学习易经Lesson4 The Trial That Rockedthe World
A buzz ran through the crowd as I took my place in the packedcourt on that swelter ing July day in 1925. The counl for my defence was the famouscrimina l lawyerClarenc e Darrow.Leading counl for the procu tion was William Jenning s Bryan, the silver-tongued orator, three times Democra tic nominee for Preside nt of the UnitedStates,and leaderof the fundame ntalis t movemen t that had brought about my trial.
燕雀安知鸿鹄志A few weeks beforeI had been an unknown school-teacher in Dayton, a littletown in the mountai ns of Tenness ee. Now I was involve d in a trial reporte d the world over. Seatedin court, ready to testify on my behalf,were a dozen disting uished profess ors and scienti sts, led by Profess or Kirtley Matherof H
arvard Univers ity. More than 100 reporte rs were on hand, and even radio announc er s, who for the first time in history were to broadca st a jury trial. "Don't worry, son, we'll show them a few tricks," Darrowhad whisper ed throwin g a reassur ing arm round my shoulde r as we were waiting for the court to open.
The ca had erupted round my head not long after I arrived in Daytonas science masterand footbal l coach at the conda ry school. For a numberof years a clash had been buildin g up between the fundame ntalis ts and the moderni sts. The fundame ntalis ts adhered to a literal interpr etatio n of the Old Testame nt. The moderni sts, on the other hand, accepte d the theoryadvance d by Charles Darwin-- that all animallife, includi ng monkeys and men, had evolved from a commonancesto r.
Fundame ntalis m was strongin Tenness ee, and the state legisla ture had recentl y pasda law prohibi ting the teachin g of "any theorythat deniesthe story of creatio n as taughtin the Bible." The new law was aimed squarel y at Darwin's theoryof evoluti on. An enginee r, GeorgeRappely ea, ud to argue with the local peopleagainst the law. Duringone such argumen t, Rappely ea said that nobodycould teach biology without teachin g evoluti on. Since I had been teachin g biology, I was nt for.
"Rappely ea is right," I told them.
英文简介"Then you have been violati ng the law," one of them Said.
"So has every other teacher," I replied. "Evoluti on is explain ed in Hunter's Civic Biology, and that's our textboo k." Rappely ea then made a suggest ion. "Let's take this thing to court," he said, "and test the legalit y of it."鸵鸟怎么养殖>新大陆团购网
When I was indicte d on May 7, no one, least of all I, anticip ated that my ca would snowbal l into one of the most famoustrialsin U. S. history. The America n Civil Liberti es Union announc ed that it would take my ca to the U. S Supreme Court if necessa ry to establi sh that a teacher may tell the truth without being nt to jail." Then Bryan volunte ered to assistthe state in procu ting me. Immedia tely the renowne dlawye r Clarenc e Darrowoffered his rvice s to defendme. Ironica lly, I had not known Darrowbeforemy trial but I had met Bryan when he had given a talk at my univers ity. I admired him, althoug h I did not agree with his views.
By the time the trial began on July 10, our town of 1,500 peoplehad taken on a circusa tmosph ere. The buildin gs along the main streetwere festoon edwith banners. The streets aroundthe three-storeyred brick law court sproute dwithrickety standslling hot dogs, religio us books and waterme lons. Evangel ists t up tents to exhortt he pasrs by. Peoplefrom the surroun ding hills, mostlyfundame ntalis ts, arrived to cheer Bryan against the " infidel outside rs" Among them was John Butler,who had drawn up the anti-evoluti on law. Butlerwas a 49-year-old farmerwho beforehis electio n had never been out of his nativecounty.
The presidi ng judge was John Raulsto n, a florid-faced man who announc ed: "I'm just a reg'lar mountai neer jedge." Bryan, ageingand paunchy, was assiste d in his procu tion by his son, also a lawyer, and Tenness ee's brillia nt young attorne y-general, Tom Stewart. Besides the shrewd68-year-old Darrow,my counl include d the handsom e and magneti c DudleyField Malone,43, and ArthurGarfiel d Hays, quiet, scholar ly and steeped in the law. In a trial in which religio n playeda key role, Darrowwas an agnosti c, Malonea Catholi c and Hays a Jew. My fatherhad come from Kentuck y to be with me for the trial.
主审法官名叫约翰.劳尔斯顿,是一位面色红润的男人。他操着浓重的地方口音高声说道:"我只是个平平常常的山区法官。"布莱恩的样子老态龙钟,大腹便便。协助他进行起诉工作的有他的儿1 85子--也是个律师--及田纳西州年轻有为的检察长汤姆o斯图尔特。我的辩护人当中则除了六十八岁的精明老练的达罗外,还有英俊潇洒、富于魅力的四十三岁的达德雷.费尔德.马隆和文质彬彬、学识丰富,尤其精通法学的阿瑟.伽费尔德.黑斯。在一场宗教起着关键作用的审判案中,达罗是个不可知论者,马隆是个天主教徒,而黑斯则是个犹太教徒。我的父亲也特意从肯塔基州赶来陪我面对这次审判。
The judge calledfor a local ministe r to open the ssion with
prayer, and the trial got under way. Of the 12 jurors, three had never read any book exceptthe Bible. One couldn't read. As my fathergrowled, "That's one hell of a jury!"
After the prelimi nary sparrin g over legalit ies, Darrowgot up to make his opening stateme nt. "My friendthe attorne y-general says that John Scopesknows what he is here for," Darrowdrawled. "I know what he is here for, too. He is here because ignoran ce and bigotry are , and it is a mightystrongcombina tion."
Darrowwalkedslowlyround the bakingcourt. "Today it is the teacher s, "he continu ed, "and tomorro w
the magazin es, the books, the newspap ers. After a while, it is the tting of man against man and creed against creed until we are marchin g backwar ds to the gloriou s age of the sixteen th century when bigotslighted faggots to burn the men who dared to bring any intelli genceand enlight enment and Culture to the human mind. "
"That damnedinfidel," a woman whisper ed loudlyas he finishe d his address.
The followi ng day the procu tion began calling wit-nessagainst me. Two of my pupilstestifi ed, grinnin g shyly at me, that I had taughtthem evoluti on, but added that they had not been contami natedby the experie nce. HowardMorgan, a brightlad of 14, testifi ed that I had taughtthat man was a mammallike cows, hors, dogs and cats.
"He didn't say a cat was the same as a man?" Darrowasked.
"No, sir," the youngst er said. "He said man had reasoni ng power." "There is some doubt about that," Darrowsnorted.
"没有,先生,"那孩子说道。"他说人是有思维能力的。" "这话怕不一定对哩,"达罗哼着鼻子说。
After the evidenc e was complet ed, Bryan ro to address the jury. The issue was simple, he declare d "The Christi an believe s that man came from above. The evoluti onistbelieve s that he must have come from below." The spectat ors chuckle d and Bryan warmedto his work. In one hand he brandis hed a biology text as he denounc ed the scienti sts who had come to Daytonto testify for the defence.
网络安全教育知识"The Bible," he thunder ed in his sonorou s organ tones, " is not going to be drivenout of this court by experts who come hundred s of miles to testify that they can reconci le evoluti on, with its ancesto rs in the jungle, with man made by God in His image and put here for His purpose as par t of a divineplan."
As he finishe d, jaw out-thrust, eyes flashin g, the audienc e burst into applaus e and shoutsof "Amen". Yet somethi ng was lacking. Gone was the fiercefervour of the days when Bryan had swept the politic al arena like a prairie fire. The crowd emedto feel that their champio n had not scorche d the infidel s with the hot breathof his oratory as he shouldhave. DudleyField Malonepoppedup to repl
y. "Mr. Bryan is not the only one who has the right to speak for the Bible, he obrve d. "There are other peoplein this country who have given up their whole lives to God and religio n. Mr. Bryan, with passion ate spiritand enthusi asm, has given post of his life to politic s." Bryan sippedfrom a jug of water as Malone's voice grew in volume.He appeale d for intelle ctualfreedom, and accud Bryan of calling for a