and utensils in foodareas - Part 1: Quantitative swab method | |
DIN 10113-2-1997 | 食品行业设备和器皿表面细菌数量测定.第2部分:半定量拭子法 | Determination of surface colony count on fitment and utensils in foodareas - Part 2: Semiquantitative swab method | |
DIN 10113-3-1997 | 食品行业设备和器皿表面细菌数量测定.第3部分:使用培养基叠层提取设备的半定量分析法(冷湿敷法) | Determination of surface colony count on fitment and utensils in foodareas - Part 3: Semiquantitative method with culture media laminated taking up equipment (squeeze method) | |
DIN 10115-1999 | 用阻抗法探测和测定食品中微生物的基本原则 | Fundamentals for detection and determination of microorganisms in foodstuffs with impedance-method | |
DIN 10118-2004 | 食品的分析.动物制食品中有毒大肠杆菌的检测 | 咏怀诗阮籍Analysis of foodstuffs - Detection of verotoxine-forming Escherichia (E.) coli-strains (VTEC) in food derived from animals | |
DIN 10120-2001 | 食品分析.用阻抗法对沙门氏菌的检测 | Analysis of foodstiffs - Detection of Salmonella with impedance-method | |
DIN 10121-2000 | 利用荧光免疫测定法检测带酵素食品中的沙门氏菌属 | Detection of Salmonella in foodstuffs with enzyme linked fluorescent immuno-assay | |
DIN 10122-2005 | 食品分析.用阻抗法的微生物计数.嗜氧嗜温细菌菌落的测定 | Analysis of foodstuffs - Enumeration of microorganisms by means of impedance-method - Determination of aerobic mesophile bacterial count | |
DIN 10480-2002 | 黄油和其他油脂涂抹食品中脂肪总含量的测定.使用超临界二氧化碳的萃取法 | Determination of the total fat content in butter and fat spreads - Extraction method using supercritical carbon dioxide | |
DIN 10500-2001 | 食品卫生.易变质食品用销售车辆和流动销售台.卫生要求、检验 | Food hygiene - Sales vehicles and mobile sales stands for perishable foodstuffs - Hygiene requirements, testing | |
DIN 10501-1-2004 | 食品卫生.陈列柜.第1部分:冷冻和速冻食品(如冰淇淋)用冷藏陈列货柜.卫生要求和检验 | Food hygiene - Display cabinets - Part 1: Refrigerated display cabinets for frozen and quick frozen foodstuffs as well as icecream - Hygiene requirements, testing | |
DIN 10501-2-2004 | 食品卫生.陈列柜.第2部分:冷藏食品用冷藏陈列货柜.卫生要求和检验 | Food hygiene - Display cabinets - Part 2: Refrigerated display cabinets for refrigerated foodstuffs - Hygiene requirements, testing | |
DIN 10501-3-2004 | 食品卫生.陈列柜.第3部分:常温销售食品用陈列柜.卫生要求和检验 | Food hygiene - Display cabinets - Part 3: Display containers for foodstuffs, offered for sale at ambient temperature - Hygiene requirements, testing | |
DIN 10501-4-2004 | 食品卫生.陈列柜.第4部分:热食品用保温陈列柜.卫生要求和检验 | Food hygiene - Display cabinets - Part 4: Thermal display cabinets for hot foodstuffs; Hygiene requirements, testing | |
DIN 10501-5-2006 | 食品卫生.展销柜.第5部分:自助式摆放沙拉和沙拉调料的销售冷藏柜.卫生要求和试验 | Food hygiene - Display cabinets - Part 5: Refrigerated display cabinets offering for sale salads and salad dressings in lf rvice, hygiene requirements, testing | |
DIN 10502-1-2000 | 食品卫生学.液体、粒状和粉状食品用容器.第1部分:材料和结构特点 | Food hygiene - Containers for liquid, granulated and powdered foodstuffs - Part 1: Materials and constructive features | |
DIN 10502-2-2000 | 食品卫生学.液体、粒状和粉状食品用容器.第2部分:适用性评定 | Food hygiene - Containers for liquid, granulated and powdered foodstuffs - Part 2: Evaluation of suitability | |
DIN 10502-3-2000 | 食品卫生学.液体、粒状和粉状食品用容器.第3部分:标记 | Food hygiene - Containers for liquid, granulated and powdered foodstuffs - Part 3: Marking | |
DIN 10502-4-2000 | 食品卫生学.液体、粒状和粉状食品用容器.第4部分:装料检验 | Food hygiene - Containers for liquid, granulated and powdered foodstuffs - Part 4: Proof of application | |
DIN 10502-5-2000 | 食品卫生学.液体、粒状和粉状食品用容器.第5部分:识别 | Food hygiene - Containers for liquid, granulated and powdered foodstuffs - Part 5: Identification | |
DIN 10502-6-2004 | 食品卫生.液体、颗粒和粉末状食品用容器.第6部分:清洁和消毒 | Food hygiene - Containers for liquid, granulated and powdered foodstuffs - Part 6: Cleaning and disinfection | |
DIN 10503 Bb.1-2000 | 食品卫生学.HACCP概念中使用的流程图.符号和表示方法 | Food hygiene - Flow diagrams for the utilization in the HACCP-concept - Symbols, kind of prentation | |
DIN 10503-1999 | 食品卫生.术语 | Food hygiene - Terminology | |
DIN 10504-1996 | 食品卫生.肉和肉制品照射灯 | Food hygiene - Lamps for the lighting of meat and meat products | |
DIN 10505-1996 | 食品卫生.食品销售点通风设备.要求 | Food hygiene - Ventilation equipment for sales arrangements of foodstuffs - Requirements, testing | |
DIN 10506-2000 | 食品卫生学.大批量餐食供应.公司中心 | Food hygiene - Mass catering - Company centre | |
DIN 10508-2002 | 食品卫生学.食品的温度要求 | Food hygiene - Temperature requirements for foodstuffs | |
DIN 10510-2001 | 食品卫生.商用多罐洗碗.输送式洗碗机.卫生要求、程序检测 | Food hygiene - Commercial dishwashing with multitank-transportdishwashers - Hygiene requirements, procedure testing | |
DIN 10511-1999 | 食品卫生.用玻璃器皿冲洗机冲洗的商用玻璃器皿.卫生要求和检验 | Food hygiene - Commercial glasswashing with glasswashing machines - Hygiene requirements, testing | |
DIN 10512-2001 | 食品卫生.单箱洗碗机商业洗碗.卫生要求、型号试验 | Food hygiene - Commercial dishwashing with onetank-dishwashers - Hygiene requirements, type testing | |
DIN 10514-2004 | 食品卫生.卫生培训 | Food hygiene - Hygiene training | |
DIN 10516-2001 | 食品卫生.清洗和消毒剂 | Food hygiene - Cleaning and disinfection | |
DIN 10518-2000 | 食品卫生.冰淇淋生产和立即分发到消费者的机器.卫生要求.试验 | Food hygiene - Machines for production and immediate dispen of ice-cream to the consumer - Hygiene requirements, testing | |
DIN 10519-2000 | 食品卫生.未包装食物用的自助设备.卫生要求 | Food hygiene - Self-rvice equipment for unpackaged food - Hygiene requirements | |
DIN 10523-2005 | 食品卫生.食品领域内的病虫害防治 | Food hygiene - Pest control in the food area | |
DIN 10524-2004 | 食品卫生.食品业中的工作服 | Food hygiene - Work wear in food business | |
DIN 10526-2003 | 食品卫生.大量给养中的留待检样品 | Food hygiene - Retained samples in mass catering | |
DIN 10527-2004 | 食品卫生.自动售货机中易腐烂食品的销售.卫生要求 | Food hygiene - Sale of perishable foodstuffs from vending machines - Hygiene requirements | |
DIN 10955-2004 | 感官分析.食品用包装材料和包装件的检验 | Sensory analysis - Testing of packaging materials and packages for foodstuffs | |
DIN 10968-2003 | 感官分析.食品的感官最小保质期的测定和检验 | Sensory analysis - Determination and examination of the nsory minimum durability of foodstuffs | |
DIN 10973-2006 | 感官分析(食品).进/出试验 | Sensory analysis - In/out test | |
DIN 10975-2005 | 感官分析.按照食品法专家进行视觉判定 | Sensory analysis - Expert witness for the judgement of conformity with foodlaw | |
DIN 11850-1999 | 食品、化工和制药工业用管.不锈钢管.尺寸,材料 | Tubes for the food, chemical and pharmaceutical industry - Stainless steel tubes - Dimensions, materials | |
一级目录DIN 11851-1998 | 食品,化学和医药工业用管接头.不锈钢制螺纹管连接件.滚压和焊接连接的设计 | Fittings for food, chemical and pharmaceutical industry - Stainless steel screwed pipe connections - Design for rolling in and welding-on | |
DIN 11852-2000 | 食品和化学工业用阀门.不锈钢配件.焊合三通、弯头和异径接头 | Valves for food and chemical industries - Stainless steel fittings - Tees, bends, reducers for welding-on | |
DIN 11854-1991 | 食品工业用管配件.不锈钢制软管.带螺纹的软管接头和软管锥形接头 | Food industry fittings; ho unions of stainless steel; threaded ho couplings, conical ho couplings | |
DIN 11887-1998 | 食品,化学和医药工业用管接头.圆螺纹连接件.螺纹连接件和锥形连接件的设计 | Fittings for food, chemical and pharmaceutical industry - Round thread connections - Design of threaded and conical connection pieces | |
DIN 11888-1987 | 食品业用管配件.双螺纹联接器 | Food industry fittings; double threaded couplings | |
DIN 11889-1987 | 食品业用管配件.双锥形联接器 | Food industry fittings; double conical coupling | |
DIN 1815-2004 | 食品运输用有隔热储货空间的载重有篷运货汽车.要求和试验 | Cargo van with thermal insulated cargo space for the transport of food - Requirements and testing | |
DIN 18864-1999 | 商用橱房设备.食品运输用保温容器 | Equipment for commercial kitchens - Heat-insulated container for food transport | |
DIN 18865-1-2003 | 大型厨房设备.食品配送设备.第1部分:尺寸、要求和试验 | Equipment for commercial kitchens - Food distribution equipment - Part 1: Dimensions, requirements, testing | |
DIN 18865-10-2004 | 大型厨房设备.食品销售设备.第10部分:现金形式.要求和试验 | Equipment for commercial kitchens - Food distribution equipment - Part 10: Cash module - Requirements and testing | |
DIN 18865-2-2004 | 大型厨房设备.食品配送设备.第2部分:加热服务台 | Equipment for commercial kitchens - Food distribution equipment - Part 2: Heated rvice counters | |
DIN 18865-3-2003 | 大型厨房设备.食品配送设备.第3部分:配送桌(出售非肉非奶食品柜台) | Equipment for commercial kitchens - Food distribution equipment - Part 3: Service tables (neutral counters) | |
DIN 18865-4-2001 | 商用厨房设备.食品销售设备.第4部分:加热或不加热顶架 | Equipment for commercial kitchens - Food distribution equipment - Part 4: Top shelves heated or not heated | |
DIN 18865-5-2003 | 大型厨房设备.食品配送设备.第5部分:托盘滑道 | Equipment for commercial kitchens - Food distribution equipment - Part 5: Tray slides | |
DIN 18865-6-2003 | 大型厨房设备.食品配送设备.第6部分:自动售货机告乃翁 | Equipment for commercial kitchens - Food distribution equipment - Part 6: Dispenrs | |
DIN 18865-7-2003 | 大型厨房设备.食品配送设备.第7部分:冷藏柜 | Equipment for commercial kitchens - Food distribution equipment - Part 7: Cold storage | |
DIN 18865-8-2003 | 大型厨房设备.食品配送设备.第8部分:冷却顶架 | Equipment for commercial kitchens - Food distribution equipment - Part 8: Top shelves refrigerated | |
DIN 18865-9-1997 | 大型厨房设备.食品配送设备.第9部分:标准型和卫生型橱房设备内部要求 | Equipment for commercial kitchens - Food distribution equipment - Part 9: Equipment-insides in basic and hygiene version | |
DIN 18867-7-1997 | 大型烹饪设备.车载烹饪设备.第7部分:食品运送车 | Equipment for commercial kitchens - Mobile equipment - Part 7: Food conveyers | |
DIN 18867-9-2004 | 大型厨房设备.食品销售设备.第9部分:自动售货机 | Equipment for commercial kitchens - Food distribution equipment - Part 9: Dispenrs | |
DIN 45635-29-1980 | 机器空气噪声的测量.包络面法.食品、饮料和类似机器 | Measurement of airborne noi emitted by machines; enveloping surface method; food, drink and allied machinery | |
DIN 5046-1983 | 肉和其它食品用悬钩.S钩 | Hooks for meat and other foods; S-hook | |
DIN 5047-1983 | 肉和其它食品用的悬挂钩.管轨滑动挂钩 | Hooks for meat and other food; tubular track sliding hook | |
DIN 5048-1984 | 肉和其它食品用悬挂钩.管轨滚子挂钩 | Hooks for meat and other food; tubular track roller hook | |
DIN 51032-1986 | 陶瓷、玻璃、玻璃陶瓷、搪瓷.与食品接触使用的日用品中铅和镉逸出量的极限值 | Ceramics, glass, glass ceramics, vitreous enamels; permissible limits for the relea of lead and cadmium from articles intended for u in contact with foodstuffs | |
DIN 55423-1-1994 | 可堆放式能重复使用的食品运输和储存用热塑塑料.第1部分:尺寸、重量、要求 | Reusable transport and storing crates for food made of thermoplastic plastics, stackable - Part 1: Dimensions, weights, requirements | |
DIN 55423-2-1994 | 可堆放式能重复使用的食品运输和储存用热塑塑料.第2部分:性能要求和检验 | Reusable transport and storing crates for food made of thermoplastic plastics, stackable - Part 2: Performance requirements and testing | |
DIN 7725-1967 | 与食品法相符合的由橡胶、塑料、其它聚合物、纸和纸板制造的物品.标志 | Articles made of Rubber, Plastics, Other Polymers, Paper and Cardboard to Conform with the Foodstuffs Law; Marking | |
DIN 8956-1985 | 低温冷冻食品用的商用冷冻设备.术语、定义、要求和试验程序 | Commercial-freezers for deep frozen foodstuffs; terms and definitions, requirements, test procedure | |
DIN 8959-2000 | 食品绝热运输工具.要求和试验 | Insulated food carriers - Requirements and testing | |
DIN 9797-1988 | 食品工业机械和设备.运输推车、搬运和保护系统.测量,标识 | Machinery and equipment for the food industrie; transport carts, taking up and bar systems; measurements, designation | |
DIN 9798-1980 | 食品加工机械.灌香肠机.灌料管和灌料接头 | Food equipment; sausage stuffers, filling horns and connections | |
DIN CEN/TS 13130-18-2005 | 接触食料的材料和物品.可塑性物质允许极限.第18部分:食品模拟物中1,2-苯二酚、1,3-苯二酚、1,4-苯二酚、4,4 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics substances subject to limitation - Part 18: Determination of 1,2-dihydroxybenzene, 1,3-dihydroxybenzene, 1,4-dihydroxybenzene, 4,4'-dihydroxybenzophenone and 4,4'-dihydroxybiphenyl in food simulants; German version CEN/TS 13130-18:2005 | |
DIN CEN/TS 13130-19-2005 | 接触食料的材料和物品.可塑性物质允许极限.第19部分:食品模拟物中二甲胺乙醇的测定 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics substances subject to limitation - Part 19: Determination of dimethylaminoethanol in food simulants; German version CEN/TS 13130-19:2005 | |
DIN CEN/TS 13130-21-2005 | 接触食料的材料和物品.可塑性物质允许极限.第21部分:食品模拟物中1,2-乙二胺和己二胺的测定 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics substances subject to limitation - Part 21: Determination of ethylenediamine and hexamethylenediamine in food simulants; German version CEN/TS 13130-21:2005 | |
DIN CEN/TS 13130-23-2005 | 接触食料的材料和物品.可塑性物质允许极限.第23部分:食品模拟物中甲醛和六亚甲基四胺的测定 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics substances subject to limitation - Part 23: Determination of formaldehyde and hexamethylenetetramine in food simulants; German version CEN/TS 13130-23:2005 | |
DIN CEN/TS 13130-24-2005 | 接触食料的材料和物品.可塑性物质允许极限.第24部分:食品模拟物中马来酸和顺式丁烯二酸酐的测定 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics substances subject to limitation - Part 24: Determination of maleic acid and maleic anhydride in food simulants; German version CEN/TS 13130-24:2005 | |
DIN CEN/TS 13130-25-2005 | 接触食料的材料和物品.可塑性物质允许极限.第25部分:食品模拟物中4-甲基-1-戊烯的测定 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics substances subject to limitation - Part 25: Determination of 4-methyl-1-pentene in food simulants; German version CEN/TS 13130-25:2005 | |
DIN CEN/TS 13130-26-2005 | 接触食料的材料和物品.可塑性物质允许极限.第26部分:食品模拟物中1-辛烯和四氢呋喃的测定 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics substances subject to limitation - Part 26: Determination of 1-octene and tetrahydrofuran in food simulants; German version CEN/TS 13130-26:2005 | |
DIN CEN/TS 13130-27-2005 | 接触食料的材料和物品.可塑性物质允许极限.第27部分:食品模拟物中2,4,6-三氨基-1,3,5-三嗪的测定 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics substances subject to limitation - Part 27: Determination of 2,4,6-triamino-1,3,5-triazine in food simulants; German version CEN/TS 13130-27:2005 | |
DIN CEN/TS 13130-28-2005 | 接触食料的材料和物品.可塑性物质允许极限.第28部分:食品模拟物中1,1,1-三甲基丙烷的测定 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics substances subject to limitation - Part 28: Determination of 1,1,1-trimethylolpropane in food simulants; German version CEN/TS 13130-28:2005 | |
DIN CEN/TS 14234-2003 | 接触食品的材料和制品.纸和纸板的聚合涂层.总迁移的条件和试验方法的选择指南 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Polymeric coatings on paper and board - Guide to the lection of conditions and test methods for overall migration; German version CEN/TS 14234:2002 | |
DIN CEN/TS 14235-2003 | 接触食品的材料和制品.金属基片的聚合涂层.全迁移条件和试验方法的选择指南; 德文版本 CEN/TS 14235:2002 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Polymeric coatings on metal substrates - Guide to the lection of conditions and test methods for overall migration; German version CEN/TS 14235:2002 | |
DIN CEN/TS 14537-2003 | 食品.高效液相色谱法测定新橙皮苷-二氢查耳酮 | Foodstuffs - Determination of neohesperidin-dihydrochalcon by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC); German version CEN/TS 14537:2003 | |
DIN CEN/TS 14577-2004 | 接触食品的材料和物质.塑料.聚合添加剂.1000道尔顿以下的聚合添加剂质量系数测定的试验方法 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Polymeric additives - Test method for the determination of the mass fraction of a polymeric additive that lies below 1000 Daltons; German version CEN/TS 14577:2003 | |
DIN CEN/TS 15111-2005 | 食品.痕量元素的测定.用感应耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)测定饮食中碘含量 | Foodstuffs - Determination of trace elements - Determination of iodine in dietetic foods by ICP-MS (inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry); German version CEN/TS 15111:2005 | |
DIN EN 10333-2005 | 包装用钢.与人和动物用食品、产品和饮料接触的扁平钢制品.镀锡钢 | Steel for packaging - Flat steel products intended for u in contact with foodstuffs, products and beverages for human and animal consumption - Tin coated steel (tinplate); German version EN 10333:2005 | |
DIN EN 10334-2005 | 包装用钢.与人和动物用食品、产品和饮料接触的扁平钢制品.无涂覆钢(黑钢板) | Steel for packaging - Flat steel products intended for u in contact with foodstuffs, products and beverages for human and animal consumption - Non-coated steel (blackplate); German version EN 10334:2005 | |
DIN EN 10335-2005 | 包装用钢.与人和动物用食品、产品和饮料接触的扁平钢制品.非合金电解铬/氧化铬镀钢 | Steel for packaging - Flat steel products intended for u in contact with foodstuffs, products or beverages for human and animal consumption - Non alloyed electrolytic chromium/chromium oxide coated steel; German version EN 10335:2005 | |
DIN EN 1086-1995 | 食品保护运输袋.袋型选择和涉及包装物的内袋的建议; 德文版本 EN 1086:1995 | Sacks for the transport of food aid - Recommendations on the lection of type of sack and the liner in relation to the product to be packed; German version EN 1086:1995 | |
DIN EN 1104-2005 | 与食品接触的纸和纸板.抗微生物成分转移的测定 | Paper and board intended to come into contact with foodstuffs - Determination of the transfer of antimicrobial constituents; German version EN 1104:2005 | |
DIN EN 1183-1997 | 接触食品的材料和物品.温度冲击试验方法 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Test methods for thermal shock endurance; German version EN 1183:1997 | |
DIN EN 1184-1997 | 接触食品的材料和物品.陶瓷器件透明度试验方法 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Test methods for translucency of ceramic articles; German version EN 1184:1997 | |
DIN EN 1186-1-2002 | 接触食品的材料和制品.塑料制品.第1部分:全迁移用条件选择和试验方法指南; 德文版本 EN 1186-1:2002 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 1: Guide to the lection of conditions and test methods for overall migration; German version EN 1186-1:2002 | |
DIN EN 1186-10-2002 | 接触食品的材料和制品.塑料制品.第10部分:向橄榄油全迁移的试验方法(橄榄油不能完全萃取时使用改良法); 德 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 10: Test methods for overall migration into olive oil (modified method for u in ca where incomplete extraction of olive oil occurs); German version EN 1186-10:2002 | |
DIN EN 1186-11-2002 | 接触食品的材料和制品.塑料制品.第11部分:向C-14合成甘油三酯混合物全迁移的试验方法; 德文版本 EN 1186-11 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 11: Test methods for overall migration into mixtures of <(hoch)14>C-labelled synthetic triglycerides; German version EN 1186-11:2002 | |
DIN EN 1186-12-2002 | 接触食品的器皿.试验的一般化学方法.第12部分:低温下全迁移的试验方法; 德文版本 EN 1186-12:2002 | Utensils in contact with food - General chemical methods of test - Part 12: Test methods for overall migration at low temperature; German version EN 1186-12:2002 | |
DIN EN 1186-13-2002 | 接触食品的材料和物品.塑料.第13部分:高温下总迁移量试验方法 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 13: Test methods for overall migration at high temperatures; German version EN 1186-13:2002 | |
DIN EN 1186-14-2002 | 接触食品的材料和制品.塑料制品.第14部分:采用试验媒介异辛烷和95%乙醇对与油脂食品接触的塑料制品全迁移量 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 14: Test methods for 'substitute tests' for overall migration from plastics intended to come into contact with fatty foodstuffs using test media iso-octane and 95 % ethanol; German version EN 1186-14:2002 | |
DIN EN 1186-15-2002 | 接触食品的材料和制品.塑料制品.第15部分:采用快速析入异辛烷和/或95%乙醇法向油脂食品模拟物迁移的替换试 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 15: Alternative test methods to migration into fatty food simulants by rapid extraction into iso-octane and/or 95 % ethanol; German version EN 1186-15:2002 | |
DIN EN 1186-2-2002 | 接触食品的材料和制品.塑料制品.第2部分:采用全浸渍法向橄榄油全迁移的试验方法; 德文版本 EN 1186-2:2002 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 2: Test methods for overall migration into olive oil by total immersion; German version EN 1186-2:2002 | |
DIN EN 1186-3-2002 | 接触食品的材料和制品.塑料制品.第3部分:采用全浸渍法向含水模拟物全迁移的试验方法; 德文版本 EN 1186-3:2 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 3: Test methods for overall migration into aqueous simulants by total immersion; German version EN 1186-3:2002 | |
DIN EN 1186-4-2002 | 接触食品的材料和制品.塑料制品.第4部分:采用电解槽法向橄榄油全迁移的试验方法; 德文版本 EN 1186-4:2002 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 4: Test methods for overall migration into olive oil by cell; German version EN 1186-4:2002 | |
DIN EN 1186-5-2002 | 接触食品的材料和制品.塑料制品(ISO 10451:2002); German version EN ISO 10451:2002.第5部分:采用电解槽法 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 5: Test methods for overall migration into aqueous food simulants by cell; German version EN 1186-5:2002 | |
DIN EN 1186-6-2002 | 接触食品的材料和制品.塑料制品.第6部分:采用袋装法向橄榄油全迁移的试验方法; 德文版本 EN 1186-6:2002 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 6: Test methods for overall migration into olive oil using a pouch; German version EN 1186-6:2002 | |
DIN EN 1186-7-2002 | 接触食品的材料和制品.塑料制品.第7部分:采用袋装法向含水模拟物全迁移的试验方法; 德文版本 EN 1186-7:200 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 7: Test methods for overall migration into aqueous simulants using a pouch; German version EN 1186-7:2002 | |
DIN EN 1186-8-2002 | 接触食品的材料和制品.塑料制品.第8部分:采用物品充填法向橄榄油全迁移的试验方法; 德文版本 EN 1186-8:200 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 8: Test methods for overall migration into olive oil by article filling; German version EN 1186-8:2002 | |
DIN EN 1186-9-2002 | 接触食品的材料和制品.塑料制品.第9部分:采用物品充填法向橄榄油全迁移的试验方法; 德文版本 EN 1186-9:200 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Part 9: Test methods for overall migration into aqueous simulants by article filling; German version EN 1186-9:2002 | |
DIN EN 12014-1-1999 | 食品.硝酸盐和/或亚硝酸盐含量测定.第1部分:一般要求 | Foodstuffs - Determination of nitrate and/or nitrite content - Part 1: General considerations (including Amendment A1:1999); German version EN 12014-1:1997 + A1:1999 | |
DIN EN 12014-2-1997 | 食品.硝酸盐和/或亚硝酸盐含量测定.第2部分:蔬菜和蔬菜制品中硝酸盐含量测定.HPLC/IC法 | Foodstuffs - Determination of nitrate and/or nitrite content - Part 2: HPLC/IC method for the determination of nitrate content of vegetables and vegetable products; German version EN 12014-2:1997 | |
DIN EN 12014-3-2005 | 食品.硝酸盐和/或亚硝酸盐含量测定.第3部分:硝酸盐酶催化还原成亚硝酸盐后肉制品中硝酸盐和/或亚硝酸盐含量 | Foodstuffs - Determination of nitrate and/or nitrite content - Part 3: Spectrometric determination of nitrate and nitrite content of meat products after enzymatic reduction of nitrate to nitrite; German version EN 12014-3:2005 | |
DIN EN 12014-4-2005 | 食品.硝酸盐和/或亚硝酸盐含量测定.第4部分:肉制品中硝酸盐和/或亚硝酸盐含量的离子交换色谱法 | Foodstuffs - Determination of nitrate and/or nitrite content - Part 4: Ion-exchange chromatographic (IC) method for the determination of nitrate and nitrite content of meat products; German version EN 12014-4:2005 | |
DIN EN 12014-5-1997 | 食品.硝酸盐和/或亚硝酸盐含量测定.第5部分:含蔬菜的婴幼儿食品中硝酸盐含量酶催测定 | Foodstuffs - Determination of nitrate and/or nitrite content - Part 5: Enzymatic determination of nitrate content of vegetable-containing food for babies and infants; German version EN 12014-5:1997 | |
DIN EN 12014-7-1998 | 食品.硝酸盐和/或亚硝酸盐含量测定.第7部分:镉还原后蔬菜和蔬菜制品中硝酸盐含量测定用连续流量法 | Foodstuffs - Determination of nitrate and/or nitrite content - Part 7: Continuous flow method for the determination of nitrate content of vegetables and vegetable products after cadmium reduction; German version EN 12014-7:1998 | |
DIN EN 12041-2001 | 食品加工机械.成型机.安全和卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Moulders - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 12041:2000 | |
DIN EN 12043-2001 | 食品加工机械.中间醒发成形机.安全和卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Intermediate provers - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 12043:2000 | |
DIN EN 1217-1998 | 接触食品的材料和物品.陶瓷制品吸水性试验方法 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Test methods for water absorption of ceramic articles; German version EN 1217:1998 | |
DIN EN 12267-2004 | 食品加工机械.圆盘锯机械.安全和卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Circular saw machines - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 12267:2003 | |
DIN EN 12268-2005 | 食品加工机械.带锯机.安全和卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Band saw machines - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 12268:2003 | |
DIN EN 1230-1-2002 | 与食品接触的纸和纸板.感官分析.第1部分:气味; 德文版本 EN 1230-1:2001 | Paper and board intended to come into contact with foodstuffs - Sensory analysis - Part 1: Odour; German version EN 1230-1:2001 | |
DIN EN 1230-2-2002 | 与食品接触的纸和纸板.感官分析.第2部分:臭味(变质); 德文版本 EN 1230-2:2001 | Paper and board intended to come into contact with foodstuffs - Sensory analysis - Part 2: Off-flavour (taint); German version EN 1230-2:2001 | |
DIN EN 12331-2004 | 食品加工机械.铰肉机.安全和卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Mincing machines - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 12331:2003 | |
DIN EN 12355-2003 | 食品加工机械.去皮机、剥皮机和去膜机.安全和卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Derinding-, skinning- and membrane removal machines - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 12355:2003 | |
DIN EN 12393-1-1998 | 非脂肪食品.农药残流物气相色谱测定采用的多种残留法.第1部分:一般考虑因素 | Non-fatty foods - Multiresidue methods for the gas chromatographic determination of pesticide residues - Part 1: General considerations; German version EN 12393-1:1998 | |
DIN EN 12393-2-1998 | 非脂肪食品.农药残流物气相色谱测定采用的多种残留法.第2部分:萃取和净化方法 | Non-fatty foods - Multiresidue methods for the gas chromatographic determination of pesticide residues - Part 2: Methods for extraction and clean-up; German version EN 12393-2:1998 | |
DIN EN 12393-3-1998 | 非脂肪食品.残留农药气相色谱测定用多种残物留法.第2部分:测定和验证试验 | Non-fatty foods - Multiresidue methods for the gas chromatographic determination of pesticide residues - Part 3: Determination and confirmatory tests; German version EN 12393-3:1998 | |
DIN EN 12396-1-1998 | 清淡食品.二硫化基甲酸盐和二硫化四烷基秋兰姆残留物测定.第1部分:分光光度法 | Non-fatty foods - Determination of dithiocarbamate and thiuram disulfide residues - Part 1: Spectrometric method; German version EN 12396-1:1998 | |
DIN EN 12396-2-1998 | 清淡食品.二硫化基甲酸盐和二硫化四烷基秋兰姆残留物测定.第2部分:色相气谱法 | Non-fatty foods - Determination of dithiocarbamate and thiuram disulfide residues - Part 2: Gas chromatographic method; German version EN 12396-2:1998 | |
DIN EN 12396-3-2000 | 清淡食品.二硫化基甲酸盐和二硫化四烷基秋兰姆残留物测定.第3部分:紫外分光光度法 | Non-fatty foods - Determination of dithiocarbamate and thiuram disulfide residues - Part 3: UV-spectrometric xanthogenate method; German version EN 12396-3:2000 | |
DIN EN 12463-2005 | 食品加工机械.填充和辅助机器.安全和卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Filling machines and auxiliary machines - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 12463:2004 | |
DIN EN 12505-2001 | 食品加工机械.食用油离心机.安全和卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Centrifugal machines for processing edible oils and fats - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 12505:2000 | |
DIN EN 12546-1 Berichtigung 1-2005 | 与食品接触的材料和物品.家用保温容器.第1部分:真空器皿、保温瓶和保温壶规范 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Insulated containers for domestic u - Part 1: Specification for vacuum ware, insulated flasks and jugs; German version EN 12546-1:2000, Corrigenda to DIN EN 12546-1:2000-09; German version EN 12546-1:2000/AC:2005 | |
DIN EN 12546-1-2000 | 与食品接触的材料和物品.家用保温容器.第1部分:真空器皿、保温瓶和保温壶规范 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Insulated containers for domestic u - Part 1: Specification for vacuum ware, insulated flasks and jugs; German version EN 12546-1:2000 | |
DIN EN 12546-2-2000 | 与食品接触的材料和物品.家用保温容器.第2部分:保温袋和保温箱规范 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Insulated containers for domestic u - Part 2: Specification for insulated bags and boxes; German version EN 12546-2:2000 | |
DIN EN 12546-3-2000 | 与食品接触的材料和物品.家用保温容器.第3部分:热包装规范 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Insulated containers for domestic u - Part 3: Specification for thermal packs; German version EN 12546-3:2000 | |
DIN EN 12571-1999 | 与食品接触的材料和器具.已配制好食品的容器的运输装置.热度和卫生要求及试验方法 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Transport units for catering containers containing prepared foodstuffs - Thermal and hygienic requirements and testing; German version EN 12571:1998 | |
DIN EN 1276-1997 | 测定食品、工业、家用和公共场所设备中化学消毒剂和防腐剂杀菌作用的定量悬浮液试验.试验方法和要求(第2阶 | Chemical desinfectants and antiptics - Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of bactericidal activity of chemical desinfectants and antiptics ud in food, industrial, domestic, and institutional areas - Test method and requirements (pha 2/step 1); German version EN 1276:1997 | |
DIN EN 12821-2000 | 食品.高效液相色谱法测定维生素D.维生素D3和麦角骨化醇D2含量 | Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin D by high performance liquid chromatography - Measurement of cholecalciferol (D<(Index)3>) and ergocalciferol (D<(Index)2>); German version EN 12821:2000 | |
DIN EN 12822-2000 | 食品.高效液相色谱法测定维生素E.α-、β-、γ-和δ-维生素E含量 | Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin E by high performance liquid chromatography - Measurement of -, -, - and -tocopherols; German version EN 12822:2000 | |
DIN EN 12823-1-2000 | 食品.高效液相色谱法测定维生素A.第1部分:13视黄醇和全反视黄醇含量测定 | Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin A by high performance liquid chromatography - Part 1: Measurement of all-trans-retinol and 13-cis-retinol; German version EN 12823-1:2000 | |
DIN EN 12823-2-2000 | 食品.高效液相色谱法测定维生素A.第3部分:β胡萝卜素含量测定 | Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin A by high performance liquid chromatography - Part 2: Measurement of -carotene; German version EN 12823-2:2000 | |
DIN EN 12830-1999 | 冷藏、冷冻、深度冷冻/速冻食品与冰激淋的运输、储藏与配送用温度计.试验、性能与适用性 | Temperature recorders for the transport, storage and distribution of chilled, frozen, deep-frozen/quick-frozen food and ice-cream - Tests, performance, suitability; German version EN 12830:1999 | |
DIN EN 12852-2001 | 食品加工机械.食品加工机和搅拌机.安全和卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Food processors and blenders - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 12852:2001 | |
DIN EN 12853-2001 | 食品加工机械.手持式搅拌机和搅乳器.安全和卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Hand held blenders and whisks - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 12853:2001 | |
DIN EN 12854-2003 | 食品加工机械.臂式搅拌机.安全和卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Beam mixers - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 12854:2003 | |
DIN EN 12855-2004 | 食品加工机械.转筒式刀具.安全和卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Rotating bowl cutters - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 12855:2003 | |
DIN EN 12856-1999 | 食品.醋氨基磺酸盐K(acesulfame-K)、糖精(aspartame)和邻磺酰苯甲酰亚胺(saccharin)测定.高效液相色谱分析 | Foodstuffs - Determination of acesulfame-K, aspartame and saccharin - High performance liquid chromatographic method; German version EN 12856:1999 | |
DIN EN 12857-1999 | 食品.环磺酸的测定.高效液相色谱分析法 | Foodstuffs - Determination of cyclamate - Method by high performance liquid chromatography; German version EN 12857:1999 | |
DIN EN 12955-1999 | 食品.谷物、带皮水果和相关产品中黄曲霉毒素B1以及黄曲霉毒素B1,B2,G1和G2总量测定.用后柱衍化和用免疫亲合 | Foodstuffs - Determination of aflatoxin B<(Index)1>, and the sum of aflatoxins B<(Index)1>, B<(Index)2>, G<(Index)1> and G<(Index)2> in cereals, shell-fruits and derived products - High performance liquid chromatographic method with post column derivatization and immunoaffinity column clean up; German version EN 12955:1999 | |
DIN EN 12980-2000 | 与食品接触的材料和物品.给养和工业用非金属物品.抗冲击性测定的试验方法 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Non-metallic articles for catering and industrial u - Method of test for the determination of impact resistance; German version EN 12980:2000 | |
DIN EN 12984-2006 | 食品加工机械.便携式和/或手工制导式带机械驱动切削工具的机器和设备.安全和卫生要求.德文版本EN 12984-200 | Food processing machinery - Portable and/or hand-guided machines and appliances with mechanically driven cutting tools - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 12984:2005 | |
DIN EN 13130-1-2004 | 接触食品的材料和物品.受限制的塑料物质.第1部分:从塑料到食品和食品模拟物的特定迁移的试验方法指南以及塑 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics substances subject to limitation - Part 1: Guide to test methods for the specific migration of substances from plastics to foods and food simulants and the determination of substances in plastics and the lection of conditions of exposure to food simulants; German version EN 13130-1:2004 | |
DIN EN 13130-2-2004 | 接触食品的材料和物品.受限制的塑料物质.第2部分:食品模拟物中对苯二酸含量的测定 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics substances subject to limitation - Part 2: Determination of terephthalic acid in food simulants; German version EN 13130-2:2004 | |
DIN EN 13130-3-2004 | 接触食品的材料和物品.受限制的塑料物质.第3部分:食品和食品模拟物中丙烯腈含量的测定 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics substances subject to limitation - Part 3: Determination of acrylonitrile in food and food simulants; German version EN 13130-3:2004 | |
DIN EN 13130-4-2004 | 接触食品的材料和物品.受限制的塑料物质.第4部分:塑料中1、3-丁二烯含量的测定 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics substances subject to limitation - Part 4: Determination of 1,3-butadiene in plastics; German version EN 13130-4:2004 | |
DIN EN 13130-5-2004 | 接触食品的材料和物品.受限制的塑料物质.第5部分:食品模拟物中1、1-二氯乙烯含量的测定 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics substances subject to limitation - Part 5: Determination of vinylidene chloride in food simulants; German version EN 13130-5:2004 | |
DIN EN 13130-6-2004 | 接触食品的材料和物品.受限制的塑料物质.第6部分:塑料中1、1-二氯乙烯含量的测定 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics substances subject to limitation - Part 6: Determination of vinylidene chloride in plastics; German version EN 13130-6:2004 | |
DIN EN 13130-7-2004 | 接触食品的材料和物品.受限制的塑料物质.第7部分:食品模拟物中单乙二醇和二甘醇含量的测定 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics substances subject to limitation - Part 7: Determination of monoethylene glycol and diethylene glycol in food simulants; German version EN 13130-7:2004 | |
DIN EN 13130-8-2004 | 接触食品的材料和物品.受限制的塑料物质.第8部分:塑料中异氰酸酯含量的测定 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics substances subject to limitation - Part 8: Determination of isocyanates in plastics; German version EN 13130-8:2004 | |
DIN EN 13189-2000 | 乙酸食品等级.非农业原料制品.定义、要求和标记 | Acetic acid food grade - Product made from materials of non-agricultural origin - Definitions, requirements, marking; German version EN 13189:2000 | |
DIN EN 13208-2003 | 食品加工机械.蔬菜去皮机.安全和卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Vegetable peelers - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 13208:2003 | |
地道造句DIN EN 13258-2003 | 与食品接触的材料和用品.陶瓷制品耐碎裂性的试验方法 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Test methods for crazing resistance of ceramic articles; German version EN 13258:2003 | |
DIN EN 13288-2006 | 食品加工机.滚梯和倾斜机器.安全性和卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Bowl lifting and tilting machines - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 13288:2005 | |
DIN EN 13389-2006 | 食品加工机械.带横柄的搅拌器.安全和卫生要求;德文版本EN 13389-2005 | Food processing machinery - Mixers with horizontal shafts - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 13389:2005 | |
DIN EN 13390-2002 | 食品加工机械.馅饼和果馅饼机.安全和卫生要求; 德文版本 EN 13390:2002 | Food processing machinery - Pie and tart machines - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 13390:2002 | |
DIN EN 13485-2002 | 冷冻、深冻/速冻食品和冰淇淋运输、储存和配送的空气和产品温度测量用温度计.试验、性能、适合性; 德文版本 | Thermometers for measuring the air and product temperature for the transport, storage and distribution of chilled, frozen, deep-frozen/quick-frozen food and ice cream - Test, performance, suitability; German version EN 13485:2001 | |
DIN EN 13486-2002 | 冷冻、深冻/速冻食品和冰淇淋的运输、储存和配送用温度计记录仪和温度计.定期验证;德文版本 EN 13486:2001 | Thermometer recorders and thermometers for the transport, storage and distribution of chilled, frozen, deep-frozen/quick-frozen food and ice cream - Periodic verification; German version EN 13486:2001 | |
DIN EN 13570-2005 | 食品加工机械.混合机械.安全和卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Mixing machines - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 13570:2005 | |
DIN EN 13585-2002 | 食品.玉米中fumonisins B<指数1>和B<指数2>含量的测定.固相萃取清除HPLC法; 德文版本 EN 13585:2001 | Foodstuffs - Determination of fumonisins B<(Index)1> and B<(Index)2> in maize - HPLC method with solid pha extraction clean up; German version EN 13585:2001 | |
DIN EN 13591-2006 | 食品加工机械.固定多层烤箱载料器具.安全和卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Fixed deck oven loaders - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 13591:2005 | |
DIN EN 13610-2003 | 化学消毒剂.评价食品及工业领域用化学消毒剂灭杀细菌病毒功效用定量悬浮试验.试验方法和要求(2阶段第1步) | Chemical disinfectants - Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of virucidal activity against bacteriophages of chemical disinfectants ud in food and industrial areas - Test method and requirements (pha 2, step 1); German version EN 13610:2002 | |
DIN EN 13621-2005 | 食品加工机械.色拉干燥机.安全和卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Salad dryers - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 13621:2004 | |
DIN EN 13676-2001 | 接触食品的聚合物涂覆纸和纸板.针孔检测 | Polymer coated paper and board intended for food contact - Detection of pinholes; German version EN 13676:2001 | |
DIN EN 13697-2002 | 化学消毒剂和防腐剂.食品、工业、家庭和研究所使用的化学消毒剂杀菌和/或杀真菌性能定量无孔隙表面评定试验 | Chemical disinfectants and antiptics - Quantitative non-porous surface test for the evaluation of bactericidal and/or fungicidal activity of chemical desinfectants ud in food, industrial, domestic and institutional areas - Test method and requirements without mechanical action (pha 2/step 2); German version EN 13697:2001 | |
DIN EN 13704-2002 | 化学消毒剂.食品、工业、家庭和研究单位用化学消毒剂杀孢子活性定量悬浮试验.试验方法和要求(阶段2/步骤1) | Chemical disinfectants - Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of sporicidal activity of chemical desinfectants ud in food, industrial, domestic and institutional areas - Test method and requirements (pha 2/step 1); German version EN 13704:2002 | |
DIN EN 13708-2002 | 食品.电子自旋共振光谱法检验经辐照的食品 | Foodstuffs - Detection of irradiated food containing crystalline sugar by ESR-spectroscopy; German version EN 13708:2001 | |
DIN EN 13732-2003 | 食品加工机械.农用散装奶冷却器.使用、安全和卫生用结构、性能和适用性要求 | Food processing machinery - Bulk milk coolers on farms - Requirements for construction, performance, suitability for u, safety and hygiene; German version EN 13732:2002 | |
DIN EN 13732/A1-2006 | 食品加工机械.农场散装牛奶冷却机.符合使用、安全和卫生用结构、性能和适合性要求 | Food processing machinery - Bulk milk coolers on farms - Requirements for construction, performance, suitability for u, safety and hygiene; German version EN 13732:2002/A1:2005 | |
DIN EN 13751-2002 | 食品.使用光致发光法探测被辐照的食品; 德文版本 EN 13751:2002 | Foodstuffs - Detection of irradiated food using photostimulated luminescence; German version EN 13751:2002 | |
DIN EN 1376-1996 | 食品.块状甜品中糖精含量测定.分光光度法 | Foodstuffs - Determination of saccharin in table top sweetener preparations - Spectrometric method; German version EN 1376:1996 | |
DIN EN 1377-1996 | 食品.块状甜品中acesulfame K 的测定.分光光度法 | Foodstuffs - Determination of acesulfame K in table top sweetener preparations - Spectrometric method; German version EN 1377:1996 | |
DIN EN 1378-1996 | 食品.块状甜品中糖精含量测定.高效液体色谱法 | Foodstuffs - Determination of aspartame in table top sweetener preparations - Method by high performance liquid chromatography; German version EN 1378:1996 | |
DIN EN 13783-2002 | 食品.直接外荧光过滤器技术/供氧盘计数法检测经辐照的食品.筛分法 | Foodstuffs - Detection of irradiated food using Direct Epifluorescent Filter Technique/Aerobic Plate Count (DEFT/APC) - Screening method; German version EN 13783:2001 | |
DIN EN 13784-2002 | 食品.检测经辐照食品用DNA彗形物化验.筛分法 | Foodstuffs - DNA Comet Assay for the detection of irradiated foodstuffs - Screening method; German version EN 13784:2001 | |
DIN EN 1379-1996 | 食品.液化块状甜品环磺酸和糖精含量测定.高效液体色谱分析法 | Foodstuffs - Determination of cyclamate and saccharine in liquid table top sweetener preparations - Method by high performance liquid chromatography; German version EN 1379:1996 | |
DIN EN 13804-2002 | 食品.痕量元素测定.实施准则、一般考虑和样品制备 | Foodstuffs - Determination of trace elements - Performance criteria, general considerations and sample preparation; German version EN 13804:2002 | |
DIN EN 13805-2002 | 食品.微量元素的测定.压力分解; 德文版本 EN 13805:2002 | Foodstuffs - Determination of trace elements - Pressure digestion; German version EN 13805:2002 | |
DIN EN 13806-2002 | 食品痕量元素测定.加压蒸煮后冷蒸汽原子吸收光谱法(CVAAS)测定汞含量 | Foodstuffs - Determination of trace elements - Determination of mercury by cold-vapour atomic absorption spectrometry (CVAAS) after pressure digestion; German version EN 13806:2002 | |
DIN EN 13870-2005 | 食品加工机械.切削机.安全和卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Chop cutting machines - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 13870:2005 | |
DIN EN 13871-2005 | 食品加工机械.立方体切割机.安全和卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Cubes cutting machinery - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 13871:2005 | |
DIN EN 1388-1-1995 | 与食品接触的材料和物品.硅化表面.第1部分:测定从陶瓷制品中释放的铅和镉; 德文版本 EN 1388-1:1995 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Silicate surfaces - Part 1: Determination of the relea of lead and cadmium from ceramic ware; German version EN 1388-1:1995 | |
DIN EN 1388-2-1995 | 与食品接触的材料和物品.硅化表面.第2部分:除陶瓷制品外测定从硅化表面释放的铅和镉; 德文版本 EN 1388-2:1 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Silicate surfaces - Part 2: Determination of the relea of lead and cadmium from silicate surfaces other than ceramic ware; German version EN 1388-2:1995 | |
DIN EN 13885-2006 | 食品加工机.剪断机.安全和卫生要求.德文版本EN 13885-2005 | Food processing machinery - Clipping machines - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 13885:2005 | |
DIN EN 13886-2005 | 食品加工机械.带动力搅拌器和/或混合器的蒸煮罐.安全和卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Cooking kettles equipped with powered stirrer and/or mixer - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 13886:2005 | |
DIN EN 13954-2006 | 食品加工机械.面包切片机.安全和卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Bread slicers - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 13954:2005 | |
DIN EN 14082-2003 | 食品.痕量元素的测定.用干灰后的原子吸收光谱法测定铅、镉、锌、铜、铁和铬 | Foodstuffs - Determination of trace elements - Determination of lead, cadmium, zinc, copper, iron and chromium by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) after dry ashing; German version EN 14082:2003 | |
DIN EN 14083-2003 | 食品.痕量元素的测定.食品经压煮后用石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定铅、镉、铬和钼 | Foodstuffs - Determination of trace elements - Determination of lead, cadmium, chromium and molybdenum by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) after pressure digestion; German version EN 14083:2003 | |
DIN EN 14084-2003 | 食品.痕量元素的测定.食品经微波蒸煮后用原子吸收光谱法测定铅、镉、锌、铜、和铁 | Foodstuffs - Determination of trace elements - Determination of lead, cadmium, zinc, copper and iron by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) after microwave digestion; German version EN 14084:2003 | |
DIN EN 14122 Berichtigung 1-2006 | 食品.高效液相色谱法测定维生素 B1的含量.德文版本EN 14122-2003,DIN EN 14122-2003的技术勘误.德文版本EN | Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin B1 by HPLC; German version EN 14122:2003, Corrigenda to DIN EN 14122:2003-09; German version EN 14122:2003/AC:2005 | |
DIN EN 14122-2003 | 食品.高效液相色谱法测定维生素B1的含量 | Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin B1 by HPLC; German version EN 14122:2003 | |
DIN EN 14123-2003 | 食品.花生、阿月浑子树可食的绿色种子、无花果和辣椒粉中黄曲霉毒素B1、B2、G1和G2的总数以及黄曲霉毒素B1 | Foodstuffs - Determination of aflatoxin B1 and the sum of aflatoxin B1, B2, G1 and G2 in peanuts, pistachios, figs and paprika powder - High performance liquid chromatographic method with postcolumn derivatization and immunoaffinity column clean-up; German version EN 14123:2003 | |
DIN EN 14130-2003 | 食品.高效液相色谱法测定维生素C含量 | Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin C by HPLC; German version EN 14130:2003 | |
DIN EN 14131-2003 | 食品.微生学测定法测定叶酸盐含量 | Foodstuffs - Determination of folate by microbiological assay; German version EN 14131:2003 | |
DIN EN 14132-2003 | 食品.大麦和焙炒咖啡中赭曲霉素A的测定.免疫亲和柱层净化高效液相色谱法 | Foodstuffs - Determination of ochratoxin A in barley and roasted coffee - HPLC method with immunoaffinity column clean up; German version EN 14132:2003 | |
DIN EN 14133-2003 | 食品.葡萄酒和啤酒中赭曲霉素A的测定.免疫亲和柱层净化高效液相色谱法 | Foodstuffs - Determination of ochratoxin A in wine and beer - HPLC method with immunoaffinity column clean-up; German version EN 14133:2003 | |
DIN EN 14148-2003 | 食品.高效液相色谱法测定维生素K1 | Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin K1 by HPLC; German version EN 14148:2003 | |
DIN EN 14152 Berichtigung 1-2006 | 食品.高效液相色谱法测定维生素 B2.德文版本 EN 14152-2003,DIN EN 14152-2003的技术勘误.德文版本EN 1415 | Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin B2 by HPLC; German version EN 14152:2003, Corrigenda to DIN EN 14152:2003-10; German version EN 14152:2003/AC:2005 | |
DIN EN 14152-2003 | 食品.高效液相色谱法测定维生素B2 | Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin B2 by HPLC; German version EN 14152:2003 | |
DIN EN 14176-2004 | 食品.用HPLC法测定贻贝中的软骨藻酸 | Foodstuffs - Determination of domoic acid in musls by HPLC; German version EN 14176:2003 | |
DIN EN 14177-2004 | 食品.澄清和浑浊苹果汁和果泥中棒曲霉素的测定.液体/液体分溶提纯的高效液相色谱法(HPLC) | Foodstuffs - Determination of patulin in clear and cloudy apple juice and puree - HPLC method with liquid/liquid partition clean-up; German version EN 14177:2003 | |
DIN EN 14185-1-2003 | 无脂肪食品.N-氨基甲酸甲酯残留物测定.第1部分:经SPE净化的高效液相色谱法 | Non-fatty foods - Determination of N-methylcarbamate residues - Part 1: HPLC-method with SPE clean-up; German version EN 14185-1:2003 | |
DIN EN 14185-2-2006 | 无脂肪食品.N-氨基甲酸甲酯残留物的测定.第2部分:硅藻土柱上净化的高效液相色谱法 | Non fatty foods - Determination of N-methylcarbamate residues - Part 2: HPLC method with clean-up on a diatomaceous earth column; German version EN 14185-2:2006 | |
DIN EN 14233-2003 | 接触食品的材料和物品.塑料.,测定微波炉或普通炉加热过程中和食品接触时塑料和物品的温度以选择适当的置换 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Determination of temperature of plastics materials and articles at the plastics/food interface during microwave and conventional oven heating in order to lect the appropriate temperature for migration testing; German version EN 14233:2002 | |
DIN EN 14332-2004 | 食品.痕量元素的测定.用微波溶解后的石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定海产品中的砷 | Foodstuffs - Determination of trace elements - Determination of arnic in afood by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) after microwave digestion; German version EN 14332:2004 | |
DIN EN 14333-1-2005 | 无脂食品.苯并咪唑杀菌剂carbendazim、噻唑苯并咪唑和苯菌灵的测定.第1部分:固相淬取清洁HPLC法 | Non fatty foods - Determination of benzimidazole fungicides carbendazim, thiabendazole and benomyl (as carbendazim) - Part 1: HPLC method with solid pha extraction clean up; German version EN 14333-1:2004 | |
DIN EN 14333-2-2005 | 无脂食品.苯并咪唑杀菌剂carbendazim、噻唑苯并咪唑和苯菌灵的测定.第2部分:凝胶渗胶透色谱清洁HPLC法 | Non fatty foods - Determination of benzimidazole fungicides carbendazim, thiabendazole and benomyl (as carbendazim) - Part 2: HPLC method with gel permeation chromatography clean up; German version EN 14333-2:2004 | |
DIN EN 14333-3-2005 | 无脂食品.苯并咪唑杀菌剂carbendazim、噻唑苯并咪唑和苯菌灵的测定.第3部分:液/液分离清洁HPLC法 | Non fatty foods - Determination of benzimidazole fungicides carbendazim, thiabendazole and benomyl (as carbendazim) - Part 3: HPLC method with liquid/liquid-partition clean up; German version EN 14333-3:2004 | |
DIN EN 14338-2004 | 与食品接触的纸和纸板.用改良聚苯醚做模拟物测定从纸和纸板迁移的条件 | Paper and board intended to come into contact with foodstuffs - Conditions for determination of migration from paper and board using modified polyphenylene oxide (MPPO) as a simulant; German version EN 14338:2003 | |
DIN EN 14352-2004 | 食品.玉米制品中fumonisin B1和B2的测定.带免疫亲和柱清洁的HPLC法 | Foodstuffs - Determination of fumonisin B1 and B2 in maize bad foods - HPLC method with immunoaffinity column clean up; German version EN 14352:2004 | |
DIN EN 14481-2003 | 与食品接触的材料和物品.塑料.测定脂肪催化剂的试验方法 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Plastics - Test methods for the determination of fatty contact; German version EN 14481:2003 | |
DIN EN 14524-2004 | 食品.贻贝中okadaic酸的测定.固相萃取净化、衍生和荧光检测的HPLC法 | Foodstuffs - Determination of okadaic acid in musls - HPLC method with solid pha extraction clean-up, derivatization and fluorimetric detection; German version EN 14524:2004 | |
DIN EN 14526-2004 | 食品.贻贝中石蛤毒素和dc-石蛤毒素的测定.使用带过氧化物和过碘酸盐氧化物的柱前衍生的HPLC法 | Foodstuffs - Determination of saxitoxin and dc-saxitoxin in musls - HPLC method using pre-column derivatization with peroxide or periodate oxidation; German version EN 14526:2004 | |
DIN EN 14546-2005 | 食品.痕量元素测定.灰化后用氢化原子吸收光谱测定法(HGAAS)测定砷总量 | Foodstuffs - Determination of trace elements - Determination of total arnic by hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry (HGAAS) after dry ashing; German version EN 14546:2005 | |
DIN EN 14569-2005 | 食品.用LAL/GNB法对辐射食品进行微生物筛分 | Foodstuffs - Microbiological screening for irradiated food using LAL/GNB procedures; German version EN 14569:2004 | |
DIN EN 14573-2005 | 食品.用GC/MS测定3-一氯丙烷-1,2-二醇 | Foodstuffs - Determination of 3-monochloropropane-1,2-diol by GC/MS; German version EN 14573:2004 | |
DIN EN 14627-2005 | 食品.痕量元素测定.压力溶解后用氢化原子吸收光谱测定法(HGAAS)测定砷和硒的总量 | Foodstuffs - Determination of trace elements - Determination of total arnic and lenium by hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry (HGAAS) after pressure digestion; German version EN 14627:2005 | |
DIN EN 14655-2005 | 食品加工机械.Baguette切片机.安全和卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Baguette slicers - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 14655:2005 | |
DIN EN 14663-2006 | 食品.用高效液相色谱法测定维生素B6含量(包括蛋白质糖基化形式).德文版本 EN 14663-2005 | Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin B6 (including its glycosylated forms) by HPLC; German version EN 14663:2005 | |
DIN EN 15054-2006 | 无脂肪食品.测定矮壮素和壮棉丹农药含量.LC-MS方法 | Non fatty foods - Determination of chlormequat and mepiquat - LC-MS method; German version EN 15054:2006 | |
DIN EN 15055-2006 | 无脂肪食品.测定矮壮素和壮棉丹农药含量.LC-MS/MS方法 | Non fatty foods - Determination of chlormequat and mepiquat - LC-MS/MS method; German version EN 15055:2006 | |
DIN EN 1528-1-1997 | 富含油脂食品.杀虫剂和多氯化联苯(PCB)含量测定.第1部分:总则 | Fatty food - Determination of pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) - Part 1: General; German version EN 1528-1:1996 | |
DIN EN 1528-2-1997 | 富含油脂食品.杀虫剂和多氯化联苯(PCB)含量测定.第2部分:油脂,杀虫剂,PCB的萃取和油脂含量测定 | Fatty food - Determination of pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) - Part 2: Extraction of fat, pesticides and PCBs, and determination of fat content; German version EN 1528-2:1996 | |
DIN EN 1528-3-1997 | 富含油脂食品.杀虫剂和多氯化联苯(PCB)含量测定.第3部分:清洁方法 | Fatty food - Determination of pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) - Part 3: Clean-up methods; German version EN 1528-3:1996 | |
DIN EN 1528-4-1997 | 富含油脂食品.杀虫剂和多氯化联苯(PCB)含量测定.第4部分:测定、证实试验和其他规定 | Fatty food - Determination of pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) - Part 4: Determination, confirmatory tests, miscellaneous; German version EN 1528-4:1996 | |
DIN EN 153-2006 | 连接电力网的家用电冰箱、食品冷冻柜、食品冷藏柜及其组合设备的电能消耗和相关性能的测定方法 | Methods of measuring the energy consumption of electric mains operated houhold refrigerators, frozen food storage cabinets, food freezers and their combinations, together with associated characteristics; German version EN 153:2006 | |
DIN EN 1541-2001 | 接触食品的纸和纸板.水萃取物中甲醛含量测定 | Paper and board intended to come into contact with foodstuffs - Determination of formaldehyde in an aqueous extract; German version EN 1541:2001 | |
DIN EN 1650-1998 | 化学消毒剂和抗菌剂. 为评价食品、工业、家庭及公共机构等领域使用的化学消毒剂和抗菌剂的真菌活动性的定量 | Chemical disinfectants and antiptics - Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of fungicidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiptics ud in food, industrial, domestic, and institutional areas - Test method and requirements (pha 2, step 2); German version EN 1650:1997 | |
DIN EN 1672-2-2005 | 食品加工机械.基本设计原理.第2部分:卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Basic concepts - Part 2: Hygiene requirements; German version EN 1672-2:2005 | |
DIN EN 1673-2001 | 食品加工机械.带旋转支架烘箱.安全和卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Rotary rack ovens - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 1673:2000 | |
DIN EN 1674-2001 | 食品加工机械.面团和面糊焙烤工具.安全和卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Dough and pastry brakes - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 1674:2000 | |
DIN EN 1678-1998 | 食品加工机械.切菜机.安全性和卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Vegetable cutting machines - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 1678:1998 | |
DIN EN 1784-2003 | 食品.经过辐射含脂肪的食品的检测.碳氢化合物的气相色谱分析 | Foodstuffs - Detection of irradiated food containing fat - Gas chromatography analysis of hydrocarbons; German version EN 1784:2003 | |
DIN EN 1785-2003 | 食品.经过辐射的含脂肪的食品的检测.2烷基环丁酮的气相色谱/质谱分析 | Foodstuffs - Detection of irradiated food containing fat - Gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric analysis of 2-alkylcyclobutanones; German version EN 1785:2003 | |
DIN EN 1786-1997 | 食品.辐射食品含骨探测.ESR分光光度法 | Foodstuffs - Detection of irradiated food containing bone - Method by ESR spectroscopy; German version EN 1786:1996 | |
DIN EN 1787-2000 | 食品.用ESR分光光度法检测经过辐射的含纤维素食品 | Foodstuffs - Detection of irradiated food containing cellulo by ESR spectroscopy; German version EN 1787:2000 | |
DIN EN 1788-2002 | 食品.可析出硅酸盐矿物质的辐照食品热致发光法检测 | Foodstuffs - Thermoluminescence detection of irradiated food from which silicate minerals can be isolated; German version EN 1788:2001 | |
DIN EN 1900-1998 | 和食品接触的材料和器具.非金属餐具.术语 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Non-metallic tableware - Terminology; German version EN 1900:1998 | |
DIN EN 1974-1999 | 食品加工机械.切片机.安全行要求和卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Slicing machines - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 1974:1998 | |
DIN EN 1988-1-1998 | 食品.亚硫酸盐的测定.第1部分:优化的莫尼-威廉法(Monier-Williams) | Foodstuffs - Determination of sulfite - Part 1: Optimized Monier-Williams method; German version EN 1988-1:1998 | |
DIN EN 1988-2-1998 | 食品.亚硫酸盐的测定.第2部分:酶催化法 | Foodstuffs - Determination of sulfite - Part 2: Enzymatic method; German version EN 1988-2:1998 | |
DIN EN 277-1995 | 食品保护运输袋.聚炳烯织物袋; 德文版本 EN 277:1995 | Sacks for the transport of food aid - Sacks made of woven polypropylene fabric; German version EN 277:1995 | |
DIN EN 28960-1993 | 家用和类似用途冰箱、冷冻食品储藏柜和食品冷冻柜.空气噪声测量 | Refrigerators, frozen food storage cabinets and food freezers for houhold and similar u; measurement of emission of airborne acoustical noi (ISO 8960:1991); German version EN 28960:1993 | |
DIN EN 453-2000 | 食品加工机械.和面机.安全和卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Dough mixers - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 453:2000 | |
DIN EN 454-2000 | 食品加工机械.行星式搅拌机.安全和卫生要求 | Food processing machinery - Planetary mixers - Safety and hygiene requirements; German version EN 454:2000 | |
DIN EN 601-2004 | 铝和铝合金.铸件.与食品接触的铸件的化学成分 | Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Castings - Chemical composition of castings for u in contact with foodstuff; German version EN 601:2004 | |
DIN EN 602-2004 | 铝和铝合金.锻件.与食品接触的物品制造用半成品的化学成分 | Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Wrought products - Chemical composition of mi-finished products ud for the fabrication of articles for u in contact with foodstuff; German version EN 602:2004 | |
DIN EN 60619-2005 | 电动食品加工机.性能测量方法 | Electrically operated food preparation appliances - Methods for measuring the performance (IEC 60619:1993 + A1:1995 + A2:2004); German version EN 60619:1993 + A1:1995 + A2:2004 | |
DIN EN 60704-2-11-2000 | 家用和类似电气装置.测定空气噪声的试验规范.第2-11部分:电动食品加工机的特殊要求 | Houhold and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noi - Part 2-11: Particular requirements for electrically operated food preparation appliances (IEC 60704-2-11:1998); German version EN 60704-2-11:1999 | |
DIN EN 631-1-1994 | 接触食品的材料和物件.食物容器.第1部分:容器尺寸 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs; catering containers; part 1: dimensions of containers; German version EN 631-1:1992 | |
DIN EN 631-2-1999 | 接触食品的材料和物件.食物容器.第2部分:附件和支承件尺寸 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Catering containers - Part 2: Dimensions of accessories and supports; German version EN 631-2:1999 | |
DIN EN 645-1994 | 与食品接触的纸和纸板.冷水萃取物的制备 | Paper and board intended to come into contact with foodstuffs; preparation of a cold water extract; German version EN 645:1993 | |
DIN EN 646-2006 | 和食品接触的纸和纸板.测定染色纸和纸板的色牢度 | Paper and board intended to come into contact with foodstuffs - Determination of colour fastness of dyed paper and board; German version EN 646:2006 | |
DIN EN 647-1994 | 与食品接触的纸和纸板.热水萃取物的制备 | Paper and board intended to come into contact with foodstuffs; preparation of a hot water extract; German version EN 647:1993 | |
DIN EN 648-2003 | 与食品接触的纸和纸板.测定荧光增白纸和纸板的色牢度 | Paper and board intended to come into contact with foodstuffs - Determination of the fastness of fluorescent whitened paper and board; German version EN 648:2003 | |
DIN EN 76-1979 | 某些预包装食品的包装.玻璃和金属包装容器的容量 | Packages for certain prepacked foodstuffs; capacities of glass and metal containers | |
DIN EN 765-1994 | 食品保护运输用袋.使用不同于聚炳烯的聚烯烃编织袋; 德文版本 EN 765:1994 | Sacks for the transport of food aid - Sacks made of woven polyolefin fabric other than polypropylene only; German version EN 765:1994 | |
DIN EN 766-1994 | 食品保护运输袋.黄麻织物袋; 德文版本 EN 766:1994 | Sacks for the transport of food aid - Sacks made of jute fabric; German version EN 766:1994 | |
DIN EN 767-1994 | 食品保护运输袋.黄麻/聚烯烃编织袋; 德文版本 EN 767:1994 | Sacks for the transport of food aid - Sacks made of woven jute/polyolefine fabric; German version EN 767:1994 | |
DIN EN 768-1994 | 食品保护运输袋.带村里的棉织物袋; 德文版本 EN 768:1994 | Sacks for the transport of food aid - Sacks made of lined cotton fabric; German version EN 768:1994 | |
DIN EN 769-1994 | 食品保护运输袋.棉/聚烯烃编织袋; 德文版本 EN 769:1994 | Sacks for the transport of food aid - Sacks made of woven cotton/polyolefine fabric; German version EN 769:1994 | |
DIN EN 770-1994 | 食品保护运输袋.纸袋; 德文版本 EN 770:1994 | Sacks for the transport of food aid - Paper sacks; German version EN 770:1994 | |
DIN EN 787-1994 | 食品保护运输袋.聚乙烯薄膜袋; 德文版本 EN 787:1994 . | Sacks for the transport of food aid - Sacks made of polyethylene film; German version EN 787:1994 | |
DIN EN 788-1994 | 食品保护运输袋.复合薄膜管状袋; 德文版本 EN 788:1994 | Sacks for the transport of food aid - Tubular sacks made of composite film; German version EN 788:1994 | |
DIN EN 920-2000 | 和食品接触的纸和纸板.用水萃取法测定干物质含量 | Paper and board intended to come into contact with foodstuffs - Determination of dry matter content in an aqueous extract; German version EN 920:2000 | |
DIN EN ISO 10272-1-2006 | 食品和动物饲料的微生物学.弯曲杆菌属检测和计数用水平方法.第1部分:检测方法 | Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for detection and enumeration of Campylobacter spp. - Part 1: Detection method (ISO 10272-1:2006); German version EN ISO 10272-1:2006 | |
DIN EN ISO 10273-2003 | 食品和动物饲料的微生物学.伪结肠耶尔森氏结肠杆菌病源检测的水平法 | Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the detection of presumptive pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica (ISO 10273:2003); German version EN ISO 10273:2003 | |
DIN EN ISO 11290-1-2005 | 食品和动物饲料的微生物学.单核细胞增生性利斯特氏菌检测和计数的水平方法.第1部分:检测方法 | Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of Listeria monocytogenes - Part 1: Detection method (ISO 11290-1:1996 + AMD 1:2004); German version EN ISO 11290-1:1996 + A1:2004 | |
DIN EN ISO 11290-2-2005 | 食品和动物饲料的微生物学.单核细胞增生性利斯特氏菌检测和计数的水平方法.第2部分:计数方法 | Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of Listeria monocytogenes - Part 2: Enumeration method (ISO 11290-2:1998 + AMD1:2004); German version EN ISO 11290-2:1998 + A1:2004 | |
DIN EN ISO 15141-1-1998 | 食品.谷类作物和谷类作物产品中赭曲霉素A的测定.第1部分:硅胶净化高效液体色谱法 | Foodstuffs - Determination of ochratoxin A in cereals and cereal products - Part 1: High performance liquid chromatographic method with silica gel clean up (ISO 15141-1:1998); German version EN ISO 15141-1:1998 | |
DIN EN ISO 15141-2-1998 | 食品.谷类作物物和谷类作物制品中赭曲霉素A的测定.第2部分:重碳酸盐净化高效液体色谱法 | Foodstuffs - Determination of ochratoxin A in cereals and cereal products - Part 2: High performance liquid chromatographic method with bicarbonate clean up (ISO 15141-2:1998); German version EN ISO 15141-2:1998 | |
DIN EN ISO 16140-2003 | 食品和动物饲料的微生物学.备用法验证协议 | Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Protocol for the validation of alternative methods (ISO 16140:2003); German version EN ISO 16140:2003 | |
胡适作品DIN EN ISO 16654-2001 | 食品和动物饲料微生物学.大肠杆菌O157检测的水平方法 | Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the detection of Escherichia coli O157 (ISO 16654:2001); German version EN ISO 16654:2001 | |
DIN EN ISO 21567-2005 | 食品和动物饲料的微生物学.志贺氏杆菌检测的水平法 | Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the detection of Shigella spp. (ISO 21567:2004); German version EN ISO 21567:2004 | |
DIN EN ISO 21569-2005 | 食品.基因改良有机物和衍生物检测的分析方法.定性核酸基法 | Foodstuffs - Methods of analysis for the detection of genetically modified organisms and derived products - Qualitative nucleic acid bad methods (ISO 21569:2005); German version EN ISO 21569:2005 | |
DIN EN ISO 21570-2006 | 食品.基因改良有机物及其衍生产品检测的分析方法.基于定量核酸法(ISO 21570-2005).德文版本EN ISO 21570-20 | Foodstuffs - Methods of analysis for the detection of genetically modified organisms and derived products - Quantitative nucleic acid bad methods (ISO 21570:2005); German version EN ISO 21570:2005 | |
DIN EN ISO 21572 Berichtigung 1-2005 | 食品.基因改良有机物和衍生产品的检测方法.蛋白质法 | Foodstuffs - Methods for the detection of genetically modified organisms and derived products - Protein bad method (ISO 21572:2004); German version EN ISO 21572:2004, Corrigenda to DIN EN ISO 21572:2004-06; German version EN ISO 21572:2004/AC:2005 | 凝结的反义词|
DIN EN ISO 21572-2004 | 食品.转基因有机物和衍生产品的检测方法.基于蛋白质的方法 | Foodstuffs - Methods for the detection of genetically modified organisms and derived products - Protein bad method (ISO 21572:2004); German version EN ISO 21572:2004 | |
DIN EN ISO 21871-2006 | 食品和动物饲料的微生物学.少量推定的蜡样芽胞杆菌测定的水平法.最大可能数技术和检测方法 | Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the determination of low numbers of presumptive Bacillus cereus - Most probable number technique and detection method (ISO 21871:2006); German version EN ISO 21871:2006 | |
DIN EN ISO 22000-2005 | 食品安全管理体系.食品链上任一组织的要求(ISO 22000-2005).德文版本 EN ISO 22000-2005 | Food safety management systems - Requirements for any organization in the food chain (ISO 22000:2005); German version EN ISO 22000:2005 | |
DIN EN ISO 24276-2006 | 食品.遗传修正生物体和来源产品的探测分析方法.一般要求和定义(ISO 24276:2006) | Foodstuffs - Methods of analysis for the detection of genetically modified organisms and derived products - General requirements and definitions (ISO 24276:2006); German version EN ISO 24276:2006 | |
DIN EN ISO 4833-2003 | 食品和动物饲料的微生物学.微生物计数的水平法.30℃时的菌落计数技术 | Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration of microorganisms - Colony-count technique at 30 °C (ISO 4833:2003); German version EN ISO 4833:2003 | |
DIN EN ISO 6579-2003 | 食品和动物饲料微生物学.沙门氏菌水平检测法 | Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the detection of Salmonella spp. (ISO 6579:2002); German version EN ISO 6579:2002 | |
DIN EN ISO 6887-1-1999 | 食品和动物饲料微生物学.初始悬浮和十倍制稀释的微生物检验样品制备.第1部分:初始悬浮和十倍制稀释液制备一 | Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Preparation of the test samples, of initial suspension and of decimal dilutions for microbiological examination - Part 1: General rules for the preparation of the initial suspension and decimal dilutions (ISO 6887-1:1999); German version EN ISO 6887-1:1999 | |
DIN EN ISO 6887-2-2004 | 食品和动物饲料的微生物学.用于微生物检验的试验样品的初始悬浮和十倍制稀释的准备.第2部分:肉和肉制品准备 | Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Preparation of test samples, initial suspension and decimal dilutions for microbiological examination - Part 2: Specific rules for the preparation of meat and meat products (ISO 6887-2:2003); German version EN ISO 6887-2:2003 | |
DIN EN ISO 6887-3-2003 | 食品和动物饲料的微生物学.用于微生物检验的试验样品的初始悬浮和十倍制稀释的准备.第3部分:鱼和水产品准备 | Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Preparation of test samples, initial suspension and decimal dilutions for microbiological examination - Part 3: Specific rules for the preparation of fish and fishery products (ISO 6887-3:2003); German version EN ISO 6887-3:2003 | |
DIN EN ISO 6887-4-2003 | 食品和动物饲料的微生物学.用于微生物检验的试验样品的初始悬浮和十倍制稀释的准备.第4部分:除牛奶和牛奶制 | Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Preparation of test samples, initial suspension and decimal dilutions for microbiological examination - Part 4: Specific rules for the preparation of products other than milk and milk products, meat and meat products, and fish and fishery products (ISO 6887-4:2003); German version EN ISO 6887-4:2003 | |
DIN EN ISO 6888-1-2003 | 食品和动物饲料的微生物学.凝血酶阳性葡萄球菌(金黄色葡萄球菌及其他种)计数的水平方法.第1部分:Baird-Park | Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration of coagula-positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus and other species) - Part 1: Technique using Baird-Parker agar medium (ISO 6888-1:1999 + AMD 1:2003); German version EN ISO 6888-1:1999 + A1:2003 | |
DIN EN ISO 6888-2-2003 | 食品和动物饲料的微生物学.凝血酶阳性葡萄球菌(金黄色葡萄球菌及其他种)计数的水平方法.第2部分:兔血浆纤维 | Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration of coagula-positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus and other species) - Part 2: Technique using rabbit plasma fibrinogen agar medium (ISO 6888-2:1999 + AMD 1:2003); German version EN ISO 6888-2:1999 + A1:2003 | |
DIN EN ISO 6888-3-2005 | 食品和动物饲料的微生物学.凝血酶阳性葡萄球菌(金黄色葡萄球菌及其他种)计数的水平方法.第3部分:低数值检测 | Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration of coagula-positive staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus and other species) - Part 3: Detection and MPN technique for low numbers (ISO 6888-3:2003); German version EN ISO 6888-3:2003 + AC:2005 | |
DIN EN ISO 7932-2005 | 食品和动物饲料的微生物学.推定蜡样芽孢杆菌计数的水平法.30鳦时的菌落计数技术 | Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration of presumptive Bacillus cereus - Colony-count technique at 30 °C (ISO 7932:2004); German version EN ISO 7932:2004 | |
DIN EN ISO 7937-2004 | 食品和动物饲料的微生物学.梭菌属计数的水平方法.菌落计数技术 | 保持一颗平常心Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Horizontal method for the enumeration of Clostridium perfringens - Colony-count technique (ISO 7937:2004); German version EN ISO 7937:2004 | |
DIN EN ISO 8381-2000 | 奶基婴儿食品.脂肪含量测定.称重法(参照法) | Milk-bad infant foods - Determination of fat content - Gravimetric method (Reference method) (ISO 8381:2000); German version EN ISO 8381:2000 | |
DIN EN ISO 8442-1-1998 | 和食品接触的材料及器具.刀具和餐桌器具.第1部分:备制食品用刀具的要求 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Cutlery and table holloware - Part 1: Requirements for cutlery for the preparation of food (ISO 8442-1:1997); German version EN ISO 8442-1:1997 | |
DIN EN ISO 8442-2-1998 | 和食品接触的材料及器具.刀具和餐桌器具.第2部分:不锈钢和镀银餐具的要求 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Cutlery and table holloware - Part 2: Requirements for stainless steel and silver-plated cutlery (ISO 8442-2:1997); German version EN ISO 8442-2:1997 | |
DIN EN ISO 8442-3-1998 | 与食品接触的材料和器具.刀具和餐桌器皿.第3部分:镀银餐桌器皿和装饰凹型器皿的要求 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Cutlery and table holloware - Part 3: Requirements for silver-plated table and decorative holloware (ISO 8442-3:1997); German version EN ISO 8442-3:1997 | |
DIN EN ISO 8442-4-1998 | 和食品接触的材料及器具.刀具和餐桌器具.第4部分:镀金餐具的要求 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Cutlery and table holloware - Part 4: Requirements for gold plated cutlery (ISO 8442-4:1997); German version EN ISO 8442-4:1997 | |
DIN EN ISO 8442-5-2005 | 与食品接触的材料和制品.刀具和凹形餐具.第5部分:刀具的锋利性和刃口保持试验规范 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Cutlery and table holloware - Part 5: Specification for sharpness and edge retention test of cutlery (ISO 8442-5:2004); German version EN ISO 8442-5:2004 | |
DIN EN ISO 8442-6-2001 | 接触食品的材料和物品.刀叉和盘碟.第6部分:薄镀银清漆保护餐桌餐具 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Cutlery and table holloware - Part 6: Lightly silver plated table holloware protected by lacquer (ISO 8442-6:2000); German version EN ISO 8442-6:2000 | |
DIN EN ISO 8442-7-2001 | 接触食品的材料和物品.刀叉和盘碟.第7部分:银、其他贵金属及其合金制成的刀叉餐具要求 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Cutlery and table holloware - Part 7: Requirements for table cutlery made of silver, other precious metals and their alloys (ISO 8442-7:2000); German version EN ISO 8442-7:2000 | |
DIN EN ISO 8442-8-2001 | 接触食品的材料和物品.刀叉餐具和盘碟.第8部分:银制餐桌餐具和装饰性盘碟要求 | Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs - Cutlery and table holloware - Part 8: Requirements for silver table and decorative holloware (ISO 8442-8:2000); German version EN ISO 8442-8:2000 | |
DIN ISO/TS 11133-2-2004 | 食品和动物饲料的微生物学.培养基的准备和生产用指南.第2部分:培养基的性能试验的实用指南 | Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Guidelines on preparation and production of culture media - Part 2: Practical guidelines on performance testing of culture media (ISO/TS 11133-2:2003); German version CEN ISO/TS 11133-2:2003 | |
DIN ISO/TS 20836-2005 | 食品和动物饲料微生物学.食物病原体检测的聚合酶链式反应(PRC).热循环控制装置的性能检测 | Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs - Polymera chain reaction (PCR) for the detection of food-borne pathogens - Performance testing of thermal cyclers (ISO/TS 20836:2005); German version CEN ISO/TS 20836:2005 | |
自驱力读后感 DIN V ENV 14164-2002 | 食品.采用高效液相色谱分析法测定维生素B<指数6>; 德文版本n ENV 14164:2002 | Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin B<(Index)6> by HPLC; German version ENV 14164:2002 | |
DIN V ENV 14166-2002 | 食品.微生物测定法测定维生素B<下标6> | Foodstuffs - Determination of vitamin B<(Index)6> by microbiological assay; German version ENV 14166:2002 | |
DIN V ENV 14194-2002 | 食品.贻贝中石贻毒素和dc石贻毒素的测定.柱后衍生HPLC法 | Foodstuffs - Determination of saxitoxin and dc-saxitoxin in musls - HPLC method with post column derivatisation; German version ENV 14194:2002 | |
DIN V ENV ISO 11133-1-2000 | 食品和动物饲料的微生物学.培养基的制备和生产指南.第1部分:实验室培养基制备质量保证的通用指南 | Microbiology of food and animal feedings stuffs - Guidelines on preparation and production of culture media - Part 1: General guidelines on quality assurance for the preparation of culture media in the laboratory (ISO/TS 11133-1:2000); German version ENV ISO 11133-1:2000 | |
DIN-Fachbericht 82-1999 | 食品分析.生物毒性.毒枝菌素的分析方法标准 | Food analysis - Biotoxins - Criteria of analytical methods of mycotoxins; trilingual edition of CR 13505:1999 | |
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