Ralph G. Nichols
The Supervisor's Notebook, Scott, Foresman & Co.姐妹情深的句子
Vol. 22, No. 1, Spring 1960
The business of becoming a good listener primarily consists of getting rid of bad listening habits and replacing them with their counterpart skills.
Several years ago I identified what emed to me to be the ten worst listening habits in America today. Though my discussion of them here is in relation to the ways they may affect us in a formal listening situation, the effects of the habits can be just as devastating in less formal listening situations at home, at school, in business or social groups.
1. Calling the Subject Dull
Bad listeners often finds a subject too dry and dusty to command their attention and they u this as an excu to wander off on a mental tangent. Good listeners may have heard a dozen talks on the same subject before, but they quickly decide to e if the speaker has anything that can be of u to them.
The key to good listening is that little three-letter word u. Good listeners are sifters, screeners, and winnowers of the wheat from the chaff. They are always hunting for something practical or worthwhile to store in the back of their mind to put to work in the months and years ahead. G.K. Chesterton said many years ago that in all this world there is no such thing as an uninteresting subject, only uninterested people.
我与地坛2. Criticizing the Speaker
It's the indoor sport of most bad listeners to find fault with the way a speaker looks, acts, and talks. Good listeners may make a few of the same criticisms but they quickly begin to pay attention to what is said, not how it is said. After a few minutes, good listeners become oblivious to the speaker's mannerisms or his/her faults in delivery. The
y know that the message is ten times as important as the clothing in which it comes garbed.
3. Getting Overstimulated
Listening efficiency drops to zero when the listeners react so strongly to one part of the prentation that they miss what follows. At the University of Minnesota we think this bad habit is so critical that, in the class where we teach listening, we put at the top of every blackboard the words: Withhold evaluation until comprehension is complete -- hear the speaker out. 李智刚It is important that we understand the speaker's point of view fully before we accept or reject it.
4. Listening Only For Facts
I ud to think it was important to listen for facts. But I've found that almost without exception it is the poor listeners who say they listen for facts. They do get facts, but they garble a shocking number and completely lo most of them.
Good listeners listen for the main ideas in a speech or lecture and u them as connecting threads to give n and system to the whole. In the end they have more facts appended to tho connecting threads than the catalogers who listen only for facts. It isn't necessary to worry too much about fact as such, for facts have meaning only when principles supply the context.
5. Trying To Outline Everything
There's nothing wrong with making an outline of a speech -- provided the speaker is following an outline method of prentation. But probably not more than a half or perhaps a third of all speeches given are built around a carefully prepared outline.
Good listeners are flexible. They adapt their note taking to the organizational pattern of the speaker-they may make an outline, they may write a summary, they may list facts and principles -- but whatever they do they are not rigid about it.
柔顺多少钱6. Faking Attention
连云港旅游景点大全 The po of chin propped on hand with gaze fixed on speaker does not guarantee good listening. Having adopted this po, having shown the overt courtesy of appearing to listen to the speaker, the bad listener feels conscience free to take off on any of a thousand tangents.
Good listening is not relaxed and passive at all. It's dynamic; it's constructive; it's characterized by a slightly incread heart rate, quicker circulation of the blood, and a small ri in bodily temperature. It's energy consuming; it's plain hard work. The best definition I know of the word attention is a "collection of tensions that can be resolved only by getting the facts or ideas that the speaker is trying to convey."
呆字开头的成语7. Tolerating Distraction
Poor listeners are easily distracted and may even create disturbances that interfere with their own listening efficiency and that of others. They squirm, talk with their neighbors, or shuffle papers. They make little or no effort to conceal their boredom. Good listeners try to adjust to whatever distractions there are and soon find that they can
ignore them. Certainly, they do not distract others.