在上⼀讲我们向朋友们介绍了有关⼈类肢体名称的⼀些⽚语,第⼀个是all thumbs,它的意思是“笨⼿笨脚的”,第⼆个是have sticky fingers,它的意思是“喜欢顺⼿牵⽺,⼿脚不⼲净。”今天我们继续向⼤家介绍包含⼈类肢体名称的有关⽚语twist someone’s arm 和have the upper hand.
⽚语twist someone’s arm从字⾯上来看,意思是指“拧住某⼈的胳膊或者扭转某⼈的胳膊。”朋友们不难理解的是,当我们拧住某⼈胳膊的时候,很多情况下就是要勉强别⼈做某事,所以这个⽚语的意思可以直接翻译为“勉强某⼈”,看看下⾯的例⼦:秋天唯美的句子
No one twists my arm to go to the college for listening to a famous professor’s speech.
趣味歇后语 在现实⽣活中,许多专业技术⼈员虽然已经退休,但是他们常被返聘回⼯作岗位,这样的情况我们也可以⽤twist someone’s arm来描述,If you twist someone’s arm, you must try your best to persuade someone to do something they do not want to do. 看看下⾯的句⼦是如何来描述这种情形的:
When many technologists reach retirement age, their company’s chiefs always twist their arms to get them to keep working.
企业竞争的核⼼就是⼈才的竞争, 正如上⾯例句所⾔,企业总是把那些技术⼈才、技术专家尽量的留在企业⾥,这样他们在激烈的竞争中才能占得上风。对了,朋友们知道这⾥的“占得上风”在英⽂中要如何表达吗?先看⼀看下⾯的例句:
Becau the Police have taken veral power measures, they now have the upper hand over the drug dealers in the area.
这⾥的⽚语have the upper hand意思就是指“占上风”。upper的意思是“上⾯的”,从字⾯上看,这个⽚语的意思是“拥有(可以触摸到)上⾯的⼿”,⽤来形容“占有上风”,显得很贴切。 If you have the upper hand, then you have more power than someone el, so that you are able to control a situation. For example:
Although the Lakers have the upper hand in the basketball game, the Bulls don’t give up.
米粉蒸肉的做法 结束语:作为⼀名英语⾃学者,我们不得不承认在学校学习的学⽣⽐我们要有优势,他们⼀开始就已经占有了上风(have the upper hand), 但我们只要端正态度,主动积极的学习,⽽不是勉强⾃⼰(twist someone’s arm)学习,我们也不⼀定就会落后于那些在校的学⽣。朋友们认为呢?美神维纳斯