Season 6
◎Episode 1: Lights Out(2010.09.22)
●A Family is a place where minds come in contact with one another. If the minds love one another, the home will be as beautiful as a flower garden. But if the minds get out of harmony with one another, it is like a storm that plays havoc with the garden.【The Buddha】
无法识别的usb设备◎Episode 2: JJ(2010.09.29)
●A tragedy need not have blood and death. It's enough that it all be filled with that majestic sadness. That is the pleasure of tragedy【JJ】
●悲剧不需鲜血与死亡装点,有富丽堂皇的悲怆便以足够。而这却是悲剧令人可喜之处。【原出处:Jean Racine, 拉辛, 法国剧作家,诗人】
◎阅读摘记Episode 3: Remembrance of Things Past(2010.10.06)
●Remembrance of things past is not necessarily the remembrance of things as they were.【Marcel Proust】
●When I was younger, I could remember anything whether it had happened or not. But my faculties are decaying now and soon I shall be so I cannot remember anything but the things that never happened. It is sad to go to pieces like this but we all have to do it.【Mark Twain】
◎Episode 4:Compromising Positions, (2010.10.13)
●Whatever you are, be a good one.【Abraham Lincoln】
●We all wear masks. And the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing our skins【Andre Berthiaume,1938- ,魁北克小说/短篇故事/散文作家】
解酒小妙招◎Episode 5: Safe Haven (2010.10.20)
●All humanity is one undivided and indivisble family. I cannot detach mylf from the wickedest soul【Mahatma Gandhi】
●But I have promis to keep and miles to go before I sleep, and miles to go before I sleep.【Robert Frost,1874-1963,美国现实主义诗人,普利策奖得主。】
●罗伯特·弗罗斯特:信誓不可移,安眠不可得, 尚须行数里
◎Episode 6: Devil's Night,(2010.10.27)
超链接打不开●If an injury has to be done to a man, it should be so vere that his vngeance need not be feared.【Niccolò Machiavelli,1469,—1527, 意大利的政治哲学家、音乐家、诗人、和浪漫喜剧剧作家。著作《君主论》。
●Love feels no burden, think nothing of its trouble attempts what is above its strength, ple
ads no excu for impossibility, for it thinks all things are lawful for itlf.【Thomas à Kempis, 1380-1471,中世纪天主教僧侣,著作《对基督的模仿(The imitation of Christ)》】
◎Episode 7:Middle Man, (2010.11.03)
word目录怎么做●The herd ek out the great, not for their sake but for their influence. And the great welcome them out of vanity or need. 【Napoleon Bonaparte】
●Without heroes, we are all plain people and don't know how far we can go. 【Bernard Malamud, 1914-1986, 美国犹太作家】
◎Episode 8:Reflection of Desire, (2010.11.10)10/11/2010
●I believe humanity was born from conflict. Maybe that's why in all of us lives a dark side. Some of us choo to embrace it. Some have no choice. The rest of us fight it. And in the end, it's as natural as the air we breathe. At some point, all of us are forced to face the truth. Ourlves.【Penelope Garcia】
●Fame will go by, and so long. I've had the fame. If it goes by, I've always known it was fickle, so at least it's something I experienced but that's not where I live.【Marilyn Monoroe】
◎Episode 9:Into The Woods, (2010.11.17)
● I am invisible, understand, simply becau people refu to e me.【Ralph Ellison, 19
室内健身操14-1994, 美国著名黑人作家,代表作《Invisible Man (隐形人)》】
●Evil endures a moment's flush and then leaves but a burnt-out shell.【Eli Cabot, also known as Eli Pumpelly Cabot, 诗人, 此句来自其作品《Arizona, and Other Poem》,1919】
◎Episode 10:What Happens at Home, (2010.12.08)
●When we were childern, we ud to think that when we grew up we would no longer be vulnerable. But to grew up is to accept vulnerability; to be alive is to be vulnerable.【Madeleine L'Engle,1918-2007,美国作家, 以撰写青年小说闻名。Newbery文学奖, 得奖作
品:《A wrinkle in Time(时光中的纹理)》。】
●Childern begin by loving their parents. As they grow older, they judge them, sometime they forgive them.【Oscar Wilde, 1854-1900, 爱尔兰作家/诗人/剧作家/唯美主义者】
◎Episode 11:25 to Life, (2010.12.15)
●All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered. The point is to discover them.【Galileo, 1564-1642, 意大利物理学家/数学家/天文学家/哲学家】
◎Episode 12: Corazon, (2011.01.19)
●No man choss evil becau it is evil. He only mistakes it for happiness, the good he eks.【Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, 1797-1851, 英国小说家/短篇小说家/剧作家,著名浪漫主义诗人/哲学家雪莱的妻子, 著作《Frankenstein: or The Modern Prometheus》(1818)】
辩论赛推文●The best and most beautiful things in life cannot be en or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.【Hellen Keller, 1880-1968, 美国作家/演说家】